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Friday 23rd February 2024
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A Message From Mr Mills-Bishop
Dear Parents and Carers,
I hope that everyone had a really great half-term holiday last week and a really purposeful and settled first week back; it is a shame we have 'lost the weather' somewhat, but hopefully sunnier times are only just around the corner. 
This week, you may have noticed a new staff member on site, please join me in welcoming Miss R Jackson to Halley House and, more specifically, to Sharman Class - please do help in making her feel most welcome at our lovely school. 
Miss Jackson will typically be in class teaching Sharman Class for four of the five days each week, and Miss E Waite (DHT) will teach the fifth day. 
Following feedback from parents, there are some additional changes happening to the behaviour processes at the school...

1) The Introduction of a full House System
We are introducing a full 'House System' this term (...think 'Harry Potter' and 'House Captains' etc. etc). 
This means the children will be divided into one of four houses, with family groups in the same house. We will use the colours of red, blue, green and yellow to represent the houses and they will be given special names around a chosen central theme (E.g. authors or mountains etc. etc. etc.) Each house will have a dedicated year six captain who will update the school on 'running totals of house points' each week. 
Essentially when a child earns one DoJo point, they will also get one house point as well. 
This means we can increase the number of rewards children are getting for good behaviour and good work. 
We really want all children, who show good behaviour each and every single day, to be rewarded far more frequently and in a much bigger way. 
At the end of the school year, there will be an annual house shield presented to the winning team. 
For now, please talk to your children about potential 'names' for the houses - there is a suggestion box in my office and I would love some ideas as to what to call our new houses. 
2) 'Restorative Justice Time' (i.e. frequent and small consequences) for any poor behaviour
We are also introducing more consequences into our practice here at school - should the children show poorer behaviour. 
Essentially, if a child is showing behaviour that falls short of our very high standards, they receive a non-verbal 'cue' and then a verbal warning, before then having a 'needs work' Dojo marked on their DoJo profile (which you can all see and track). 
If a child were to have two (or more) of these (the... needs work DoJos) in any one day, then they will miss a small proportion of their free time (either playtime or lunchtime). 
This will be five minutes for the infants (yrN, yrR, yr1, yr2), ten minutes for lower Key Stage Two (yr3, yr4) and fifteen minutes for upper Key Stage Two (yr5, yr6) each time. 
The time will be spent 'putting right what went wrong' or 'restoring the justice'... (e.g. tidying-up if they made a mess, fixing equipment if needed and able-to, finishing-off work, saying sorry or writing a letter of apology, practicing lining up etc. etc. etc.), or simply talking about the issue at hand...and the right course of action to take, or even just reflecting upon the incorrect choices that were made. 
This is to 'teach' the behaviours we need to see, from all children, moving forwards and for us to do so more swiftly than before. 
We will trial this over the coming weeks and months, and monitor the impact of our work. 
It is my vision for Halley to be a calm and orderly place, where deep, meaningful and enriched learning happens because of the strong relationships and positive environment that we nurture overtime. 
As ever, thank you for your ongoing support - this is an incredibly special school and I am very optimistic about the coming months and years ahead, here at Halley. 
Mr Mills-Bishop
Halley House School 
Please see below for a really useful guidance poster regarding Self-Regulation. This is produced by NOS who have excellent resources.  As a Halley parent, you have the chance to create an account, watch short videos about a range of different online issues and earn certificates to show your engagement!

Sign up to the NOS using the following link and create an account.


In Sharman Class this week children were learning about emergency first aid and learned how to put each-other in the recovery position. In PSHE lessons children discussed the different emergency scenarios that could occur and planned their possible responses. 

Upcoming dates for your diary:

  • Drop in surgeries with Mr Mills Bishop -Thursday 29th February 2024 - 9.00am to 11am
  • Monday 26th February - y3 & y4 boys BPET tournament (teams confirmed by Coach) 
  • Wednesday 28th February  - y3 & y4 girls BPET tournament (teams confirmed by Coach) 
  • World Book Day 7th March 
  • Red Nose Day 15th March
  • Parents Evening appointments will be week commencing 18th March (More information to follow) 
Please also check our website for a full calendar of upcoming events.
World Book Day 2024 

World Book Day this year falls on Thursday 7th March. We will be celebrating at Halley by immersing ourselves in our favourite stories and discussing our favourite characters. 
With this in mind we will also be dressing up to mark the occasion. Costume theme this year will be 'My Favourite Character'. We cant wait to see who each child will choose!

We are requesting a £1 voluntary contribution, the proceeds of which will further develop reading areas across the school. 

Red Nose Day 2024 

We will be participating in Red Nose Day on 15th March. Children are asked to wear red on this day. More details to follow. 

Spring Menu Plans

Congratulations Ms Haupt

We are delighted to announce to you that Ms Haupt safely delivered her baby girl this week. Mother and baby are doing well and Ms Haupt will update us on a name when she has a final decision. We are so excited for our friend and colleague. For now we have this beautiful picture to share with you all. 

Congratulations to the winners of star of the week this week:
Apollo: Jessie 
Comet: Isa & Sabrina 
Eclipse: Violeta & Karaeah
Galaxy: Kiandra & Iqra 
Hawking: Nahum & Dylan 
Einstein: Ottoline & Elias 
Jemison: Abiel & Harlei 
Sharman: Kwame & Eesa 
Johnson: Benoit & Tsubame 

Well done all!

Attendance Champions 

Regular attendance is necessary for success in school. Help ensure that your child has the best opportunity for success by making sure he/she is in school every day.

Attendance Champions this week are:
EYFS & KS1: Galaxy 95.58%
KS2: Year 5 : 94.9%

Well done all! 

Class Information 

All class information can now be found on Class Dojo. Here you will find photo stories of the children in their classes and see what they are gaining Dojo points for. This will be the main point of contact for parents to receive messages from class teachers about upcoming events, homework or items needed. Make sure you have signed up and can access this service. If you need support with this please let your child/ren's teacher know. 

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Halley House School · Royal London Society For The Blind · 52-58 Arcola Street · London, London E8 2DJ · United Kingdom