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Expressway News

March 2024

Drive Informed

Your Guide to Mobility Authority Billing and Violation Remedies
As an agency created by the state legislature, we’ve been tasked with delivering high-quality transportation solutions to Travis and Williamson counties. In order to provide equitable service to all those who chose to drive our toll roads, Texas regulations authorize the Mobility Authority remedies to enforce payment for the services we provide. We are committed to equipping drivers with information about how and why the agency uses these remedies.
When a vehicle drives through a toll gantry and does not have an active electronic tag, a Pay By Mail bill is produced and sent to the registered owner of the vehicle to the address on file with the DMV. If the initial bill and subsequent late notices are unpaid, the bill goes to collections.
According to Texas law, a Habitual Violator is defined as a registered owner of a vehicle who has received two notices of non-payment, and accumulated 100 or more unpaid toll charges within a year. The repercussions of habitual non-payment impacts everyone, payers and non-payers alike. 
Once a driver’s actions qualify them as a “Habitual Violator”, the Mobility Authority sends a courtesy letter to the registered owner to make them aware of pending Habitual Violator determination. They have 30 days to pay their balance, set up a payment plan, or dispute the transactions. If the Pre-Determination letter is ignored, the vehicle then proceeds to the next step in the process. The Mobility Authority officially declares them a Habitual Violator and sends another letter notifying them that they have 30 days to request an appeal before further action is taken. If the Determination letter is also ignored, the Mobility Authority takes more concrete steps in the process – the vehicle is prohibited from driving on Mobility Authority roads and a registration block is placed. If the prohibition is ignored and the vehicle continues to drive on Mobility Authority roads, law enforcement officers are empowered to pull them over and eventually, impound the vehicle.
The Mobility Authority takes every action to prevent drivers from entering Habitual Violator status, and provides correspondence throughout each step, providing information on future remedies as well as information on how to resolve their status.

Have you received a violation notice? 
Contact Our Representatives Now

The Vital Role of Toll Payments
in Supporting Our Region

Here's why your toll payments matter:
  • Building Roads Others Can’t: Toll roads provide a viable funding option to build critical infrastructure now rather than using the traditional gas-funded approach. We don’t have to wait decades to build connections that were needed yesterday.
  • Maintaining Infrastructure: Like all roads, toll roads require maintenance. Paying tolls ensures the roads you’re using are well-kept and continue to provide traffic relief to both tolled and non-tolled lane users.
  • Equity for All Drivers: Legal remedies like blocking vehicle registration and vehicle impoundment for those who use toll roads but do not pay their share ensures fairness for the drivers who do pay for travels.
  • Investing in Your Community: By paying bills on time, you actively contribute to the longevity and quality of our region’s roadways. This benefits every resident who relies on these routes for their daily commute and activities.
By driving on a toll road, you enter into a covenant to pay the associated fees. We appreciate the vast majority of drivers who pay on time.  No road is free – there are only tax-supported roads and toll-supported roads. You ensure our agency can continue providing alternate, reliable routes for those who choose to use them, lessening congestion for all travelers, and allow us to reinvest in the region with enhancements that benefit all Central Texans.

Celebrating Women's History Month

In honor of the national observance of Women's History Month, the Central Texas Regional Mobility Authority proudly joins the celebration, recognizing the crucial role women have played in shaping American history. We applaud the remarkable accomplishments of women in the field of transportation and are committed to amplifying their voices throughout Central Texas and around the country.

MoPac South 2045 Traffic Forecast Update
Now Available

The MoPac South Environmental Study has been updated with the most recent data provided in the CAMPO 2045 Travel Demand Model. The new Corridor Model has been utilized to complete the traffic evaluation of reasonable alternatives presented in Open House #3 and the Operational Configuration Options presented in Open House #4 and #5.
Click below to learn about the changes to the Corridor Model and see the results of the build alternatives traffic evaluation.
View Exhibits
Questions or Concerns about your Toll Bill?
 Contact us at 833-762-8655 or visit our website. We're here to help!
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