
Hello Judges!

We’re springing forward this month with a bevy of updates on projects, regions, and more. Most judges who ordered merchandise from us in the last wave have received it, and we’re excited to see photos of judges on the floor in their new gear. And have you read the new proposal on Judge Foundry regions yet?

All this and more, in this month’s Judge Call newsletter.

Daniel poses in his new Judge Foundry polo, nametag and hat. Beholder not inclued.

Daniel poses in his new Judge Foundry polo, nametag and hat. Beholder not included.

Latest Judge Foundry News

  • The proposal for Judge Foundry Regions needs your feedback. You can review the proposal using the links here, then share your feedback on JudgeApps. We have a thread for feedback about the proposal itself, and one about the division of regions specifically. Read up and share your thoughts today, before the board votes on the proposal at our March meeting.

  • The Level One Exam Study Guide is live! You’ll find it here on the Judge Foundry website. You can send this guide to your judge candidates so they know what to study before taking the test. Thank you to our Exam Study Guide team: Chris Deckard, John O'Donnell, Stephen Wise, and especially team lead Dan Milavitz for their hard work getting this done. We’ll be launching new study guides for the Level Two and Three exams soon, so stay tuned.

  • After a brief spring cleaning, the Judge Foundry Store is open again! If you missed out on the chance to buy a shirt, a name badge, a hat or any of our other gear, head on over to place your order today. This wave will close on May 15th.

  • Also part of our spring cleaning: level requirements. We posted an article earlier this month about a few changes to our levels, including a couple ways we’re making it easier to become a judge. You can read the article to learn more.

  • The next wave of Expedited Advancement closes tomorrow, on March 15th. Judges can apply for promotion to Level Four and Level Five using this form.

  • Judge Foundry is now licensing exam content to Magic the Gathering Judges South Africa. Following up on our licensing agreement with the judge program in Finland, we’ve also providing judges in South Africa the opportunity to take our exams. The South African judge program pays Judge Foundry for this content, giving us a chance to provide you with more services without raising dues.

  • The Murders at Karlov Manor update quizzes close in just a few weeks. Have you cracked the case yet? Get on it, gumshoes, because the killer gets away on April 9th, and the Outlaws at Thunder Junction quiz will open a few weeks after that.

Coming Soon from Judge Foundry

  • New Merchandise is coming! We’re going to be adding new things to our store soon, and you’ll see a post on our blog about it in the next week. No spoilers, but maybe a hint: there’s no better time to show off your Judge Foundry pride than during End of Round.

  • Practice exams are on the way. We know judges want to take tests to evaluate their rules and policy knowledge before sitting for their exam, and we’re working on it. We expect to launch rules and policy practice exams in early April, before the next newsletter. These exams will start with a fairly shallow pool of questions, but more questions will be added over time.

  • We’ll have some news very soon about conferences! We know these are eagerly anticipated by many judges, and can’t wait to share what we’re planning there. Look for an announcement here, before the April board meeting.

Judge Promotions

Congratulations to these judges on their recent promotions:

Level Three

Andrew Goulart
Matt Marheine

Dan Milavitz

Level Two

Chris Deckard

Elise Guay

Level One

Ethan Brown

Taylor Holleman

Ian Littlefield

Additionally, we had another wave of Expedited Advancement that you can read about here.

Did you test for advancement recently, but don't see your name here? Make sure your mentor has entered your exam results and your advancement review into JudgeApps.

Upcoming Events

Applications are closing very soon for the following major events listed on JudgeApps.

Upcoming Board Meetings

Mark your calendars to attend Judge Foundry’s board meetings. We’ll stream our meetings on our YouTube channel. Board meetings will be on these dates, at 8pm Eastern:

  • March 27th

  • April 24th

  • May 29th