
If there's anything we learn from unshaming, it's that underneath the desire for empowering change is our fear of it. Behind the dream of liberation is the doubt that change is possible. Within the brave call to expand is an inner child who is contracting.

Desire and fear are two horns on the same goat. 

Beautiful humans, I hear your longings, for they have been and are my own! Your cravings to:
  • trust in claiming responsibility for the magnitude of my gifts
  • recognize at a soul level the joy in my true power 
  • discover how magical I can be when I explore with an open heart
  • express creatively from a place of fierce love  
  • let myself be fully seen by the Universe  
  • experience the fullness of my connection to Spirit  
  • share my work in the world, bravely letting it grow beyond myself
  • reclaim my ancestral medicine
  • extend myself permission to play & be messy
  • receive in a sustainable way for the exchange of my magical gifts  
  • know that I will magnetize those I'm meant for when I speak & act with clear congruence
  • create & share what moves through me & have enough resources to support other wise, creative humans making beauty for this world 
And I know the fears that:
  • my wild offering will frighten me and threaten my friends & teachers
  • I will put myself out there and get proof that people don't value what I have to offer 
  • I am incapable of holding to the emergent path and will run away from it
  • selling my magic inside of capitalist structures will deplete me and contort the sweet innocence of my offering 
  • naming what I do will ruin it somehow
  • I won't make enough money from my gifts, and will then have to quit this magic I love so much  
  • I will make lots of money & the people I love will resent me for it
  • I will over-control my gifts and constrain my channel
  • if I don't do something now, I will stagnate forever
  • I'm not ready to handle how powerful & big this is
  • I will feel sad for my younger self and for my ancestors who didn't get to express themselves like I now can

These are some of the sacred desires and fears I see every day in my capacity as a mentor to magical folks.

The unexpected twist along my path is not that I figured out how to whisk away all my fears and reach a magical destination where there is no fear, doubt, or critique.

I have no spells for total banishment. If someone was selling them, I wouldn't even want them because the unexpected twist is such a sweet human one, and I came to this planet to understand my humanity.  

The surprise has been that I get to experience all those beautiful desires and hopes unfolding for me - emerging with ferocity, and high sensation, and eroticism and amazement! - while I bring all my fears with me wherever I go.

To shame myself for having fear is to shame myself generally. I disrespect my younger selves and my ancestors who definitely received evidence that I should be scared. So... I bring them all with me. 

And the only way toward the desires and hopes I long for is one which allows my fears and my scarcity and my abandonment traumas and my no-fucking-idea-how-people-make-money to be totally, utterly NOT PROBLEMS.  

This idea that discomfort is a problem is a distortion designed to numb us! To anesthetize is to numb aesthetics! And rob us of our creativity and aliveness

This business of bringing your fears along is a practice. It's a practice that can be very playful. Very zesty. And very fun. And all that sensation will also be activating and even overwhelming some days as your system grows capacity. This too is not a problem.  

THIS - all of that! - is what we're doing in The Magician's Table together.

Building the practices for holding fear and moving toward trust.

Here's what past participants have shared about alchemizing desires and fears in the container:  


The Magician’s Table is a momentum. An experience. An invitation to allow oneself to meet and step into the highest expression of their skills. It’s a collision. A movement. A trajectory. A coven. A community of kindred spirits. A metamorphosis.” – Megan Frye (2021 and 2022) 

"Don’t take this course if you wish your practice to stay the same. It’s a one-way ticket that will expand and challenge you in ways beyond your wildest imagination.” – Jonathan Koe (2021 & 2023) 

“My experience in The Magician’s Table was nothing short of miraculous. It catalyzed movement for all the shifts that have been happening for me these last couple years. I feel like I’m on a whole new timeline, and I fact may have jumped MANY timelines over the course of that three months. I am in awe and grateful.” ~ Lisa Quigley of @the.glitch.witch (2023)

“Thank you, Britten, for your incomprehensible brilliance in manifesting this perfectly timed framework that helped me learn to trust in my magic exactly as it is!” – Carly Juniper @rosesandcosmos (2023)

“The Magician’s Table landed in my awareness at the perfect time, whispering, “go.” The nurturing and support I received in this container was extraordinary, TMT gave me tools, guidance, and encouragement to believe in myself and accept this path. Beyond my own becoming, experiencing the gifts of so many other readers was the greatest blessing.” ~ Julie Kelton Yost of (2023)

“The Magician’s Table is impossible to describe simply… the way it makes you FEEL, what you uncover about yourself, your talents, and your worth, how much you humanity you witness in other people. There really is nothing like it. TMT is a gut-wrenching, soul baring experience disguised as a playful practice arena, and I mean that in the best way possible. The community that it magnetizes is also invaluable. It is a safe place to practice and play, but so much more.” ~ Alex Lai of @intuitnursing (2023)

“TMT is a portal to deeper self-knowing and self-belonging. It is a portal to a space within where everything that is ready to unravel will unravel. And that’s a good thing. It is in the unravelling that the magic happens. Old threads start to connect in new ways. Before you know it, you have this beautiful handwoven cloak that you can’t wait to wear out in the world.” ~ Silvia Poldaru (2023) 

