

Hello Colleagues,

We are welcoming Spring right now, sharing information, and gearing up for what is shaping up to be a busy fire season. In this edition of SW Fire E-News, we share a resource for homeowners, new educational videos explaining fire weather, webinar recordings, and a couple big upcoming events. We hope you find these resources useful!


The SW Fire Science Consortium Team


New releases from the SW Fire Science Consortium

Download: Southwest Fire Maps

From your office to the field, our new fire maps of Arizona and New Mexico were made to be a quick reference guide. Shown are the fires listed in our Wildfire Season Overview products as well as any fire over 100,000 acres. All of the maps are georeferenced and can be put on Avenza or a similar app to be utilized on a mobile device!

Explore and download the maps here.

New Fact Sheet: Reducing Fire Risk to Homes

Fire Weather Resources

We’ve been partnering with the National Wildfire Coordinating Group (NWCG) Fire Behavior Subcommittee to update educational materials on fire weather.

Watch the videos:

  1. Introduction to Fire Weather

  2. Guide to Weather Forecasts

  3. Heating and Cooling of the Earth and Air

  4. Wind and Its Impact on Fire Behavior


Register here! Registration closes Monday, April 29th at 5:00 pm (MT)

Learn more about Fire Ecology Learning Lab on our website or this flyer.


The Latest Research & News from around the Southwest

Research: Forest Conversion Risk High in SW

In the Southwest under extreme burning conditions, 61% of trailing edge forest and 30% of all forest are at elevated risk of fire-facilitated conversion to non-forest. This reality will influence management of forests. Management that includes fuel reduction projects and use of beneficial fire can decrease the risk of conversion.

Read more here.

Northern Arizona University Student Association for Fire Ecology (SAFE) club seeking gear to help in their training.


Webinars, conferences, trainings & more!

SWFSC Webinars



Find all our webinar recordings here.


Conference & Workshops

May 15: Proposals Due for Special Sessions and Workshops

July 15: Proposals Due for Oral Presentations

August 15: Proposals Due for Poster Presentations and Meetings/Activities


Want to be a sponsor or exhibitor at the conference? Learn more here

Save the date for the Arizona Tribal Fire & Climate Resilience Summit. Please reach out if your work focuses on tribal fire and climate resilience and want to be included in our call for registrations. Email:

The Diné Forest and Climate Teach-In aims to broaden community perspectives on forests and climate change, fostering dialogue on forest restoration, reconnection, and solutions. Priority topics will include climate change, fire ecology, watershed issues, forest concerns, cultural revitalization, and plant conservation. The event will be open to the public. This event is co-sponsored by the University of Arizona Laboratory of Tree Ring Research (UA-LTRR), Southwest Fire Science Consortium (SWFSC) and AZ Wildfire Initiative (AZWI), and organized by a planning team from UA-LTRR, NAU Ecological Restoration Institute (ERI), AZWI, SWSFC with support from the NAU Southwestern Mountains Climate Resilience Center (SMCRC). This event is open to the community at large. 

Please share widely and if you have any questions, you may contact Jaime Yazzie -

The Southwest Fire Science Consortium is a JFSP Fire Science Exchange Network

Funding also provided by:

Contact Molly McCormick, Program Manager
(928) 853-1148 //