Alive! with Joy: March 3 2024  Vol 8 #5
[Plum blossoms on mossy branch]
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Peanuts, pusillanimous, poodle, Peyton Place, measles, penultimate, plethora, paranormal.
One doesn't begin with the letter P. 

So what's the deal with P-words? 
I'll get to that in a moment. 

This week I returned to the quirky Sylvia Beach Hotel for the first time since a portentous visit in 2007, when I met co-owner Goody Cable in the upstairs library. (The mural in the entry is Sylvia Beach with James Joyce at her book store in Paris.)  The hotel has been a haven for book lovers in Newport, Oregon for 37 years.

Goody had plunked herself in front of a ponderous unabridged dictionary and was plowing her way through the alphabet, plunging herself into the study of each letter, 14 days each. She not only kept a notebook for each letter, she actually went so far as to eat foods and wear clothes that began with the letter, read books and listen to music created by people whose names began with the letter... It was her "year of living alphabetically." 

I couldn't decide if she was bonkers, or the coolest person ever. We got to talking about the pros and cons of each letter--she was on S at that time and already pre-grieving her project's end. Her favorite letter thus far was E.

No way would I ever do the entire alphabet, but if I had to chose one favorite letter to probe, what would it be? Immediately the Muppets' perky song popped into my mind (Muppets sing about P. - now it's your ear worm. You're welcome.)

All my concerns seemed to begin with P: procrastination, practice, productivity, perfectionism, politics, priorities... and a panoply of others. This was back in the heyday of blogs, so I created one as a way to stop putting off my writing, by promising to post about a different P-word every day for a year as a writing practice. I had a blast. 

The P-project still piques my interest, and may be the answer to years of procrastinating on a memoir. My puny patience bodes poorly for a memoir in narrative form, but I could pursue it as a series of short P-word pieces ... 

So...when I'm not doing palettes, that's what I'm doing. I may drop some pieces here now and then. 

Goody had a stroke in 2019, and has been in assisted living ever since, but on my visit to the Sylvia Beach last week I met with her business partner, Sally Ford, and have set up a meeting with Goody to thank her for what she started. 

Provocative art from the hall:

Put yourself in the way of beauty 
The placid Pacific below the hotel.
Lasted about five minutes before the downpours recommenced. 

 - - - - - -

I'm in luck! At this treacherous time for democracy, P-words include politics, pregnancy, patriarchy, punitive, presidential, performative, pugnacious, power, protest, and so many more

I'll just leave you with this quote from Cher:


- - - - - - - -

If you haven't yet bought the Cherry Pie Paradox, may I humbly suggest the process and practices are the best way to fulfill your annual New Years' Weight Loss resolution, once and for all. You can eat what you love, without packing on the pounds. Really. I also have copies on hand if you want to buy direct. 

Then, request the FREE AUDIOBOOK! For owners of the Cherry Pie Paradox or the workbook. I’ve found a new home for the audiobook version, where I can set the price however I want. If you already have a copy of the book or workbook and would like the audiobook, just email me ( and I'll send you the info. If you do not yet have the book and want to buy it, Venmo me $20 @Joy-Overstreet, and I'll mail you a signed copy and the audiobook link. (Use the email link above and add your name, address, and any message you'd like when I sign it.) 

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To new subscribers- don't go away. You may not always get what you expect in a color consultant's newsletter, but I hope it makes you think.

If you're new here, you can catch up on the last 25 issues of Alive! with Joy. Or... dig into all the words I've posted over the years on my various websites:

  • 65 posts about color and style. 
  • 109 posts about color for the home, feng shui and clutter-clearing (taking this website down soon)
  • My author website. More about the Cherry Pie Paradox, plus other magazine writing, links to a bunch of podcasts and video interviews where I was a guest.
Email me: or call (360) 903-3659
Buy The Cherry Pie Paradox and/or the Workbook on Amazon or order from your local indie bookstore. Audiobook is also available at Barnes and Noble or
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