HI LWVRB, It's time for us to roll up our sleeves and do what Leaguers do best. We have TWO important witness slips for you to file tonight or tomorrow morning. This request for both slips should take you less than four minutes. Instructions are at the end of this note.
#1 - Tell Illinois lawmakers to add email addresses to candidate filing forms. | Submit a witness slip for HB 4153 ELEC CD-CANDIDATE EMAILS
Please click here and take two minutes and fill out a witness slip in support of HB 4153. Candidate Emails before the hearing start time: Tuesday, March 5th at 2 PM. This bill would amend the Election Code. It modifies the statement of candidacy requirements to include an email address for the candidate. Provides that an election authority may not reject a statement of candidacy, and a person may not file an objection to a candidate's statement of candidacy, for failure to include an email address or because of an error in the email address provided.
Contacting candidates is a frustrating experience for League members who organize candidate forums and support online voter guides. Why? Because the Illinois nominating petition does not require an email address or phone number.
Here's the full text of HB 4153. It would encourage candidates to provide contact information so it is easier for us to reach out to them.
#2 - Tell IL lawmakers to stop deceptive AI "deepfake" political ads | Submit a witness slip for HB 4644 Illinois Protect Elections from Deceptive AI Act
Please click here and take two minutes to fill out a witness slip in support of HB 4644, Illinois Protect Elections from Deceptive AI Act, before the hearing start time: Tuesday, March 5th at 2 PM.
Artificial intelligence is becoming more sophisticated, making it easier for political actors to pass off fabricated content, also known as “deepfakes”, as something real. This deception damages our democracy and could have devastating effects in a close election. Here’s the good news: Legislators in Springfield are considering stopping the deceptive use of AI in political ads.
Here's the full text of HB 4644. It would prevent political actors from misleading voters by requiring clear disclaimers on ads that use AI-generated content — and ban any that don’t comply.
If you have never filed a witness slip, it takes about two minutes and you can do it from the comfort of your home. Witness slips are a quick and easy way to help show support for a bill.
Here are some tips for filling out witness slips for the bills above:
- In Section I -Identification, Enter your name and address. In the 'Firm/Business or Agency' and 'Title' boxes, enter "Self"
- In Section II - Representation, Enter "Self"
- In Section III - Position, Click on "Proponent."
- In Section IV - Testimony. Click on “Record of Appearance only.”
- Next, click on the box that says you agree to their terms and conditions
- Then click Create (Slip).
For a video on how a witness slip is filed with an example demonstration, watch this 6-minute video from the League of Women Voters of Illinois.