Greetings friends
I hope you all had a wonderful Valentine’s Day – a day of love and sweets and a reminder that love changes everything – a little touch, a little kiss, just a smile - we do build worlds on love.
We also just had a new year, and it ushered in the month marking the end of the year as this month of Adar – Pisces – is the end of a cosmic cycle and the beginning of another, and so a holiday is coming. But in this leap year, we get an extended Pisces – a further month to wrap up that which needs completion.
And when Adar rolls around, yes, people start to get ready for the beginning of spring, for the equinox, for Passover, but before all that, most people’s favorite holiday - Purim– thought of by many as the Jewish Halloween, occurs.

Now, the holiday is not just for celebrating but for our following through on what we say – we have an obligation to heal the world, and one of the ways we do - is on this holiday when we are to perform four mitzvahs (or laws, or good deed) – which reminds me of the great line in The Wizard of Oz when the wizard is talking to the tin man and says: “Back where I come from, there are men who do nothing all day but – good deeds.  They are called good deed-doers – and their hearts are no bigger than yours”:
You are all good deed-doers, and no one’s heart is bigger than yours, and you do these four things – these four good deeds – among others, I might add:
  1. Perform acts of tzedakah, charity, and kindness – give gifts to the less fortunate.
  2. Honor the appointed time – it is the 14th of Adar, as the book of Esther tells us – and we are to remember this event of Purim for all generations
  3. Hear the megillah read – the whole megillah; the megillah, of course, is the scroll or book of Esther – and as I said, I will be reading it, and it is on our channel, so you can go and listen or watch anytime you would like.  It really is a great story.  And last is -
  4. Enjoy a holiday meal – it is celebratory, so have a great time, and it is one of those holidays where you are expected to become inebriated – if so, do not drive – be responsible – take a cab or an Uber.
Of course, it is technically a minor holiday, but culturally a major holiday even though not a biblical holiday – but it is to be remembered in all generations and was the first Jewish tale of a genocide, but thankfully this one did not occur – and that is the miracle celebrated.  It was a truly disturbing episode in history taking place with characters we have read about in history books, which adds reality to it, and we see the first true female hero of the bible.  It is when we dress up in one of two ways – as who we really are or who we want to be.  It is the time to ask yourself – Who are you?
It is time to ask the world – who are you?  How did we allow public antisemitism to take such a prominent position?  How did the great friends we thought we had – France, Britain, Canada, and America call for the end of Israel’s right to defend and protect itself and its citizens?
Thank you all for turning on the one democracy and one true ally in the Middle East.  If the world wants the citizens in southern Gaza, in Rafah, to be safe - tell Egypt to allow them in and tell the nations of the region to take in refugees - but of course, the gates stay locked, and refugees are refused.  It is time to put an end to hypocrisy and stand for freedom and the right to life.
This week, we are still at the mountain of G0d; we have received the great laws, and now we read about the great artifacts that will adorn the temple and have become synonymous with Judaism and its imagery as preliminary instructions are given for the tabernacle, the ark of the covenant and the menorah.  And to pay for them, Moses calls for donations – but only from the heart.  This week’s reading – Terumah - doesn’t mean simply donation; specifically, it is a word for sacred donations.
All should be - most aren’t.  Most are from guilt or obligation - but the sacred ones are from the heart - there is a special added value to those, and that is what the people do this week - they give from the heart.  I’m not talking about the donations you may be making to your schools, churches, mosques, or synagogues - which tend to be more from obligation – I’m talking about the ones from the heart - like the go fund me donations when a story touches your heart - those are the sacred donations of today.
We are constantly reminded in our readings to help the needy, the alien, the widow, the orphan – we have been all, and one day, when we finally realize we are all one, there will be none.
Keep practicing forgiveness and use this time to continue to forgive those you need to forgive and ask forgiveness from those you need to seek forgiveness from and give thanks and celebrate your freedom and joy; do not succumb to fear – and please feel free to share this audio and video with any you think might enjoy it, and of course, enjoy all of our past audio and video episodes which are available on our YouTube channel.   
This episode will be posted on our channel - click here to watch the Rabbi David Gellman Show in the 2024 cycle.  If you are one of the people this was sent to by a friend and want to receive it yourself, let me know, and I will add you to my mailing list.
Thank you all for allowing me into your homes, into your electronic devices, into your hearts – as you are all with me in mine –
Be well, be happy, be healthy, be free, be kind, be forgiving, be compassionate, be independent of mind and deed, be mindful of your intentions, and be good to yourself.  Continue to celebrate freedom of choice in your life. Do not give in to the fear that is so prevalent, and enjoy the peace that comes from acceptance – and as always - if you have any questions or suggestions or want to say “hi”, please send me an email.  I love hearing from you.
And remember, anytime you do not want to receive these anymore, please send me an email so I can remove you.  And know - that I truly appreciate your sharing your sacred time with me.
Enjoy and celebrate your life and the lives of others, and in doing so, be kind, considerate, and generous.  Be happy, and may you all sow the seeds of and reap the rewards of peace, love, and miracles that follow in your way and guide your path. Make sure you also celebrate your own unique individuality and your incredible awesomeness. 
Continue having a great year of love and life, and remember – your world is what you make it.  Just wish upon a star, continue to be a miracle in someone’s life, and light the light of love. 
Respecting our past.  Putting faith in your future
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