It came as a wonderful surprise when my hubby Mike sent me a link to a feature in the Manchester Evening News in which a fitness professional had looked at a selection of classic fitness DVDs, and commented as to whether they were still relevant today. Based on the reviews on Amazon by folks who had worked out to them, they created a list of the top 19 videos, and would you believe it, my Ultimate Whole Body Workout came out top!
All the DVDs discussed were released in the early 2000s and the Ultimate Whole Body Workout has always been a great favourite of mine because it offers three workouts – a 35-minute aerobic workout, a 20-minute strength programme then, for the first time, a 20-minute seated workout using water bottles as weights. It was a huge success at the time and continues to sell today.
One of the things I try to do is promote our website and Newsletter to as many people as possible, but, as you will have realised, Mary and I provide all these things for free because we are passionate about promoting health and fitness for the over 50s. As we want to help as wide an audience as we can, one of the best means of promoting what we do is on local radio, particularly as our target market matches their demographic.
So, when a bit of news like coming No. 1 in a fitness video chart comes along, I enlist the services of my PR contact, Dan Baker from PLC Media. If he thinks the story might be of interest to the radio media, he writes a press release and sends it to his contacts in radio together with a suggested date when I would be happy to be interviewed by them.
So, a couple of weeks ago we held our ‘radio day’ when local radio stations booked their slot. From BBC Radio Newcastle to BBC Hereford & Worcester, to BBC Merseyside and my home town of Leicester, in all, I did eight interviews – some live, some pre-recorded. It is always great fun and I always enjoy live radio best. It gets the adrenalin flowing.
Unsurprisingly, I was asked why I thought my Ultimate Whole Body Workout had come top of the pops? And it gave me the perfect platform from which I could explain why this one was so popular. I also explained that my magic formula was not all down to my presentation skills! Behind this and every recording was one very special person – Mary Morris, choreographer and fitness guru!
In Mary’s piece below she will explain how we first met, so I won’t steal her thunder, but when Mary came to work with me 30 years ago as our Head of Training and Development for our Clubs, not only did she produce the best diet and fitness teachers in the land but she also transformed the quality of my fitness video programmes with her incredible choreography and outstanding teaching.
Producing and presenting a fitness video/DVD is not a quick job, as Mary will explain later, but we were fortunate in our relationship. Mary wasn’t jealous of the fact that I presented the videos and was the ‘front man’. In fact, she preferred it that way because she knew it would reach more people as my profile was quite high back then and her ambition was always to teach as many people as possible to exercise! Mary also really enjoyed the fact that she had free rein in choreographing the programme to ensure that it was the best it could be - safe and super-effective for the user. My job was to present the programme so that people could follow it easily and would want to work-out to it many, many times and make them fitter.
So, what goes on behind the scenes?
When you watch any of my fitness videos, the finished article appears slick and effortless. And that’s good. However, in reality, each track probably has been performed five times before it reaches that point! The first time is a reminder run-through for me and the team. Then we do the whole track for the four cameras who are going to record it. Next is a proper recording which is more like a dress-rehearsal. Then it is the real thing – maximum energy and our best smiles. If there are too many errors - it could have been me or one or two of the backing dancers - we re-recorded it and hopefully this ‘take’ would end up ‘in the can’. We would then sit around the monitor and watch it ‘played back’ to see if it looked perfect. Any little errors would be re-recorded in isolation and then cleverly edited by the Director later.
Standing in my eyeline throughout the recording, but behind the cameras, was Mary watching our every move and giving us hand signals with fingers as to how many more repetitions remained whilst telling us to smile and indicate the next move! A real skill but Mary knew every single beat and phrase of those tracks!
But remembering the words, the choreography, the number of repetitions, and remembering the bits of commentary about how each of the backing dancers had slimmed down and become so fit, was very challenging so I decided it would be a lot easier for me to have it all on autocue. Mary agreed. And this worked brilliantly and made the whole recording more professional and much less stressful for me. It took us two whole days to write down every word I would say to the camera and then, on the day of recording, the final script was uploaded to an autocue.
This video recording process went on for two days until we finally heard those magic words, ‘It’s a wrap’! By then, we were all exhausted! But we drank champagne and felt excited that the recording was finally done. Every video we recorded was fun - hard work, but fun.
So, when a radio presenter asks me ‘What made your videos so special?’ I tell them I had a brilliant choreographer in Mary, and we worked very, very hard to make every single one of them the best it could be.