John Hanson Weekly News 22nd March 2024
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Welcome to the weekly Newsletter for parents and carers of students attending

John Hanson Community School

Inspire - Care - Succeed
‘HEAD’ Lines



Dear Parents/Carers

As we move towards the end of another term, I am writing this week with a few reminders regarding the following:

  • How we communicate with you
  • Who to contact at school if you want to let us know something or have a concern
  • Uniform expectations
  • End of term arrangements

The vast majority of communications we send out to parents/carers will go via Parent Mail. Please make sure you check your account/app on a daily basis. On your phone the app will always indicate if there is a new message.
We value all communications between home and school and want to make sure that if you contact the school you get the timeliest response from the most appropriate member of staff.
  • If your communication relates to a subject your child is studying, please contact their class teacher. If the issue is complex, the relevant Head of Subject will support in any appropriate matters;
  • If your communication relates to issues other than the subjects your child is studying, please contact your child’s form tutor. The relevant Head of Year will support in any appropriate matters;
  • All subjects and year groups have a member of my senior team attached to them. They will support Heads of subject and Year as required.

The best way to make contact is via email. The email contact details for all staff can be found on the school website:

Please note – please do not turn up to the school reception without an appointment unless you are dropping something off, collecting a child or your concern is of a serious child protection nature. All of our staff will most likely be working with your children during the school day and will therefore not be available. I do not want you to leave frustrated that you were not able to speak to someone. Please contact the school, explain your issue and an appointment will be made for you with the most appropriate member of staff.

There are a small, but increasing number of students who are finding themselves in detention due to them making poor decisions regarding their uniform. Please can you take a few minutes to refresh your memory regarding what the expectations are regarding uniform and those items we do not allow. Details are on the school website:

End of the spring term
Just a reminder that we break up for the end of the spring term on Thursday 28th March at 3.05pm.
Enjoy the weekend with your children.
Russell Stevens

Year 8 performance from SMASHED Live!

On Wednesday afternoon year 8 had the opportunity to watch an award-winning alcohol education programme, that tackles underage drinking with positive thinking.
The hour-long event began with a theatrical performance charting the lives of three teenagers and their experiences with alcohol. This was followed immediately by an interactive workshop exploring:
  • The social and emotional causes of underage drinking
  • Its impact on young lives
  • Social influence and decision-making
  • Where and how to help yourself and others
Our students were thoroughly engaged throughout and immersed themselves confidently in the Q&A session that followed.  This was a great introduction to the topic of addiction, which was then followed up in Friday’s PSHE day.

PSHE day 5: 21st March

Our fifth PSHE day of the year – busy as always! Also, our current Year 11 student’s last John Hanson PSHE day! Our students were given multiple opportunities to learn about protecting and supporting the wellbeing of themselves and others, identifying challenges around difficult and topical issues, and preparing for their futures.
Year 7: The Apprentice
Today Year 7 put their creativity and independence to the test, as they planned, designed, and created their own children’s book. In an Apprentice style competition, they vied for the crown in small groups within their tutor groups, and for the opportunity to present their product to the whole year in the dining hall after a brief judge and vote session in their bases. Students considered and utilised skills necessary for the world of work including teamwork and collaboration, planning and organisation, and listening and compromise.

The morning was immediately a hive of activity and creativity with students planning, drafting and perfecting their pitches for the big reveal during session 6! The hustle and bustle of the teams throughout the entirety of the day was electric, and the students supported each other during the creation of their books right through to the competitive voting.
The year group winners with the best product children’s book and presentation to showcase it were: ‘Bully bear by 7CBR.
Year 8: A day of topical and hard-hitting subjects around mental and physical health, laws and guidance to protect us from a young age, and how we can decide our best paths whilst navigating growing up
Tutor session on Marriage
Year 8 kicked off their day by learning of the history of marriage – the laws and specifics – and then considered why people choose to get married. Looking at the most recent change in the law, they discussed the new legal age of marriage and why it is important. They explored the meaning of commitment in marriage and how rights have changed to rightfully allow same sex marriages today.
A challenging session, Year 8 learned how to identify, manage and seek help for unhealthy behaviours, habits and addictions including smoking cessation. They were successful in being curious, mature and aware about the concepts of dependence and addiction, including awareness of help to overcome addictions. Importantly, we discussed how – even though they seem harmless – caffeine and over-the-counter prescriptions also have addictive properties.
Basic First Aid
In this session Year 8 learned the basics of first aid, including what to do when someone is bleeding heavily, has suffered burns, or has suffered a broken bone. They also learned how and when to phone the emergency services. They had the opportunity to view clips produced by The Red Cross detailing stories from real-life situations where these injuries had occurred. 
Invisible Disabilities

