

The spirit of this phrase has always been the ethos of The Magician's Table, but it didn't coagulate into conscious form until it was uttered by Carly Greis, one of the Magicians from 2023.

Each Wednesday the Magicians take turns vocalizing into the room. A vocalization is a TMT magical work for speaking from your truth basin within. Using timers to give Saturnian structure to such an expansive space, each Magician passes the mic to the next. No "me too" feedback. No validation from the space holder. No explaining. Taking up space to be witnessed in your truth is incredibly alchemizing.  

One week, Carly vocalized something along the lines of: so I think what I am realizing is that I don't need to know exactly what my modality is. Because the truth is that my modality is me.

And immediately we all knew she'd given us a collective phrase to refer back to, again and again and again. A phrase to hold. A phrase to live into.

Thank you, Carly! This is TMT LORE!

So what does My Modality is Me mean and why is it so potent as an ethos for The Magician's Table? 


I really cannot emphasize enough how profoundly empowering and meaningful this invitation is. FOR IT IS AN INVITATION.

You can totally not subscribe to My Modality Is Me at all. 1000% it may not be for everyone.

But I happen to be a person who cannot help but be multihyphenate, uncategorizable, and paradoxical. My chart ruler Mars is Out Of Bounds, y’all!

From the beginning of my mystical career path, I wriggled and writhed under the simple title "astrologer." This is because the modality has rules within the discipline as well as expectations from outside the discipline - all of which seemed like a burden and an unproductive use of my energy to try to match.

The rigidities of doing your modality "right" or "wrong." Of hoping to come off as a "good" reader and not a "bad" one. These rigidities keep you from dropping into surrendered presence with your channel and with the person or community you're ostensibly serving.

Your channel may frighten you, dear one.

Why? Because it may pull you away from the teachers and the teachings you once fell in love with.

Because what comes through might look weird and be hard to explain, ie. sell. What if it starts to not even look like my modality anymore? What if I will be abandoned because no one knows what to do with me? 

Because: what if it's bigger and more beautiful than I can possibly hold? What if I can't be responsible for something so breath-taking and full of love? 

But mostly, because of the shame that has you questioning: Who the hell am I to self-anoint as the primary modality someone is investing in?  

I attract folks who want to go rogue with their gifts while also holding to their sincere reverence for the modalities they practice and the lineages of their teachers. 

Going rogue doesn't mean blowing shit up. Unshaming the Signs grows from my deep devotion to the wisdom of the zodiac.   

This is a process and practice that requires wisdom, patience, and self-confrontation. It also takes courage, and honesty, and care. 


My Modality is Me invites you to root down deep into those fixed sign pillars of self-worth (Taurus), self-love (Leo), self-trust (Scorpio), and self-esteem (Aquarius). The Magician's Table covers all this in the rich curriculum of practices and exercises that I invite you into with the signs and their ruling planetary teachers.

The deeper you respect yourself as the modality, the more you can release yourself from the perfectionism and expertise programming of Overculture. And vice versa. In an infinity loop. It's a process.

What comes through for your clients is huge too. Because your clients will book you not because they want to experience one of your modalities but because they resonate with YOU. They say Yes not because of your certifications but because they zing and hum with your voice and your frequency.

When your clients book with you based on intuition and a felt compass, this is part of the healing they seek as well. They long to trust their own voice the way you trust yours.

Following your voice thus because an important step in their journey. One which you can't force. You just allow the magnetism to happen on its own intelligence. With ease.  

You come to The Magician's Table because because you know your offering is wild, and it's longing to move through you, and it's going to take courage to bring it through. You know you could do it all by yourself, but that it'll be more fun and more expansive to do it together.  

You love your teachers because they took you to new terrain and new thresholds for what's possible. They gave you permission to explore.

The Magician's Table is a different invitation: to give yourself the permission this time. To permission an offering with fur and fangs. As feral as you know you are. 

You say Yes to TMT because you trust it's a place to go out of bounds and into the unknown.  

The Magician's Table Course Page


The latest Moon to Moon is all about My Modality is Me. 

In the intro, I discuss some of the qualities of the astrological energy field lately, namely what's showing up as Mars and Venus have been conspiring with Pluto, newly in Aquarius. 

My main topic of exploration in the intro is projection, and how projection will implode our relationships from the inside when we refuse to be with them or shame ourselves or someone else for having them. 

About 38 minutes in, I get into the My Modality Is Me conversation with alums from The Magician's Table. Here are my guests in the order they speak in the episode:

Lisa Quigley is a visionary writer, quantum hypnotist, psychic channeler, and intergalactic witch. She's a heretical mystic who practices Glitch Witchery, and she is here to support all the other Glitch Witches across the globe who are ready to remember who they are and claim their “glitches” as their most intentional, magnetic power.

Alex (he/they) is a psychic energy reader and healer, medical intuitive, and registered nurse living in Brooklyn, NY. His work is centered around optimizing your wellbeing, reconnecting with your sense of self, and helping you reclaim your space and body. He applies a critical lens to wellness, healthcare, and healing, and believes that healing doesn't have to happen in isolation. 

Carly is a galactic nature mystic with a deep love of all things musical, artful and paradoxical and likes to nerd out on neuroscience. Carly worked as a teacher and taught music for young children prior to becoming a parent to two amazing kids. Following yoga therapy training she became certified as a Mindfulness Meditation teacher and is presently completely enamored with her studies of the Human Design framework. Carly is currently working with children, offering mindfulness support through emotional regulation techniques and somatic practices. 

Nicole France-Coe (one of the 13th Readers this year) is a devotee to Great Mystery in all Its beauty, pleasure, liminality and dismantling power. I am more at home in the Cracks than the binary and the static. Having been woven together as a queer mixed race mycelial thinker has provided me the blood, bone, root and celestial blueprint for learning how to dance with and at the Cross Roads; a location of fecund possibility, peculiar synergies and emergent orientation. I delight in embodying the archetypal energy of Trickster and color with this energy in my everyday life as a mother, partner, mystic, artist and dreamer. I am both soccer mom and seer and I love being both.

Stacia Montenegro. Audaciously Grounded. Sunrise Capricorn. Scorpio Moon. Comfortably at Home in the Deep Emotional Waters of Truth Seeking. Devotee of the HoneyBee, Dragon, Serpent, Venus and Piglet. 


Listen here

In other fun news, tomorrow at 11:30 am CST I will be on NBC's Texas Today! If you miss it live, here is the link to find it after. 

If you're anywhere near Dallas on March 7, come say hi and help me celebrate the launch of Living Astrology! I would be so honored to greet you and connect in person.  

Here is the launch event info!

Pre-Order Living Astrology before the March 5 pub date

Thank you for being in this space! It's my joy to write to you. 


P.S. The Early Bird deadline for applications to The Magician's Table is this Sunday, February 25! EEP! Get those applications in by Sunday, especially if you will be requesting financial assistance! Those seats are filling.  

All photos by A Sea of Love
Copyright 2024 ©  Britten LaRue

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