

Sharing the latest wildfire research relevant to the Southwest.


Covering publications from August 2023 - February 2024.

NOTE TO READERS: We’re testing a new service of sharing wildland fire research related to the Southwest. We will develop these periodic science publication newsletters and then curate this list on our website. Also, stay tuned for an annual synthesis of Southwest publications coming out in early 2024!

We categorized articles by topic to make them easier to browse quickly, but we realize many articles cover multiple topics. Open access articles are tagged; if you do not have access to a journal subscription service, you can always contact the authors for a copy of the publication.

Please let us know if we missed a publication, if you enjoy this new service, or if you want to share ideas on how we can make it more useful to you!

Contact: Molly McCormick, SWFSC Program Manager at

Adaptive Management

No articles on this topic for this period.

Climate Change & Carbon

Ocean-forcing of cool season precipitation drives ongoing and future decadal drought in Southwestern North America. Seager, R; Ting, MF; (...); Newman, M. Sep 2023 | NPJ CLIMATE AND ATMOSPHERIC SCIENCE - Open Access

The dry and hot American Southwest under the present and future climates. Zhang, W. Nov 2023 | ATMOSPHERIC AND OCEANIC SCIENCE LETTERS

Mechanisms of a Meteorological Drought Onset: Summer 2020 to Spring 2021 in Southwestern North America. Seager, R; Ting, MF; (...); Simpson, IR. Nov 2023 | JOURNAL OF CLIMATE- Open Access

Influence of Eastern Pacific Hurricanes on the Southwest US Wildfire Environment. Balaguru, K; Wang, SSC; Leung, LR; (...); Taraphdar, S. Feb 2024 | GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERS

Identifying opportunity hot spots for reducing the risk of wildfire-caused carbon loss in western US conifer forests. Peeler, JL; Mccauley, L; (...); Welch, N. Sep 2023 | ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH LETTERS - Open Access

Fire Behavior

Metrics and considerations for evaluating how forest treatments alter wildfire behavior and effects. Vorster, AG; Stevens-Rumann, C; (...); West, A. Aug 2023 | JOURNAL OF FORESTRY

Fire Ecology

Fire Models & Tools

Performance of fire danger indices and their utility in predicting future wildfire danger over the conterminous United States. Yu, G; Feng, Y; Wang, JL; Wright, DB. Nov 2023 | EARTH FUTURE

Avoided wildfire impact modeling with counterfactual probabilistic analysis. Thompson, MP; Carriger, JF. Nov 2023 | FRONTIERS IN FORESTS AND GLOBAL CHANGE - Open Access

Fire Regimes & Fire History

Fire regimes over a 1070-m elevational gradient, San Francisco Peaks/Dook’o’oosłííd, Arizona, USA. Fulé, PZ; Barret, MP; (...); Rodman, KC. Jul 2023 | FIRE ECOLOGY - Open Access

Contemporary wildfires are more severe compared to the historical reference period in Western US dry conifer forests. Parks, SA; Holsinger, LM; (...); Swaty, R. Sep 2023 | FOREST ECOLOGY AND MANAGEMENT

Differential effects of fire regime and site conditions on bark beetles (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) in a longleaf pine (Pinus palustris Mill.) ecosystem. Ritger, HMW; Brantley, ST; Klepzig, KD; Gandhi, KJK. Dec 2023 | FOREST ECOLOGY AND MANAGEMENT

Long-term landscape evolution in response to climate change, ecosystem dynamics, and fire in a basaltic catchment on the Colorado Plateau. Staley, SE; Fawcett, PJ; (...); Brown, ET. Dec 2023 | JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-EARTH SURFACE

Fire refugia are robust across Western US forested ecoregions, 1986-2021. Platt, RV; Chapman, TB; Balch, JK. Jan 2024 | ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH LETTERS

Pyrogeography of the Western Great Plains: A 40 Year History of Fire in Semi-Arid Rangelands. Mcgranahan, DA; Wonkka, CL. Jan 2024 | FIRE-SWITZERLAND - Open Access

Have fire regimes and fire effects changed in Sonoran desert scrublands? Zouhar, KL; Innes, RJ; Helmy, O; Abrahamson, I. Jan 2024 | ROCKY MOUNTAIN RESEARCH STATION, FIRE EFFECTS INFORMATION SYSTEM - Open Access

