Dear <<First Name>>
The description for the course that John Ferguson will teach this spring has changed. It is:
F3A. Biology of Noninfectious Diseases — Neurological Diseases
Neurological diseases are among the most feared, perhaps because they affect behavior. Alterations in behavior seem devastating to us, much more so, for example, than the symptoms of, say cirrhosis of the liver. We will take a look at rabies, clearly an infectious disease, Huntington’s disease, clearly an inherited disease, and five others that are much less well understood: strokes, seizures, Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s disease, and frontotemporal dementia. Supplemental readings will be available before each class. No previous background in science is required.
There are still seats available for this class. If you are interested, please log onto ProClass, find the class (Friday, third period), and click Register. If you have already signed up for the class and still wish to take it, you need do nothing. And if you signed up for it but are no longer interested, log into ProClass, click on your name in the upper right, click on account on the upper left, scroll down and click on the tab title Registrations. Select this class and click on the Drop button.