
March News

The work for creation justice is multifaceted. A big part of it is educating fellow people of faith to understand the urgency of this work. Another part is the action we take in our congregations to be more Earth-friendly in the way we run our buildings and care for our grounds. Likewise, the choices we make in our individual lives are key. And, of course, prayer and worship that center creation justice is essential.

Still, we recognize that many of the threats to creation are systemic, rooted in the laws by which we live together as a society—laws about where we get our energy, how we get around, how we protect our air, water, and land, that address the emission of greenhouse gasses that are disrupting the global climate, that protect the most vulnerable from environmental harm. And since these threats (and opportunities) are systemic, systemic responses are required. That is why engagement in public policy advocacy at all levels of government must be central to our work.

And while we rightly often focus on Washington, laws and regulations set at state and local levels are a big piece of the puzzle. And indeed, it is at that level that federal laws are often implemented or fail to be implemented.

In this newsletter, in addition to the monthly federal action alert, you will read articles by two United Methodists (Karen McElfish and Mel Caraway) who are working to shape public policy for creation justice at the state level in Virginia and Texas. You will also be able to access a recording of the Feb. 21 Movement Café webinar which focused on the importance of state and local advocacy. That webinar features presentations by Rev. Emily Carroll, a United Methodist pastor in Louisiana active in creation justice and Rev. Laura Kigweba, Director of Grassroots Organizing for the Board of Church & Society.

It is our hope that this newsletter will inspire you to make public policy advocacy in your own town and state a bigger piece of your work to care for God’s creation. If you need help thinking through how to get started or if you would like to become engaged with the UMJM’s advocacy efforts in an ongoing way, the Advocacy Working Group is ready to help. Contact Rev. Paul Slentz, at for more information.

Action Alerts

We must tell Congress that we need more Climate Justice legislation.  

We have a moral responsibility as a nation, and a sacred task as people of faith, to care for our climate and the climate resiliency of our communities and to leave a safe and thriving world for future generations. That’s why we need more legislation to prioritize climate justice that will deliver protections and justice for impacted communities, jobs, climate action, and clean energy.

Tell Congress to Prioritize Climate Justice!

Creation Justice News

General Conference

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Please send checks to Caretakers of God's Creation 3600 N Rockingham St, Arlington, VA 22213, USA. Mark: General Conference on the memo line.

Annual Conference

Upcoming Events

More Events

Direct Pay 101: Federal Solar Funding for Houses of Worship Webinar - March 10

Beth Bond Book Club: Good Ground: Volume 2 - Weekly virtual meetings will take place Thursday evenings from 7:00–8:00 pm CT throughout March and April

Spring Wild Church Training - 6 week training beginning first week of April
Save the Date: April 4 at 4 pm ET - Coalition building for Climate Justice with UMCJM and Methodist Federation for Social Action (MFSA) featuring Bridget Cabrera (MFSA Executive Director) and Takundanashe Chinogwenya (Drew Seminary, Lawyer, Activist)

Featured Stories

Join a Movement Work Team

The UM Creation Justice Movement has a variety of active groups that are working to advance particular areas of work within the church. If these interest you, or you have an idea for a new group, reach out to to get connected.


A Minute for Mother Earth

Sign up here for your church to receive free a 3–4 minute-long informative video for each Sunday.

Creation Justice Tips