|  |  | Whether you’re born and raised here or being welcomed to Calgary for the first time, you know you can rely on us to get you the services you need. We have a lot going on at The City of Calgary as we work hard to help ensure Calgary stays one of the most livable cities in the world. This newsletter is one way to get information about the programs and services you value, and learn more about how we’re investing in Calgary to make it an even better place to live, work, grow, and raise a family. | | Calgary needs more homes. Citywide rezoning will help. |
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With the approval of Home is Here: The City of Calgary’s Housing Strategy, we began work implementing actions that will address the housing crisis. One of the proposed actions is citywide rezoning.
We need more homes in all shapes and sizes and in all communities. This will help support Calgary’s growth now and for future generations.
Since Jan. 29, 13 public information sessions and webinars were held where participants could learn more and ask questions about Rezoning for Housing. More than 1,300 people attended the sessions. On March 7, the Calgary Planning Commission reviewed and approved our recommendations to move toward the next step at the Public Hearing on April 22, 2024.
You are welcome to submit feedback to Council before noon on April 15 at calgary.ca/PublicHearing or register to speak at the public hearing on April 22. We are planning and building our communities now as our city grows to 2 million people.
Visit calgary.ca/RezoningForHousing to learn more. | | 22 new peace officers bolster public safety |
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|  | On Feb. 23, 10 new transit peace officers and 12 new community safety peace officers graduated at a ceremony held at the Mewata Armoury. These graduates will be pivotal in bolstering public safety and security across Calgary's transit systems and communities. They will be tasked with enforcing bylaws, assisting citizens and contributing to the overall well-being of the city's residents and visitors.
"Starting my new role as a community peace officer, I am most looking forward to continuing the great work previous officers have done before me. Growing up as an immigrant to Canada, I witnessed firsthand the importance of law enforcement in maintaining order and protecting the vulnerable," says Khoi Pham, class leader for the graduating community peace officers.
Among the graduates are individuals with varied backgrounds and experiences, each bringing a unique perspective and skill set to their roles. From compassionate souls driven by a desire to make a positive impact on their communities to advocates for public safety with a keen sense of responsibility, the new peace officers stand ready to embark on their new journey. |
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|  | Repairs to Calgary’s iconic Peace Bridge were completed in November 2023 after partial closure to replace the previous glass railing panels with new steel tension cables. These improvements were made following damages to 70 of the 100 glass panels in a 2022 vandalism event.
One of the biggest challenges the project team faced was retaining the original distinguished design—keeping the curved railing shape and providing an unobstructed view of the Bow River. The design was completed by a local architectural firm, in consultation with Santiago Calatrava Architects and Engineers, the original bridge designer. The use of new steel tension cables will reduce annual maintenance costs as it is less susceptible to damage, easier to maintain, with the material readily available in North America. The Peace Bridge remained partially open to the public during construction. Design and construction were completed within budget and the anticipated timeline.
The Peace Bridge celebrated its 10-year anniversary in 2022. Additional maintenance work on the roof canopy of the decade-old bridge is expected later this year.
With a more durable railing in place, you can once again take in the stunning views of our river valley when using this important connection to cross the Bow River between the Sunnyside and Eau Claire communities, access Calgary’s downtown and enjoy our well-loved pathway system. | |
| More than just an estimated breakdown of your tax bill |  | You can use your assessment notice to get a property-specific estimate of the 2024 property tax bill and a complete breakdown of how your property taxes are invested in City services on calgary.ca/taxcalculator. This level of detail is not captured on the tax bill we send by mail in May, making the tool valuable to those curious about how their taxes have changed or how each dollar is invested in City services.
It can be an eye-opening experience; for example, you might be surprised to learn that last year, approximately 35 percent of the property tax we collected went directly to the province.
We use property tax dollars to support City services, including 24/7 fire, police and emergency response, 160+ bus and CTrain routes, and over 1.25 million 311 requests last year. Learn more about the 2024 tax bill at calgary.ca/taxcalulator. |
| | Free Digital Service Squad program helps small business thrive in the digital age |  |
| The City’s Business & Local Economy team (BLE) continues to encourage small business growth and resiliency through their free one-on-one Digital Service Squad program.
