Once a driver’s actions qualify them as a “Habitual Violator”, the Mobility Authority sends a courtesy letter to the registered owner to make them aware of pending Habitual Violator determination. They have 30 days to pay their balance, set up a payment plan, or dispute the transactions. If the Pre-Determination letter is ignored, the vehicle then proceeds to the next step in the process. The Mobility Authority officially declares them a Habitual Violator and sends another letter notifying them that they have 30 days to request an appeal before further action is taken. If the Determination letter is also ignored, the Mobility Authority takes more concrete steps in the process – the vehicle is prohibited from driving on Mobility Authority roads and a registration block is placed. If the prohibition is ignored and the vehicle continues to drive on Mobility Authority roads, law enforcement officers are empowered to pull them over and eventually, impound the vehicle.
The Mobility Authority takes every action to prevent drivers from entering Habitual Violator status, and provides correspondence throughout each step, providing information on future remedies as well as information on how to resolve their status.
Have you received a violation notice?