John Hanson Weekly News 8th March 2024
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Welcome to the weekly Newsletter for parents and carers of students attending

John Hanson Community School

Inspire - Care - Succeed
‘HEAD’ Lines

Attendance Reforms

– what this means for



Dear Parents/carers

The law entitles every child of compulsory school age to an efficient, full-time education suitable to their age, aptitude, and any special educational need they may have. It is the legal responsibility of every parent to make sure their child receives that education either by attendance at a school or by education otherwise than at a school.

Where parents decide to have their child registered at school, they have an additional legal duty to ensure their child attends that school regularly. This means their child must attend every day that the school is open, except in a small number of allowable circumstances such as being too ill to attend or being given permission for an absence in advance from the school.

This is essential for students to get the most out of their school experience, including their attainment, wellbeing, and wider life chances. The students with the highest attainment at the end of key stage 4 have higher rates of attendance over the key stage compared to those with the lowest attainment. The overall absence rate of students not achieving grade 9 to 4 is over twice as high as those achieving grade 9 to 5.

With this in mind, last week the Department for Education (DfE) published some significantly new guidance focused on attendance that will impact on both schools and parents. However, only a small amount of this ended up in the press. Inevitably the press focused almost entirely on the fact that fines for taking children out of school during term time for a holiday are to rise from £60 to £80.

While this new legislation does not become law until September, I wanted to make sure all John Hanson parents and carers were fully aware of the changes as soon as possible.

From September:

  • Schools must inform their local authority when a pupil has, or will, miss 15 days due to illness. It is currently unclear what will happen with this information.
  • Schools must provide the local authority with the names and addresses of all pupils of compulsory school age who fail to attend school regularly or have been absent for a continuous period of ten school days where their absence has been recorded as unauthorised.
  • A National Framework for Penalty Notices will be introduced from September 2024. It will set a single national threshold for considering a penalty notice of 10 sessions (typically, 5 days) within 10 weeks, replacing area by area thresholds. There will be an increase in the fine amount to £160 if paid within 28 days, reduced to £80 when paid within 21 days. Finally, the DfE Will be supporting schools and local authorities to tackle repeated offences by introducing a flat rate of £160 for a second penalty notice within a three year period and not allowing more than 2 penalty notices during a child’s compulsory education after which an alternative route will be considered instead as the penalty is clearly not working. This may include prosecution and or making the case for a community or parenting order.

However, this does not change the fact that we will continue doing everything reasonably possible to work with you and your child when a pattern of absence is at risk of becoming, or becomes, problematic. We will want to continue working to find out what the barriers to attendance are and work in partnership with you to find solutions so your child is able to gain all the benefits, both academic and social, that attending school regularly brings. I will continue to write on a regular basis as more information emerges about the detail behind the government’s plans.

Enjoy the weekend with your children.

Russell Stevens

Year 10 Plus programme students visited the University of Oxford as part of their excellent outreach programme on Thursday.  As well as getting presentations on life at Oxford Uni, current students showed them around St Hilda’s college answering questions and then joined them for a very nice (free) lunch.  One of the highlights was an academic taster session from the Computer Science faculty based on problem solving.  Can you solve the puzzle that our students did.  Click on the web link below to have a go!!
The visit certainly inspired our students to consider attending OXBRIDGE as a realistic and exciting option for university after college.
Silver level Rail Safety Friendly school
For the work we have done in assemblies and on PSHE days, we are a Silver level Rail Safety Friendly school. Parents can find out more about this on

The Rail Safe Friendly team have asked us to share the following age appropriate25 minute safety video for parents to watch with their child at home.. Over 20 million students, parents and teachers from across the UK have already watched these videos which has led to a significant decrease in the number of fatalities and injuries in their area through watching the safety videos.
NEW Secondary school version: Age 11-16

Staff and students have enjoyed a wonderful week celebrating World Book Day, with delicious cakes, fun competitions, dressing up and memorable reading experiences.

The “Great Bookish Bake-Off” on Monday was a veritable feast of tasty and vibrant entries. First place was much deserved and awarded to one of our Star Bakers in Yr7 for her beautiful Willy-Wonka cake. Other bakes celebrated Harry Potter, Matilda, The Gruffalo, Percy Jackson and many more of our favourite iconic books. The Bereavement Group also provided some beautiful cupcakes that helped towards raising £109 for the Memorial Garden Spring spruce-up.

Throughout the whole week, students have been entering the “Emoji Competition” and the “Masked Reader” with lots of enthusiasm. Winners of each competition will be announced early next week and will receive a £10 WHSmith voucher.
On actual World Book Day, Thursday 7th, students were inspired by “Freedom to Read.” Teachers in every lesson shared a 10-minute extract from a favoured book, giving an insight into their reading tastes and habits.

We were also treated to a day of laughter, as lots of staff and students dressed up as literary villains for the day. Others took part in “Hidden in Plain Sight,” carrying small props and clues as a nod to their favourite books.

Thank you to everyone that took part in World Book Day, it was fantastic to see so many students getting involved.


The Importance of Promoting Cultural Celebrations at JHCS!