Funded by a provincial grant, in partnership with Business Link and Digital Main Street, the squad helps small business owners adopt new technologies and teaches them the essential digital marketing skills needed to launch and grow their business, such as website building, social media strategy development, and the setup of Meta Business Suite.
Since the program's inception in February 2022, 15 post-secondary students and youth have handled over 5,000 inquiries, and provided more than 900 eligible small business owners with guidance and support; 58 per cent of those being women and 19 per cent being newcomers, immigrants, and refugees.
The program has received more than $1.5 million in funding from the province and will run until September 2024.
BLE is a division of The City’s Collaboration, Analytics and Innovation (CAI) business unit and is dedicated to fostering innovation and enhancing service delivery for Calgary's business community. Through their efforts, the team significantly contributes to employment, investment, and the overall well-being of the local economy.
More information about eligibility requirements and the application process for the DSS service can be found at calgary.ca/dss. | | Supporting front-line officers in their daily duties |
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|  | Each day, peace officers at The City of Calgary rely on critical information and support provided to them by the Emergency Management and Community Safety Court Coordination and Canadian Police Information Centre (CPIC) team. The Court Coordination and CPIC team comprises of nine CPIC information specialists, along with five court liaisons.
CPIC provides information about crimes and criminals. It is the only national information-sharing system that links law enforcement and other public safety partners across Canada and internationally. Through the CPIC System, criminal justice information is shared 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Our employees undergo a robust preemployment screening process and our physical centres are a secure environment with strong security measures.
“CPIC plays a crucial role in supporting law enforcement agencies across Canada in their efforts to maintain public safety and uphold the rule of law,” explains Dawn Unsworth, leader, Court Coordination and CPIC. “The City of Calgary is the only municipality remaining in Canada to be granted the privilege of running this system to support community peace officer activities. Other municipalities rely on third-party access to CPIC, which means that critical information may not be immediately available to them.”
| | | Calgary Transit wins first place at APTA's 2024 AdWheel Awards for Transit Trailblazers Scavenger Hunt |
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|  | Calgary Transit proudly accepted a First Place Award in the 2024 AdWheel Awards competition, hosted by the American Public Transportation Association (APTA), in the Best Marketing and Communications Educational Initiative, Special Event category.
The winning project, known as the Transit Trailblazers Scavenger Hunt, stood out for its innovative approach to engaging and educating young commuters. This initiative stemmed from a collaborative partnership between Calgary Transit and the Girl Guides, aimed at fostering confidence and proficiency in navigating Calgary's public transit system among youth.
Earning a 2024 AdWheel Award not only underscores Calgary Transit's commitment to innovation and education, but also highlights the transformative impact of collaborative initiatives in shaping the future of public transportation. As the industry continues to evolve, Calgary Transit remains steadfast in pioneering initiatives that empower and inspire communities, one innovative project at a time. | | | | Upcoming events March 19
March 20
March 21
March 24
March 25 | | Did you know? Downtown edition |  | We’re working with our downtown partners to revitalize our downtown by co-investing and converting underused office space into homes for Calgarians, post-secondary academic spaces and other uses that build downtown vibrancy. Our goal is to remove 6 million sq. ft. of vacant office space by 2031. We have 17 approved and in review office conversion projects in our pipeline that will create over 2,300 homes for Calgarians and remove more than 2.3 million sq. ft. of vacant downtown office space from the market. |
|  | Four expanded or new community outreach programs have recently begun, focusing on safety in the Downtown Core and East Village. Funded though the Downtown Strategy, these are: Downtown Ambassadors transitioned to Alpha House 24/7 HELP Team in downtown core Additional HELP Team in East Village Central Outreach in East Village/9 Ave corridor
|  | Over 20,000 Calgarians celebrated Lunar New Year Downtown at the Chinese Cultural Centre. Alongside Chinook Blast, attendees experienced traditional dragon dances, artisan markets and more. |
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