Hellllooooooo, you awesome people! :) Look what you made happen!!!


In my last email I spoke about my brand new limited series podcast/course,
Vegan Business and Marketing Tips for cafes, restaurants, cloud kitchens, home bakers, and chefs.

Apart from a few very close friends, you were the first people I told about the podcast.

Pretty soon after it launched, the show ran up the Apple Podcasts Top 200 Charts in the India-Business and India-Entrepreneurship categories.

And how gloriously did it climb?!



I'd have been perfectly content to be anywhere in the charts at all (because not many podcasts have that privilege), but OMG #15 and #59!!! I did not see that coming.

Those podcasts on either side of mine in the charts? They're run by people with big social media accounts, or are owned by large corporations. And here are am, this tiny little solopreneur sitting cosily among them. haha

This is all thanks to you!

All of you who checked out the show, followed it, downloaded the episodes, spread the word...thank you!!! ✨💖 My heart's brimming with warm fuzzies and shiny sparklies for you. haha

I've also been getting messages about how useful the lessons are, and how much the podcast is loved. Even people who have nothing to do with being vegan or running a business are listening to it for pure enjoyment.

And one serious vegan food business owner even printed the workbook!!! 🤩 (Hi Vinay!)

After all the hard work and love I poured into the project (you know I've been going on about it here for months haha), I cannot even tell you how fulfilled I'm feeling right now. 🥰 Thank you!

This is only the beginning. The podcast is always going to be up there. I can't wait for more conscious vegan entrepreneurs to find it and make use of it.

With my entire being, I want vegan businesses to thrive and grow and multiply!!!

Whether you're a food business owner, creator, freelancer, teacher, artist...anything at all in the vegan eco system, I want your business and brand building journey to be one of ease and flow and joy.

So if you haven't started listening to Vegan Business and Marketing Tips yet, please do.

I built it just for you! ♥️


Something fabulous is coming... 🥳

In a couple of days the Vegan Health Bundle 2024 is getting launched. Woohoo!!!

I can't wait to tell you all about it. It's huge!!!

So brace for a few bundle emails between the 1st and 10th. There's a really funny story I'm waiting to tell you in that first email. 😜

Honestly, I don't know if I'm more excited to tell you all about this freaking amazing bundle, or share the story and make you giggle. hehe



Writing as a tool

Since the beginning of this year, I've been part of a writing salon, The Studio, by Terri Trespicio. It's been an incredibly satisfying experience!

Do think writing is only for "real" writers — authors, journalists, anyone who makes a living on writing alone? Wrong! haha

Terri says, "thinking only writers need to write is like saying only chefs need knives." Not true. Writing is not for lit students; it’s a birthright. A tool that allows us to express our ideas and share our work with the world.

Writing is a tool for self-discovery and reflection. And think about one ever created, shared or sold a thing without first writing it down.

You: "But, but...I’m bad at writing!" Are you? How do you know? 😁 Like, how much practice have you even put in?

The better you get at a thing, the more you enjoy its benefits. And you don’t get good by not doing a thing, right?

So...if you want to push past that mental block or get out of your head, you’re in luck!

Terri's hosting an open house for The Studio. And you can come try her approach for free!

Register here for the Open House, Fri, March 1st, 12:00-1:30p ET.
(That's 10:30 pm India Time. Late night writing is magical! haha But also, if you fall in love with this free session and sign up for The Studio membership, they do have earlier time slots for the regular sessions too.)
I hope to see several Feel Good Tribesters in the free open house on Friday. :)



The Feel Good Factor Podcast (my main one)

Fresh episodes on my regular show since the last newsletter.

138: Stop measuring your success and worth against someone else's achievements
139: Chill, you're worthy of unlimited fresh starts and endless possibilities
140: Simple Grounding Visualisation Meditation
141: The lesson I learnt by launching a brand new podcast

🎧 Listen to The Feel Good Factor on Apple Podcasts or Spotify. Also on all other podcast apps – Castbox, I Heart Radio, Google Podcasts, Audible, Listen Notes, Podbean, etc.

It's also newly available on my YouTube channel.




Here's a little middle of the week pick-me-up meditation for you. :)

Quick Relaxation and Uplifting Gratitude Practice (9 mins)

Coming into the present moment by making ourselves aware of our body and relaxing it from head to toes. Then flowing into a practice of thankfulness for the little and big joys in life. Nothing like being grateful to lift us up anytime.


Book recommendation!

I finished reading The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue by V.E Schwab last week. People, I cannot cannot recommend this book enough.

It's the most beautifully written story I've ever read. And you know I read books by A LOT of amazing authors.

Without being unnecessary showy and long winded, the writing style is poetry and music! Ufff.

Here's my Goodreads review of the book if you want to know more about it.


That's all folks! :D Talk to you soooooonnnnn.

with lots of love and light,
Susmitha :)

P.S: For the skimmers, don't miss out on this incredible experience! FREE Open House for The Studio on Friday, March 1, 12:00-1:30p ET. Come try out the Gateless Writing Method — a critic-free, judgement-free, competition-free approach to writing that'll help you get out of your head and onto the page. You'll love the vibe! The community is incredibly warm and supportive. Don’t miss it!
Register here!
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