22 March 2024
Dear all,
In honour of International Women's Day 2024, we recently issued a media statement urging EU policymakers and employers to take tangible steps in closing the motherhood employment gap and fostering an inclusive workforce. COFACE and PATHS2INCLUDE are actively working to uncover the underlying reasons behind the vicious cycle of motherhood employment gap. You can find the full statement here.
Keep scrolling for more updates on news affecting families throughout Europe.
Senior Communication Officer
COFACE Families Europe
Eurofound report on the European Child Guarantee workforce
2 minutes reading
The Council of the European Union approved the European Child Guarantee (ECG) to address and combat child poverty and exclusion in June 2021. This report by Eurofound provides knowledge and information about the workforce relevant to the ECG and to support Member States in implementing the ECG and reporting on the implementation of national action plans. [...]
Championing Rights of Rainbow Families: Insights from the European Parliament and Equinet Reports
2 minutes reading
Equality and non-discrimination are core EU values and fundamental rights, enshrined in the Treaties and in the Charter of Fundamental Rights. However, research shows that discrimination against lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, non-binary, intersex and queer (LGBTIQ) people persists across the EU. Despite progressive legal frameworks at the supra-national level, protection for rainbow families, specifically, varies significantly between European states. [...]
‘Historic’ EU Migration Pact agreement raises major concerns among civil society
3 minutes reading
On the 20th of December 2023, the European Commission and the European Council reached a long-sought political agreement on the EU Pact on Migration and Asylum. While the Commission described the agreement as ‘historic’, civil society has widely criticised the Pact for its transgressions on fundamental rights, including providing for the detainment of children. [...]
The European Commission’s guide on good electoral practices for persons with disabilities
2 minutes reading
Ahead of the upcoming 2024 European elections, the European Commission published a guide on good electoral practices for persons with disabilities which was published in December 2023. The guide, as announced in the Strategy for the Rights of Persons with Disabilities 2021-2030, presents an overview of good electoral practices from different Member States aiming to further improve participation of citizens with disabilities in the electoral process. [...]
Supporting single parent families and children with special needs in Hungary
2 minutes reading
COFACE member, The Single Parents’ Centre (Egyszülős Központ) and the Find Yourself Association organised a joint conference on the theme of single parent families and children with special needs. The event's main themes were the situation of these families, issues of education and work, and the related personal stories. [...]
Digigen Book: Understanding The Everyday Digital Lives of Children and Young People
2 minutes reading
After years of meticulous research and analysis, the culmination of the DigiGen project has resulted in the release of the first DigiGen book. This publication represents a wealth of knowledge distilled from the insights gathered throughout the project's duration. DigiGen particularly responded to the need for a focus on the everyday lives of children and young people from their perspective and not solely from the perspective of adults around them. [...]
COFACE Member FLW's Housing Loans: Support for Retired Parents
1- minute-reading
COFACE member, Fonds du Logement Wallonie (FLW) provides housing loans to large families for the creation of special accommodation for one or more parents aged 60 or over. Since 2022, this option has been available to all households (with or without children) meeting certain income conditions. [...]
AGF presents publication on family support structures to the ‘Family Affairs Committee’ of the German Federal Parliament
1-minute reading
Earlier this year, Sven Iversen, COFACE Vice President and Managing Director of Association of German Family Organisations (AGF) and Elena Gußmann, the project coordinator of the National Family Forum, presented the final publication “Support structures for families – objectives, access, services” to the Chairwoman of the ‘Family Affairs Committee’ in the Bundestag, Ulrike Bahr. [...]
COFACE Member FIAPAS champions inclusive changes to Spanish constitution
2 minutes reading
COFACE member FIAPAS were among the organisations involved in advocating for amendments to the Spanish Constitution. Article 49 of the constitution will be amended to align with the rights of persons with disabilities. The amendments were agreed on by President Pedro Sánchez and opposition leader Alberto Núñez Feijóo. [...]
OPINION – Making video games fun for families: the crucial role of family settings awareness
4 minutes reading
The environments that children are growing up in today are drastically different from the ones that we have known in the past. However, one thing is still the same: children and teens want to follow their curiosities, learn who they are and connect with other kids. Today they can do this from the palm of their hands. [...]
"Il existe toutes sortes de familles différentes. Je ne peux pas toutes les dessiner ici, c'est impossible! Ce qui compte dans une famille, c'est l'amour."