Soroptimtist International of Loomis Basin
Jan./Feb. 2024
(LtoR) Jackie, Debbie & Carol; Debbie & Carol

Congratulations to New Board Members    
At our meeting on January 3, 2024, Jackie installed Carol as our new co-president and Debbie as a two-year delegate. The club appreciates both of these members stepping up to fill these roles.
Jackie to Share Soroptimist Projects in Africa
At our March 6 business meeting, Jackie will be making a presentation about her experiences in Africa working on Soroptimist projects. Don't miss out on learning more about how Soroptimist empowers women and girls worldwide. This meeting will be held at JC Booking and Financial Services and members can bring appetizers and refreshments to share.
Celebrate International Women's Day
Soroptimist International of the America's (SIA) will host the Third Annual International Women's Day Virtual Tea Party March 7, at 5 p.m. (PT). You are invited to come together with other Soroptimist members to share warmth and laughter, and participate in a discussion about the United Nations 2024 theme "Invest in women: Accelerate progress."
Register here to Celebrate International Women's Day with Soroptimist via zoom

Dress up! Whether you're enjoying your favorite tea or another beverage of your choice, we'll be united in spirit to honor the strength and resilience of women. Come to the event with your own tea party dress attire.
January Designer Purse Fundraiser a Success
The club raised $19,650 at the It's in the Bag designer purse fundraiser on January 24. The money raised supports the education awards program and other projects that fulfill our mission.

Thank you to purse committee chairs, Chris and Ashley, for leading this major fundraiser. Behind the scenes, it took many volunteers to plan, promote and put on this event. Every detail is documented in this well-run event so it is set to be taken over by a new committee chair next year.
Plan to Help with St. Patrick’s Meal
As part of our club’s tradition of supporting the Loomis Senior LIFE Center, we cook the St. Patrick’s meal with traditional corned beef and cabbage. We’ll be looking for volunteers to prepare, cook and serve on Thursday, March 14. Contact Jenny for more information.
Club Distributes $13,000 in Education Awards
On February 21, our club invested in dreams by giving out $13,000 in education awards. We were honored that Lisa Fitzgerald, Soroptimist International Sierra Nevada Region Governor, and Kathy Dunbar, Soroptimist International Sierra Nevada Region District 4 Director, attended. In addition, awardees were recognized and given certificates by Kevin Kiley, U. S. Representative and Megan Schultze, Field Representative for Assemblyman Joe Patterson. The ceremony was held at the Blue Goose Event Center with support from the South Placer Heritage Foundation. 

The club gave out two Soroptimist Live Your Dream awards, four Investing in Dreams awards to Del Oro students, two Dream It, Be It awards to Confluence High School West students and the Soroptimist Ruby award. In addition, the club distributed 15 grants to Loomis Union School District elementary school teachers and gave a grant to the Loomis Senior L.I.F.E. Center to fund instructors. 

The club appreciates the Awards Committee that solicits applications, selects awardees, coordinates the event and shares the results. Committee members included Karin W., chair, Alaire, Ann, Ardella, Elizabeth, Julie, Karen FM and Ralene with help from other club members.

Read all about the amazing ways these students and educators are making an impact in our community on our Soroptimist Loomis website.
(LtoR) Co-Presidents Carol and Rae

I'm so impressed by our club. We held a successful "It's in the Bag" fundraiser in January, followed by a wonderful Awards Ceremony in February. We do an excellent job of pulling everything together for our fundraising and then can give the funds back to deserving women in our community to help them achieve their dreams. Plus, we support teachers in LUSD and the Senior L.I.F.E. Center. Our club ROCKS!

Put April 17 on your calendar for our 50th Anniversary Celebration. I look forward to seeing all of you there. 

We Rise by Lifting Others,
Co-President Carol
Fiesta Bingo Planned for May 4
Shari A., Fiesta Bingo Fundraiser Chair, announced that preparations are underway for our next big party on Saturday, May 4. “This bingo fundraiser has been a Loomis Soroptimist club annual tradition for many years,” said Shari A. “This event is ‘family friendly’ and ‘not your grandma's bingo.’"

