
Greetings friends
As you get ready for the change in season, new year, new time, and holiday of Purim when you get a chance to glimpse into the real self and the clue as to what stops you from being you… And I also hope that Paulito had a wonderful birthday, as we all saw March come in like a lion, and I certainly hope it goes out like a lamb.
This is the month with so many things – the change in time, the change in season as we welcome spring, the change in year as the Persian world welcomes no-ruz, and the upcoming change in the biblical year as the 1st of Nisan ushers in the new year, not till April this year.
We are going to see the parade of artists who will take the science and blend it in the service of actual formation. It is the process we each go through in everything that succeeds in our lives. And in this reading, there are also two of the most major false translations of biblical writing—the first with Aaron and the second with Moses. One points to the nature of man and the other to the simplicity with which prejudice arises.
This week we see Moses is on the mountain receiving instructions, and we find out who the artisans are who will be entrusted with the task of implementation of the great pieces used in religious practice. We begin the process of moving from inspiration and idea to formulation – a process we go through without fully realizing it every single day. We see there is a need to blend art and science, intellect and emotion, and idea and vision to create anything of value in our lives.
Those who combine the two spheres – who blend left and right brains together – see the whole picture.
Moses comes down from the mountain carrying the tablets written by G0d himself, but in the 40 days he has been gone, the people have strayed, and we have the episode of the Golden Calf – something we have carried with us for 3,500 years. It was called – eggel hazahav and Moses destroys it – but only its symbol, not its cause - and in doing so, destroys the stone tablets, the ones written by the finger of G0d.  
We still have Golden Calves in our lives today. Maybe not just money - yes - we immediately think of gold, money, wealth - crypto - today's gold. But perhaps control is a modern golden calf where some pray at the altar of power; maybe prestige where so-called influencers who primarily are never experts in any subject — influence the mindless masses, or mob, around them. Or maybe we recognize the oldest golden calf and greatest danger – the ego. 
We are attached to ego, but our true self lies in the soul, and the differences between them are huge:
Ego seeks to serve itself; soul seeks to serve others
Ego seeks outward recognition; soul seeks inner truth
Ego views life as competition; soul sees life as a sharing gift
Ego seeks to preserve self; soul seeks to preserve others
Ego looks outward; soul looks inward
Ego feels lack; soul feels abundance
Ego is mortal; soul is eternal
Ego is drawn to lust; soul is drawn to love
Ego seeks wisdom; soul is wisdom
Ego enjoys the prize; soul enjoys the journey
Ego causes pain; soul causes healing
Ego rejects god; soul embraces god
Ego seeks fulfillment; soul is eternal wholeness
Ego is me; soul is we
Check your egos at the door. For thousands of years, man has wondered – what made Aaron make a golden calf for the people? It is the great bane of man. It comes from doubt and fear, the things which still imprison us.
Aaron’s fear got the better of him, and we have a mistranslation of the word “afraid” being read as “saw” – the same letters but different vowels, and biblical Hebrew has no vowels. Aaron was afraid.
The lessons of history are still the lessons of today and tomorrow. We all still carry fear with us, and we celebrate our freedom from fear every Passover.
Moses returns to G0d and makes the second set of tablets, but this time, seven of the ten commandments are just a little different – just a little, just enough, and when Moses returns this time, his face is shining from the radiance of being in G0d’s presence. But a second major mistranslation in this reading has it interpreted as horns, not radiance, and a stereotype is born.
Enjoy this week’s reading and keep practicing forgiveness, kindness, and acceptance, and use this time to continue to forgive those you need to forgive, ask forgiveness from those you need to seek forgiveness from, and give thanks and celebrate your freedom and joy; do not succumb to fear – and please feel free to share this audio and video with any you think might enjoy it. And, of course, enjoy our past audio and video episodes available on our YouTube channel. This episode will be posted on our channel - click here to watch the Rabbi David Gellman Show in the 2024 cycle.
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Thank you all for allowing me into your homes, electronic devices, and hearts – as you are all with me in mine.
Be well, be happy, be healthy, be free, be kind, be forgiving, be compassionate, be independent of mind and deed, be mindful of your intentions, and be good to yourself. Continue to celebrate freedom of choice in your life. Do not give in to the fear that is so prevalent, and enjoy the peace that comes from acceptance. And, as always - if you have any questions or suggestions or just want to say “hi,” please send me an email. I love hearing from you.
And remember, anytime you do not want to receive these anymore, please send me an email so I can remove you. Know that I truly appreciate your sharing your sacred time with me.
Enjoy and celebrate your life and the lives of others, and in doing, be safe, be self; be happy, and may you all sow the seeds of and reap the rewards of peace, love, and miracles, and make sure you also celebrate your unique individuality and your incredible awesomeness. 
Face the fears of your life. Put your ego aside – the great hidden golden calf that all carry. Its desires are transient. And remember, your world is what you make it. Just wish upon a star, and continue to be a miracle in someone’s life, and light the light of love. 


Respecting our past.  Putting faith in your future
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