Fuels Reduction & Restoration

GIS & Remote Sensing

Landsat-scale regional forest canopy height mapping using ICESat-2 along-track heights: case study of Eastern Texas. Malambo, L; Popescu, S; Liu, M. Jan 2023 | REMOTE SENSING - Open Access

Human Dimensions of Fire

Measuring the long-term costs of uncharacteristic wildfire: a case study of the 2010 Schultz Fire in Northern Arizona. Hjerpe, EE; Colavito, MM; (...); Meader, As. Sep 2023 | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF WILDLAND FIRE- Open Access

Social science to advance wildfire adaptation in the southwestern United States: a review and future research directions. Edgley, CM. 2023 | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF WILDLAND FIRE - Open Access

Indigenous & Cultural Fire

Fuelwood collection and women’s work in Ancestral Puebloan societies on the Colorado Plateau. Osborn, AJ. Sep 2023 | KIVE-JOURNAL OF SOUTHWESTERN ANTHROPOLOGY AND HISTORY.

The impacts of climate change, energy policy, and traditional ecological practices on future firewood availability for Dine (Navajo) People. Magargal, K; Wilson, K; (...); Codding, BF. Nov 2023 | PHILOSOPHICAL TRANSACTIONS OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY B-BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES - Open Access

Invasive Species

Biophysical factors control invasive annual grass hot spots in the Mojave Desert. Smith, TC; Bishop, TBB; (...); Gill, RA. Dec 2023 | BIOLOGICAL INVASIONS

Prescribed Fire & Managed Fire


Effects of nurse shrubs and biochar on planted conifer seedling survival and growth in a high severity burn patch in New Mexico, USA. Marsh, C; Blankinship, JC; Hurteau, MD. Jun 2023 | FOREST ECOLOGY AND MANAGEMENT

Increases in understory plant cover and richness following restoration treatments in Pinus ponderosa forests. Springer, JD; Stoddard, MT; (...); Souther, S. Nov 2023 | JOURNAL OF APPLIED ECOLOGY

Safety, Health, & Well-being

The effect of mild to moderate COVID-19 infection on the cardiorespiratory fitness of firefighters. D’Isabel, S; Berny, LM; (...); Smith, DL. Nov 2023| FRONTIERS IN PUBLIC HEALTH - Open Access

MCDM-Based Wildfire Risk Assessment: A Case Study on the State of Arizona. Pishahang, M; Jovcic, S; (...); Zhang, C. Dec 2023 | FIRE SWITZERLAND - Open Access

Smoke & Air Quality

Plant versus local soil inorganic ionic composition: The relationship to biomass smoke. Gulick, S; Carrico, CM (...); Dubey, MK. Oct 2023 | SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT

Particulate Matter in the American Southwest: Detection and Analysis of Dust Storms Using Surface Measurements and Ground Based LIDAR. Guzman-Gonzales, J; Fitzgerald, RN; (...); Stockwell, WR.  Jan 2024 | ATMOSPHERE - Open Access

Suppression, Operations & Management

A stakeholder-engaged approach to anticipating forest disturbance impacts in the Colorado River Basin under climate change. Whitney, KM; Vivoni, ER; (...); Templeton, NP. Jul 2023 | JOURNAL OF WATER RESOURCES PLANNING AND MANAGEMENT

Vegetation Change, Regeneration & Recovery

Widespread regeneration failure in ponderosa pine forests of the Southwestern United States. Petrie, MD; Hubbard, RM; (...) Moser, WK. Jul 2023 | FOREST ECOLOGY AND MANAGEMENT

As above, not so below: long-term dynamics of net primary production across a dryland transition zone. Brown, RF; Collins, SL. Jul 2023 | GLOBAL CHANGE BIOLOGY

Sandblasting promotes shrub encroachment in arid grasslands. Niu, FR; Pierce, NA; (...); Nadoum, S. Sep 2023| NEW PHYTOLOGIST

Vegetation change of 140 years in a sagebrush landscape in the Rio Grande del Norte National Monument, New Mexico, USA. Fox, KM; Margolis, EQ; (...); Stevens, JT. Sep 2023 | JOURNAL OF VEGETATION SCIENCE

