Do you shop at Kroger? Are you registered for Kroger Community Rewards? You should be!
Kroger Community Rewards is a one-and-done, super simple way to support the Band. Once you have registered and selected the North Paulding Band Boosters, Inc as your organization, every purchase you make using your Kroger card is added up and a portion is donated to the band on a quarterly basis. Set it and forget it! How easy is that?
For full details, visit the Kroger Community Rewards page on their website.
If you are using the Kroger app, click the hamburger menu (3 lines) at top right. Then click Rewards, then Community Rewards. You can complete the enrollment on the resulting page.
If you are using the Kroger website on your computer, sign in, then click your name in the top right of the screen to expand the menu. Select "My Account". Scroll down until you see the Community Rewards section and click there to be taken to the enrollment screen.
This is another one that anyone can do to help the Band! Friends and family welcome!