Committees are forming now to help with planning, prizes, promotion, cooking, decorations and more. Please reach out to Shari A. to join the committee. We also need donations of two $25 gift cards and prizes from all our members. Start spreading the word to 'save the date' to your friends and family.

Tickets are $30 and will go on sale in April. Doors open at 5 pm and guests can help themselves to a self-service chips and salsa bar, purchase raffle tickets and enjoy a beverage from the no-host bar.  Guests can also purchase extra bingo cards.  The buffet dinner service starts at 6pm with nine bingo games following a Mexican dinner.  
SOLT - Test Your Soroptimist Knowledge
SOLT stands for Soroptimist Orientation Leadership Training. Test your Soroptimist knowledge below and find answers further down the newsletter.
  1. What are Happy Bucks?
  2. What is the ceremony called when a new member joins the club?
  3. What is the ceremony called when board members take office?
  4. What does SIE stand for?
Learn more about SOLT and empowering leaders with knowledge in this Sierra Nevada Region SOLT article.
Club to Celebrate 50 Year Anniversary on April 17
To recognize 50 years of making an impact through Soroptimist, our club will host a celebratory dinner on Wednesday, April 17 at the Loomis Meeting Spot. We’ll enjoy music from the 70’s and reflections on half a century of service. Tickets are $35 and include an Italian dinner. Members are welcome to bring a special guest.  RSVP by April 5. Thanks to our board members who are organizing this fun event.
Meet Mechelle
Chris introduced Mechelle to Soroptimist and she joined in 2018. Through her company, Achieve It, Mechelle was leading programs for young women focused on self-esteem and Chris suggested that Soroptimist sponsor a program for girls in Koinonia Group Homes. “When I learned about Soroptimist, it aligned with my personal passion to provide women with tools and education that develop self-worth,” said Mechelle.
Soon Mechelle was on the Soroptimist Dream It, Be It (DIBI): Career Support for Girls committee. “The girls at Koinonia didn’t have access to programs like DIBI, yoga under the trees during COVID or making vision boards,” said Mechelle. “For the individual girls, it was super impactful.”
Not surprisingly, Mechelle’s business teaches women to be their best selves. “I am so grateful that my passion for learning, guiding, healing and teaching became my career,” said Mechelle. “Through wellness workshops, retreats and coaching, I support women in physical, mental and emotional ways to personally grow and be their best selves.”
The most enjoyable part of being in Soroptimist is meeting new people from a variety of backgrounds, according to Mechelle. “I’ve met like-minded women with a desire to serve and give-back,” said Mechelle. “Soroptimist gives you a wider perspective and being in the club makes it possible to get big things done for women.”
Mandarins Help Club's Coffers Grow
Thanks to Terry and Frank, members purchased mandarins over the holidays from Bearing Fruit Orchards and raised $225 for the club.
Want to get more involved?
If you have been thinking about how to get more involved in the club, consider joining the board. A nomination committee has been formed and will be reaching to members to explain the roles and responsibilities. All members are welcome to run for office and the club will vote in late spring.

You can also join a committee at any time of year. At the retreat in the summer, the club makes plans for the next year and members volunteer to chair and join committees. When the projects get underway, additional volunteers are always welcome. 
Blooming Fun at Valentine's Fundraiser
Jewell Ann, owner of Heaven Scent Florist Company in Penryn, reached out to our club before Valentine’s Day to see if members could help during the holiday rush in exchange for a $300 donation to the club. She said that she got the idea to partner with a local non-profit from a podcast. 

Thanks to members Alaire, Carol, Cindy J., Debbie, Elizabeth, Julie, Karin W., Rae and Ralene who jumped into this opportunity and took orders, wrote cards and assisted where needed.

