Change date: 11/18/2023: The following rules have been changed per the Rules and Judges and General Membership meeting at Convention November 2023.
RB 2.3 Special “Lead Line” Rules for Riders who need assistance. A rider may be led through the course by a parent or responsible party and an additional assistant (if needed) provided the rider is not able to complete the course without assistance. Such assistance is allowed to ensure the safety of the rider but does not extend to the assistant(s) touching the poles, flags or other obstacles. The Lead Line Team (horse, rider, leader and additional assistant) must properly complete the course. The assistant(s) must conform to the same dress code defined for judges (see section 6.1)
RB 3.1 Clothing and Tack, a. Clothing. Motion to remove the last sentence “if a helmet comes off while an adult rider is on course, a 1 second penalty will be assessed. Motion passed.
RB 3.1 Clothing shall be neat and clean. All contestants shall be fully attired in a dress shirt with a button or snap (function or non-functional) in the front from top to bottom and a collar. Long Pants, belt or ½ belt and boots. The shirt may have a front or back zipper. If the shirt has a front zipper, it must be covered by non-functional button or snaps from top to bottom. Shirts must be tucked into pants. Only the top 2 buttons of the shirt may be left unbuttoned as long as the buttons go to the collar line of the shirt. A tie or neckerchief is not required but is encouraged.
RB 3.5 Pony Size. Motion to have RB 3.5 read “Pony Size and Certification Process”. “To qualify an animal to compete in a CGA Pony Division at a State Sponsored Show or for CGA State Year End Awards the animal must measure 13.2 hands or fifty-four (54”) inches or less without shoes. An additional one-quarter (1/4”) inch is allowed when a pony is shod. The measurement is taken using a CGA provided rigid measuring stick that has a leveler built into the horizontal arm. Ponies that are fifty-two (52”) inches or less may be measured by a Master Judge and a Senior Judge. Ponies that are over fifty-two (52”) inches must be measured by two (2) Master Judges. Certification expires at the conclusion of the current season. All annual certificates must be submitted to the CGA State Office by the certifying Master Judge(s). A copy should be given to the member for their records. Certificates are supplied to the Master Judges by CGA State Office. You may ask for a measurement for informational purposes (not a pony certificate) one time per season to verify if you need trimming, shoes or a calmer time for your pony. You ask for the Information and Certificate measurement at the same measuring session, so long as the pony does not leave the measuring area or the visual range of the Master Judge(s) doing the measuring. The final decision to certify an animal as a CGA Pony lies with the Master Judges(s) measuring the animal. The Master Judges Advisory Committee reserves the right to require a pony to be remeasured if a majority feels that circumstances have changed since the certification was granted. For pony measuring procedures see Appendix D. Protesting a Pony Measurement. If you fail a pony measuring session, you may file a formal protest and have one (1) remeasuring session. The formal protest must be sent in writing to the CGA State Office with a $100 fee within 30 days of the failed session. This $100 fee will be refunded if the pony passes at the remeasure. It is the protesters’ responsibility to contact and arrange a new pony measuring session with their district Master Judge or the Master Judges Advisory Committee after the protest is filed. If the pony fails the remeasure, then the pony will not be allowed to be measured again until the following show season and will run the current season as a horse.” • The motion would include that if this passes that it starts immediately. All those ponies who received certificates at State Show 2023, be allowed to run through the completion of State Show 2024. Then all pony certificates will run with the CGA show season
RB 7.4 Barrels Fifty-five gallon unweighted plastic barrels shall be used, and they may not be structurally altered. Barrel covers may be used.
RB 7.10 Speedball Race. The speedball cone shall be made of a large pylon with the top cut down to a 5” diameter opening. The cone may be painted any color with contrasting strip or design and measure an overall height of 24” (see Appendix A). The balls used for speedball must be standard golf balls of any color.