"The Magician’s Table was the rite of passage I needed to step into my wildest, most authentic purpose. This experience changed my life, as I encountered deep and unexpected transformations in my work, my relationships, my sense of community, my magical practice, my identities, and my capacity to claim and embody my roles as a reader, artist, space holder, and mystic. The tools I learned and the connections I made in this space are lifetime gifts. TMT taught me how to show up fiercely and bravely in loving community and to acknowledge and embody the wisdom and tools I carry within. I emerged from this chrysalis transformed, inspired, and ready to share my creative powers with the world!” – Mallory Dowd (2021)

The Magician's Table Course Page


“I really really really believe in what you have created with The Magician’s Table. It’s a work of humanist art, a living breathing word and idea garden.”
 – M. S. (2021)

“The Magician’s Table, above all, empowered me to tend my inner Reader and to cultivate the growth of my unique vision from seed to sprout; to witness its bloom and receive its harvest. The connections made through the uplifting community of my fellow magic-makers are lifelong and constellating. My experience with this offering gifted me the fortitude to hold my Hermit lantern high for all to see, and I am infinitely grateful.” – Rosie Cole (2022) 

“My experience with TMT was life-changing but not in the way I expected. I grew so much more confident in my abilities as a reader and was given the space I needed to embody and embrace the ME I was cultivating within my modality. I loved my exposure to other magical beings and am forever changed by my experience in this container.” ~ Belle P. (2023)

“Coming to the Magician’s Table requires an understanding that the person you are when you arrive will not be the same person when you leave. That kind of transformation is truly remarkable. The course is designed with incredible thought and care for the magicians.” ~ Samar Jade of @ensoulment.doula (2023 & 2024)

“The Magician’s Table is a beautiful container with something for everyone, seriously jam-packed with incredible resources and information. But what I loved most was the community that formed. Britten is talented at bringing unique and brilliant folks together in a beautifully supportive space, several of whom I now call friends. 10/10. Don’t sleep on this!” – Erin Kelley (2021, 2022, & 2024)

I would highly recommend the Magician’s Table to anyone looking to expand their sense of self and embark on a journey with unique and inspiring individuals. I was hesitant to sign up because life was “too busy” and I am beyond grateful I put my personal needs first and went for it. I can’t imagine having missed out on this once in a lifetime opportunity. If you’re considering it, you should absolutely do it!” – Lauren M. (2021)

"The Magician’s Table is far more than an online classroom experience. It is a journey that one takes, into the depths of themselves as well as those sharing the experience with you. It’s a lesson in connection and abundance. An experience that is certain to pivot the direction of your steps back onto your very own Yellow Brick Road, all the way back home to yourself.” – Kelsey B. (2021, 2022, & 2023)

"What I learned in this container and the people that gave life to it is almost indescribable. I am different because of it, because of this experience. There was a lot of shedding that took place, I felt lighter, braver, more grounded, more myself. I also gained a family of friends and collaborators. The community that was created was one of the greatest treasures of this experience. I am forever grateful and proud of myself for saying yes. – Mariola Rosario  (2021 & 2022)

"The Magician's Table is a profoundly life changing experience. It turns out that magic is real, and as soon as I said yes, it came crashing through in all facets of my being." - Nicole Marxen (2023 & 2024) 

The entire Magician’s Table container felt like an extra-meaningful summer camp experience, where you truly come into your own and give of yourself, and you’re pretty sure none of you will ever be the same once back home." - Lily of the Valley (2022 & 2023) 

Joining TMT I had a pretty unconventional and not-fully-formed idea of the magical offering I wanted to bring into the world. The Magician’s Table container gave me 12 “customers” inside a supportive space to experiment, be messy, refine, and ultimately bring my idea to life. I would not have been able to accomplished so much in such a short period of time if it wasn’t for the joy & accountability of my fellow Magicians. I am so glad that I listened to my “Yes”. Our group’s time together was a life changing experience of magic, kinship, self-exploration, and emergence. I am forever changed.” – J Skeans (2021 & 2022) 

"The Magician’s Table was a transformational experience for me. My cohort really helped reflect my natural talents back to me. I entered as an astrologer and tarot reader, and I finished my time at The Magician’s Table focusing on my intuitive psychic readings. It really helped me reconnect to my old artistic self and gain the confidence to begin to offer sessions to clients to help them find clarity and create their own magical practices." - Rebecca Padgett (2022 & 2023) 

"I have undoubtedly grown by leaps and bounds throughout the duration of TMT. I am leaving as a different person than the one who first entered this course. I cannot recommend TMT highly enough if you feel you are on the threshold of transformation and are ready to see new possibilities for yourself in your path as a reader and magic-maker!”– Art Heals Earth creator Megan Reich (2021) 

This YES is a Spell


Thank you Magicians past-present-future for your testimonials. I am deeply grateful for your words and your trust.

Thank you, reader, for being in this space! It's my pleasure to write to you. 


P.S. The Early Bird deadline for applications to The Magician's Table is this Sunday, February 25! EEP! Get those applications in by Sunday, especially if you will be requesting financial assistance! Those seats are filling. Spots are getting especially low in the first cohort of the day, held by Samar Jade. 

All photos by A Sea of Love
Copyright 2024 ©  Britten LaRue

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