
For undergraduate, graduate, and professional school students:
Here’s what WFU should know this week.

Thursday, March 7, 2024

Warm temperatures bring early spring flowers.

Spring Break hours of operation

Wake Forest remains open for Spring Break (March 9-17), but some campus services and programs will have adjusted hours. Please see the Hours of Operation page and make note of changes to dining, transportation, and other services, and plan ahead for your needs.

Spring break safety

We want everyone to have a fun and safe Spring Break. If you are going away, please be sure to remove valuables from your car (if applicable) and your residence, and lock your doors. See more safety tips.

Planned power outage

A power outage is planned for Worrell Professional Center / Health and Exercise Science bulding on March 11. All building systems will be inoperative during this time. Building systems will be restarted around 1 p.m., and normal building operations will resume by 5 p.m.

Undergraduate student Commencement ticket ordering

Undergraduate students eligible to graduate were sent a registration link on Wednesday with the option to register for Commencement tickets, Baccalaureate tickets and the Baccalaureate and Commencement morning breakfasts. Please discuss ticket needs with your family and loved ones. Students can order up to eight guest tickets for the University Commencement ceremony on the Quad (9 a.m. Monday, May 20) and up to two tickets for Baccalaureate (11 a.m. Sunday, May 19); students do not need to have a ticket for themselves if they are planning to march in the student processional for either ceremony. Fulfillment of ticket requests is contingent upon successful completion of courses this term.

Graduate and professional school students eligible to graduate will receive Commencement ticket ordering instructions within the next two weeks.

Please take this anonymous survey on AI (Artificial Intelligence)

All students (undergraduate, graduate, and professional) are invited to participate in a research study to help Wake Forest better understand student views of artificial intelligence. Take the survey at The survey will not record your identity or any personal identifiers. The responses collected from students will be completely anonymous. If you complete the survey, you could win a Wake Forest swag basket.

Workday is now available to all students

Workday is now available to all students, and you can log in using, the Google App launcher, or One.WFU. Training materials, including helpful videos and step-by-step guides, are available on the student training webpage. As you log in for the first time, check your Workday “inbox” for important to-do’s that must be completed before registration. Please prioritize these important tasks. If you have questions as you begin to look around the new system, a dedicated phone line has been set up at 336.578.5600. After Spring Break, students are encouraged to attend in-depth demonstrations about registration in Workday. Find the times, dates, and Zoom information on the project website. You can also make use of the website’s many on-demand videos and materials.

For undergraduates: Program for Leadership and Character discussion groups

During the second half of the spring semester, The Program for Leadership and Character will hold discussion groups that reflect on issues of leadership and character in relation to special topics: Spirituality, Religion, and the Quest for Character; Can I Laugh at That?: The Ethics of Comedy; and The Significant Lawyer: Success, Integrity, and the Pursuit of Character in the Legal Professions. The deadline to sign up for a group is Wednesday, March 20.

Are you using Handshake? You should be!

Did you know that Handshake is the first place to look for career-related opportunities? From scheduling appointments with career coaches and registering for career events to finding job/internship listings, Handshake has got you covered. By completing your profile and specifying your career interests, you increase your chances of being contacted by potential employers who are looking for someone with your skills and qualifications. Additionally, you can set up search agents to receive notifications about new job/internship listings that match your preferences.

ICYMI (In Case You Missed It)

  • Ramadan begins at sundown on March 11. We wish Ramadan Mubarak to all students who are observing.
  • Baity Street area redevelopment update — The Winston-Salem City Council has approved the receipt of $35 million in state funding that will go towards targeted infrastructure enhancements necessary to support economic development. Located in the Baity Street area, north of Coliseum Drive and south of Reynolds Boulevard, the redevelopment effort will reinforce Winston-Salem’s position as a tourism, sports and entertainment destination.

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The Office of Communications and External Relations

1834 Wake Forest Road
Winston-Salem, NC 27109