According to Co-President Rae, Jewell Ann commented that the Soroptimist ladies were all very professional in helping her and she had one of the smoothest Valentine's Days. And, she asked if we could assist for another busy flower day, such as Mother's Day, in the future.
Mock Interview Volunteers Wanted
On Thursday, April 18 from 8AM - 10:30AM, Del Oro High School is seeking volunteers to conduct 2024 Senior Mock Interviews with 2-5 graduating seniors. The students have been mentored in the Life Skills class or have participated in small groups with Mrs. Liz Barberio, assistant principal.
The panel will evaluate students on their professionalism, interview skills and quality of resume and support materials. The experience and feedback is intended to be a platform from which students can grow. This is all part of Del Oro's commitment to providing a culminating experience that prepares all students for college, career and life readiness.
To volunteer go to the Interviewer Interest Form 
Inspirational Thoughts

Sheila provided February's thought:  
A strong woman knows she has the strength for the journey.
A woman of strength knows the journey is where she'll be strong.

- Luke Easter

Tina presented this thought at the Awards Ceremony: 
Strong women aren't born, they're forged in the fires they've had to walk through. They're warriors with a heart of gold.
- Silver Ravenwolf
In the News
Roseville Today (2-26-24) Loomis Soroptimist Distributes Education Awards at Blue Goose Event Center
Mon., March 4, 4pm - Board Meeting,  Raley's Cafe, 6119 Horseshoe Bar Rd., Loomis

Wed., March 6, 5:30pm - Business meeting, Jackie presenting on Soroptimist International Projects in Kenya, JC Bookkeeping & Financial Services, 5985 Horseshoe Bar Rd., Loomis 

Thurs., March 7, 5pm - SIA Zoom mtg. International Women's Day Tea, Register

Thurs., March 14, 8am - 1pm - St. Patrick's Day Luncheon, Senior L.I.F.E. Center, 6414 Brace Rd, Loomis

Tues., March 19, 5pm - SIA Zoom mtg,, Accelerating Gender Equality thru Education, Register

Wed., March 20, 5:30pm -  Program Meeting, Stand Up Placer presentation on Human Trafficking, Round Table Pizza, 6111 Horseshoe Bar Rd., Loomis

Wed., March 27, 5:30pm - White Elephant TBD Seeking a volunteer to organize this

Mon., April 1, 4pm, Board Meeting, Raley's Cafe, 6119 Horseshoe Bar Rd., Loomis

Wed., April 3, 5:30pm, Business Meeting,, Paquitas Mexican Grill, 3883 Taylor Rd., Loomis

Wed., April 17, 5:30pm, SI Loomis Basin 50th Anniversary Celebration, Loomis Meeting Spot, 3601 Taylor Rd., Loomis

March 2, 2024 - SNR Dist. 4 Winter Leadership Summit

June 7-9, 2024 - SNR Conference in Reno

uly 24-27 2024 - SIA 48th Biennial Convention in Bellevue, Washington

August 17-18 2024 - SNR Development Retreat in Reno (SDR)

Summer 2027 - SI Convention
Recycle Ink Cartridges 
Our club is collecting used ink cartridges to raise funds and help the environment. They can be dropped off at Hebard Insurance, JC Bookkeeping, Loomis Self Storage or Next Step Wealth Management.

If you have friends or relatives who can donate but don't live in this area, Alaire can send a postage-paid mailing label with our club code number by email for you to forward. There must be a minimum of four cartridges sent in at a time.
SOLT Answers
  1. During introductions at meetings, club members are given a theme related to what they are happy about and they can donate a few dollars to the club. The money collected goes into the delegate fund to support member education at Soroptimist conferences.
  2. New members are inducted
  3. Board members are installed at the Installation
  4. The abbreviation for Soroptimist International Europe is SIE. It is one of five Soroptimist Federations including SIA. Learn more about SIE.
Our Mission
Soroptimist is a global volunteer organization that provides women and girls with access to the education and training they need to achieve economic empowerment.


Loomis Basin Club 
Sierra Nevada Region 
Soroptimist International of the Americas 

Facebook: @SILoomis
Instagram: @SILoomis


Rae DeGabriele, Co-President
Carol Van Ness, Co-President
Bev Proctor, Treasurer
Julie Bruce, Secretary
Ralene Metcalf, One-Year Delegate
Debbie Raymond, Two-Year Delegate

Newsletter editors: Submit your news items to Karen or Alaire
Loomis Soroptimist Website
Copyright © 2024 Soroptimist International Loomis Basin,
All rights reserved.

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P. O. Box 1141, Loomis CA 95650

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