Mortality thresholds of juvenile trees to drought and heatwaves: implications for forest regeneration across a landscape gradient. Lalor, AR: Law, DJ; (...); Barron-Gafford, GA. Oct 2023 | FRONTIERS IN FORESTS AND GLOBAL CHANGE - Open Access

A ecoregional conservation assessment for forests and woodlands of the Mogollon Highlands ecoregion, northcentral Arizona and southwestern New Mexico, USA. DellaSala, DA; Kuchy, AL; (...); Floyd, ML. Dec 2023 | LAND - Open Access

Framing recent advances in assisted migration of Trees: A special issue. Stanturf, JA; Ivetic, V; Dumroese, RK. Jan 2024 | FOREST ECOLOGY AND MANAGEMENT - Open Access

Multi-Year Tracing of Spatial and Temporal Dynamics of Post-Fire Aeolian Sediment Transport Using Rare Earth Elements Provide Insights Into Grassland Management. Burger, William J; Van Pelt, R. Scott; (...); Ravi, Sujith. Nov 2023 | JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH

Watershed & Hydrology

The importance of monsoon precipitation for foundation tree species across the semiarid Southwestern US. Samuels-Crow, KE; Peltier, DMP; (...); Ogle, K. Mar 2023 | FRONTIERS IN FOREST AND GLOBAL CHANGE - Open Access

Seasonal water source patterns in a northern Arizona pine forest. Kerhoulas, LP; Umstattd, N; Koch, GW. Apr 2023 | FRONTIERS IN FOREST AND GLOBAL CHANGE - Open Access

Guidance for parameterizing post-fire hydrologic models with in situ infiltration measurements. Liu, T; McGuire, LA; (...); Rangers, FK. May 2023 | EARTH SURFACE PROCESSES AND LANDFORMS

Climate change impacts on water resources and sustainable water management strategies in North America. Asif, Z; Chen, Z; Sadiq, R; Zhu, YY. May 2023 | WATER RESOURCES MANAGEMENT

Development of a general protocol for rapid response research on water quality disturbances and its application for monitoring the largest wildfire recorded in New Mexico, USA. Tunby, P; Nichols, J; (...); González-Pinzón, R. Jul 2023 | FRONTIERS IN WATER - Open Access

Precipitation as a key control on erosion rates in the tectonically inactive northeastern Sonoran Desert, central Arizona, USA. Jeong, A; Seong, YB, Dorn, RI; Yu, BY. Sep 2023 | PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY

Inundation and flow properties of a runoff-generated debris flow following successive high-severity wildfires in northern Arizona, USA. Gorr, AN; Mcguire, LA; (...); Liu, T. Oct 2023 | EARTH SURFACE PROCESSES AND LANDFORMS

Development of The Navigator: A Lagrangian sensing system to characterize surface freshwater ecosystems. Khlandelwal, A; Castillo, T; González-Pinzóon, R. Oct 2023 | WATER RESEARCH


Arthropod recolonization of soil surface habitat in post-fire mulch treatments. Mott, C; Antoninka, A; Hofstetter, R. Jul 2023 | FORESTS - Open Access

Short term effects of high-severity summer wildfire on conifer forest moth (Lepidoptera) communities in New Mexico, USA. Brantley, EM; Jones, AG; (...); Parmenter, RP. Aug 2023 | ENVIRONMENTAL ENTOMOLOGY

Foraging Behavior Response of Small Mammals to Different Burn Severities. Moradini, M; Mazzamuto, MV; Koprowski, JL. Sep 2023 | FIRE - Open Access

How effective are push-pull semiochemicals as deterrents for Bark Beetles? A global meta analysis of thirty years of research. Afzal, S; Nahrung, HF, Lawson, SA; Hayes, RA. Oct 2023 | INSECTS - Open Access

Movement response of small mammals to burn severity reveals importance of microhabitat features. Slovikosky, SA; Merrick, MJ; Morandini, M; Koprowski, JL. Dec 2023 | JOURNAL OF MAMMALOGY

Wildland-Urban Interface (WUI)

Estimating proximity effects to wildfire fuels treatments on house prices in Cibola National Forest, New Mexico, USA. Fitch, RA; Mueller, JM; Meldrum, J; Huber, C. Oct 2023 | LANDSCAPE AND URBAN PLANNING

Access all editions of the Southwest Research Publications newsletter here.


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