
EBCC Newsletter

Spring 2024

Photo by Dawn Balmer

Dear readers

Spring is arriving across Europe, with new migrants coming from the south every day. EBCC Board members also migrated north- or westwards in March, gathering in northeast England on the coast of Northumberland for a two-day Board meeting. The agenda was packed with news from the EBCC projects and from the EBCC Office, which, after two years, is firmly established. You can hear more from the Board at the Annual General Meeting; see the invitation below. While we restrict our travelling and meet online several times per year, the meeting confirmed the importance of seeing each other in person from time to time. This also applies to conferences, and we hope to meet many colleagues at the next EBCC Conference in Riga.

This newsletter also gives an insight into national monitoring projects and presents new national atlases published in Portugal and Austria.

Best wishes,

Verena Keller

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PECBMS report published

The report summarises the Pan-European Common Bird Monitoring Scheme (PECBMS) activities between 1 September 2023 and 15 March 2024. We finished the strategic planning and released the 2023 update of supra-national European trends and indicators on 11 December. The update covers 43 years from 30 countries, including 26 EU MS – all but Malta, where a regular bird monitoring scheme started in 2023. Regularly, we met EU stakeholders, researchers, and coordinators and provided answers and advice upon request. To give feedback to the coordinators, we organised two online webinars. The first one took place in January and was dedicated to the EBBA Live Farmland project; the second one, in March, was the fourth, already traditional, technical webinar. In November, we successfully won the bid and started working on a new EC contract, which will secure the scheme until 2026. Moreover, we established a new working group to develop a novel mountain bird indicator.

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State of Netherland´s Birds 2023

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