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Sunday 10 March
10.30am Sunday Celebration at GBC

Accepting God's rules in our lives. Led by Delia Steer and John Collinson
10.30am Sunday Celebration at The Beacon Centre
4.00pm Families Venture
4.30pm McCartney House service
6.00pm Uth
Sunday 17 March
10.30am Sunday Celebration

Where is God when it hurts? Led by Tony Goodwin and Kevin Burdett
4.00pm Songs of Praise
6.00pm Uth
Sunday 10 March at 7.00pm
Deeper is an opportunity for everyone to gather together for a time of seeking God and being open to the Holy Spirit, in worship, sharing together and ministering to each other, all in an informal and relaxed way. This time we will also be sharing communion as part of our worship.  All are welcome.
Tuesday Extra
Tuesday 12 March at 10.00am
Everyone is welcome to join us for this short service, which takes place prior to Tuesday Treat on this coming Tuesday.  Tuesday Treat will follow at the normal time of 10.30am.
The next Refresh Retreat, which will focus on Easter, will be on Saturday 23 March from 10.00am-12.30pm (with the option of bringing own lunch, finish 1.30pm) at GBC. An opportunity to come aside, rest, meet with God and be refreshed. Please contact Delia Steer (01480 467143) or the GBC Office if you would like to come.  All are welcome.
Details of our next two TOGETHER events were sent out yesterday
Board Games evening - Saturday 23 March from 6.30pm to 9.00pm
Easter Walk - Monday 1 April, starting from The Beacon Centre at 10.00am
Please see the email for full details
Our Easter Services are:
Hymns We Love: Wednesday 27 March at 2.30pm
A look at the well-loved Easter hymn, 
‘Thine be the Glory’,
and the message of hope that runs through it.

Maundy Thursday Reflections: 28 March at 7.30pm
Good Friday Reflections: 29 March at 9.00am
Followed by refreshments and hot cross buns

Easter Sunday Resurrection Celebration: 31 March at 10.30am
Followed by refreshments and hot cross buns
All are welcome.
An Easter fun event for children in school years R-6, taking place on Friday 5 April from 4.00pm to 6.00pm at GBC. There will be games, food and craft. Contact the office to book.
Annual Review 2023
Our Annual Review for 2023 is now available on the website here.
Paper copies are also available in the foyer if you would prefer one.
Thanks to all those who contributed the various reviews, comments and photos.
But most of all, thanks to God for his faithfulness to us throughout the year.
Happy Birthday
Birthdays coming up are as follows:
11 March - Tony Goodwin
15 March - Pat Reed
16 March - Carolyn Keats
31 March - Liesl Houghton

If you would like to join the birthday scheme and receive a card from the church family and friends (no cost involved), please email Liz Webb at birthdays@godmanchesterbaptist.org with names and dates.

Parking at GBC
Parking around GBC can be a challenge!
On Sunday mornings, and other events where a large number of people are arriving by car, it would be helpful if you could drop people off and then park your car elsewhere. We ask that you do NOT park in East Chadley Lane or Lancaster Way as this makes it difficult for our neighbours and causes concern about emergency vehicle access if it were needed. 

Please note that on Sunday mornings we have free use of the Community School car park, which is on Park Lane. 

If you need more guidance on parking around the church, please check our
website or ask one of the stewards or the office. Thank you for your support with this.
Previous editions of the weekly news are available on our website click here
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Daniel Beckett, Lead Pastor, mobile: 07909 767505
Carolyn Keats, Associate Pastor, mobile: 07763 347119
Our Data Privacy Statement can be viewed here

Our address is:
Godmanchester Baptist Church East Chadley Lane Godmanchester Huntingdon, PE29 2BJ United Kingdom
01480 458565
Registered Charity No: 1188171

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