Promoting these religious celebrations within our school community is crucial. These events are not only observed by diverse communities worldwide but also carry profound cultural and spiritual significance.

By being mindful and supportive of students and families,  we can foster a sense of belonging, promotes  inclusivity, respect and appreciation for the diverse beliefs and practices  within our school community.

Here are some notable celebrations around the world throughout March.

The Wellbeing Hub
I just wanted to reach out to see if you had given much thought to introducing the young people at John Hanson Community School to Kooth: a free, anonymous service that offers one-to-one text-based counselling for young people.

Safeguarding is always our absolute top priority. Which is why all of the content and every single comment on our platform is fully moderated by trained professionals before being published. In addition, no-one on Kooth can send private messages to anyone else on Kooth - and every conversation that happens through forums is moderated to ensure safety.

All of the therapeutic content we create and all articles submitted by children and young people is also age-gated so that only the most relevant and appropriate content is available to each individual.

Kooth has a team of professional practitioners available to offer 1:1 text-chat support. We’re open 7 days a week until 10pm and are accredited by the British Association for Counselling & Psychotherapy.

We also offer assemblies, in which we can come to your school and explore the topic of mental health with your students, discussing the importance of wellbeing, and signposting the support that is available to them.

I’m sure you’re very busy, so here’s a quick run-down of what teachers and young people think of Kooth:
  • 96% of the young people who use Kooth would recommend us to a friend.
  • 96% of young people told us it was “really important” they could access Kooth after school.
  • 81% of the professionals (teachers, GPs, and mental health professionals) we consulted in recent research told us they’d be “very concerned” if Kooth was no longer available to young people.
Over one million young people have already found support on Kooth – and we’d like the students of John Hanson Community School to join them.

We’re here to help you support your students' mental wellbeing inside and outside of school: Please reach out here and your local community engagement team will be in touch as soon as possible.

Best wishes,

The Kooth Engagement Team
Physical Education / Sports - Winter Newsletter

You can view our WinterNewsletter featuring all the sporting activities by following this link:
PE Extra Curricular Programme
Careers Newsletter Autumn Term 1 2023
John Hanson Careers Newsletter Autumn 2023
Welcome to the John Hanson Careers Newsletter.

Equality, Diversity and Inclusion

At John Hanson Community School we are committed to providing equality of opportunity for all students and staff, and to providing a working environment free from discrimination, prejudice and harassment. 

We encourage respect and consideration for others, and recognise and value the school as a safe place for learning. The staff at John Hanson recognise that inequalities exist in all levels of society and believe, that as educators, we have a crucial role to play in eliminating all forms of discrimination, in particular against anyone with any of the protected characteristic. We promote equality by dealing with bullying and incidents of discrimination immediately and by educating the young people in our care through assemblies, tutor time, PSHE day sessions and group work where appropriate.

This is part of our responsibility in preparing our students for life after school.
Important EDI events over the next week:  

8th Holi - Hindu Festival of Colour, 16th Disabled Access day

Words you might not know:

Holi: the Festival of Colours, the Festival of Spring, and the Festival of Love, is an ancient Hindu religious festival and one of the most popular festivals in Hinduism. It celebrates the eternal and divine love of Radha Krishna. Hindu: believe in a supreme God Brahman. Brahman is present everywhere and there is a part of Brahman in everyone.

Brahman takes many forms. Especially three forms called the Trimurti. Hindus believe that life is a cycle of birth, death, and rebirth. They also believe that the next life depends on how the previous life was lived.

Useful websites:

Diversity, Equality and Inclusion at John Hanson.

Please find attached the latest DEI newsletter:

What is International Women’s Day (IWD)?

It is when the world comes together on the 8th of March to celebrate women's achievements and reinforce a commitment to women's equality  The DEI team will be producing one of these every term for you and your parents to read through – if you have any ideas for content please see Mrs Curtis, Mrs Ferris or Mrs Grinstead. 

Click here to download the newsletter
College Open Events.

Please do check the individual websites for any changes to the schedule before setting off to visit them  
Vacancies at John Hanson - Join Our Team

Would you like to come and work for us?

Please see our Latest Vacancies here........
Please encourage your son/daughter to use their SCHOOL EMAIL for work rather than their own private email. This is important for safeguarding and also some of our messages for students are being sent to school email addresses.

If you are having problems logging into

Satchel:one you can request a password reset

Further problems   contact

who can send you a new login PIN

For help with Satchel one visit:
Microsoft Office for Students

Links to documents for Microsoft Office
Please see the other useful links.

Think you know – Activity Packs relating to online safety
Who’s watching yours? – 17% increase in children livestreaming since lockdown (Advice to help parents/carers minimise risk to children online)
Mental health – How to look after your family’s mental health when stuck indoors
Houseparty – Everything you need to know.
John Hanson Computing Department
Want to know more about what’s going on in school? Why not follow us on:

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EMTAS – Ethnic Minority and Traveller Achievement Service

Community News
We are pleased to announce that we are working alongside Andover Radio to promote success and achievement in Andover.

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