Dear <<First Name>>,
Our great state of Idaho stands at a crossroads, where the principles we uphold are reflected in the policies we enact. The latest bill, HB 415, which passed the House, is a clear example of the challenge we face. This legislation requires concealed carry in our classrooms, blatantly contradicting the very essence of local control—a principle that the Idaho GOP has long claimed to champion.
It's a principle that speaks to the heart of our democracy, allowing school districts the autonomy to make decisions that are best for their students and staff. Yet, HB 415 would strip away this local authority, imposing a one-size-fits-all mandate that ignores the unique needs of each community. This not only threatens the safety of our children but also undermines the decision-making of our locally elected school boards and the trust their communities place in them.
The GOP’s move to push HB 415 is symptomatic of a larger issue where decisions are being centralized, rather than being left in the hands of those who know their communities best. They claim to be the champions of local control, yet time and again, they work to take these crucial decisions out of the hands of our school districts, city councils, county elected officials, and library boards.
I stand firmly against HB 415. It is a dangerous overreach that prioritizes the demands of the NRA and the Idaho 2nd Amendment Alliance over the well-being of our children. I am reaching out to you, the backbone of our state, to support my efforts as a legislator. Your donation - whether it be $10, $50, $100, or $500 - will help me continue to fight for the rights of our local communities.
Together, we can oppose HB 415 and work towards policies that truly reflect the values of local control, safety, and the best interests of our students and educators. Your contribution is an investment in the future of Idaho's education system, one where the safety of our children is not for sale.
We must not allow the Idaho GOP to undermine our local school districts. Donate now. Let us show that in Idaho, we put the safety of our children and the rights of our local communities above political showmanship.
Thank you for your support.
Senator James Ruchti
Idaho State Senate