In this session students learnt about disabilities that are not obvious to others and how we can show respect, understanding and tolerance as a support mechanism for others in society. This session focussed on the impact of these disabilities, the link between language and mental health stigma, and the myths and misconceptions associated with help-seeking. Within this, we focussed on the similarities, differences and diversity among people of different race, culture, ability, sex, gender identity, age and sexual orientation within hidden disabilities to further strengthen our understanding and tolerance. Students even learned a little British Sign Language with Mrs North in celebration of National Sign Language Week this week.
Year 8 discussed the issue of self-harm which is when you hurt yourself on purpose and why and how this may happen. We looked at how to recognise when they and others need help with their mental health and wellbeing and how and where to access support if needed. We also discussed and shared healthy ways in which to relieve stress.
Something’s Not Right
During this session, students were active in identifying the features of positive relationships in the home and what they should be like. Students utilised the resources to recognise inappropriate, non-consensual, or unwanted behaviour, including online. Contrastingly, they looked at indicators of positive, healthy relationships and unhealthy relationships. The impact that media and social media can have on how people think about themselves and express themselves, including regarding body image, physical and mental health, can be incredibly damaging and students understood ways to access information and support for relationships including those experiencing difficulties; to recognise warning signs, including online; how to report abusive behaviours or access support for themselves or others.
We welcomed Simon Says, a Child Bereavement Support Service as well today. The wonderful team spoke about the overwhelming feelings of grief and how we can all look after ourselves and each other when someone close to us has died or is dying. They addressed the language that is used when someone has died and assumptions that are sometimes made such as “they should be over it by now” or “it’s just your pet” acknowledging that everyone experiences grief in different ways and that there is no amount of time to grief for someone that has died. The students showed wonderful empathy and understanding about a difficult and emotional subject.
Year 9: An array of sessions to get students thinking about both their physical and mental safety in a variety of different ways
Tutor session on Online Safety and the dangers of Fake News
The importance of this session was to get students able to identify and understand what fake news is and why it is created. Students successfully identified what questions to ask when consuming news in the media, and knowing what checks to make to decide upon whether it is fake or real and why it can be harmful when you are misled.
Rail Safety
During the Rail Safety session, students were reminded of the importance of staying safe around railway lines. Students watched a range of videos by Network Rail which show the dangers of railways and then discussed what they can do to keep themselves safe in different situations. As a rail safety school, we have recently achieved Silver Level for our work on this.
Living with Bulimia
This session covered definitions and overviews of different eating disorders including signs and symptoms and where to go for help and support. It also addressed myths around eating disorders and looked at Freddie Flintoff as a case study of someone who suffers with Bulimia. Students were carefully taught about the causes and triggers for unhealthy coping strategies, such as self-harm and the negative impacts of eating disorders, and the need to seek help for themselves or others as soon as possible.
The impact of substance misuse with Stacey Miller
Year 9 were given a session to raise awareness of Drugs by our visiting speaker Stacey Miller, during their PSHE day.  The session enabled students to understand the law, the health risks and the impact of illegal and legal drugs on individuals and their families. Students learnt about how drugs can be legitimate and then used illegally.  Students learnt about the dangers of taking drugs and the risks associated with taking unknown substances.  Different kinds of substances were explained and the possible effects of those on the individuals who take them. 
This session looked at the effect of alcohol using real life case studies. It looked at the myths and misconceptions about the effects of alcohol and its effect on society, following a night bus ambulance crew who have to deal with intoxicated students, and the impact it has on their families and the ambulance service. Finally, students had the opportunity to experience what it feels like to be intoxicated and try to open a lock using ‘beer goggles’ that simulate the visual disorientation of being drunk.
With the recent soar in vape sales of underage consumers, students looked at the consequences of vaping; the health, environmental, and legal impact of vaping and of vapes themselves. They learnt about the law and considered our clear school rules on vaping or having a vape on your person. We discussed and challenged misconceptions about vapes and vaping, and how they can be just as harmful and addictive as cigarettes.
Year 10: A challenging range of sessions to promote wellbeing and being able to look out for themselves for personal safeguarding
Tutor session on LGBT Marriage
To begin their day, students learnt about the history of LGBT Civil partnerships and marriage, understanding the changes in the law and considered both equality and tolerance. This session looked specifically at the importance of equality and diversity in society and showed the characteristics of strong, positive relationships that included mutual support, trust and respect.
Digital Detox
This session looked at the physiological and phycological effects of our addiction to mobile devices, their effects on our mental health and wellbeing, and what we can do to strike a healthy balance. The students started the session by being shown how to check their average weekly screen time – something that is worth looking at home over the weekend as sometimes it can be as high as 10 hours per day!  The lesson then discussed the drawback of high mobile phone use which finished with the students creating their own mind map.  Finally, the session finished with students exploring how they can reduce their screen time and where they can seek help if they have a problem or need support.
Domestic Violence
During this session, students understood that the definition of domestic violence is: "any incident of threatening behaviour, violence or abuse psychological, physical, sexual, financial or emotional.” We discussed key terminology and understood where we can get help and support for ourselves should we need it, or how to help others. Students looked at key signs of unhealthy relationships and discussed what healthy relationships should look like in comparison.
Sexual Health
A crucial session on Sexual health recapping issues such as consent, sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and local sexual health services. Our students left this session feeling well informed about what is available to help them within the local area, and wiser about their bodies. A reminder was given that we have a termly Sexual Health clinic on site run by NHS Solent for students who have more questions.
Addictive gambling
Year 10 openly learnt about the risk attached to gambling in all its forms, whether online or via the lottery, and how it can lead to addiction and ruin lives. They were given advice on what to do if this affects their life, from how a seemingly innocent and simple £1 spend could unwillingly and quickly snowball out of control.
Boost your study skills with SUN
In their session about boosting study skills, Year 10 have been learning about note taking methods that can be applied in lessons and as part of revision for exams. For example, the use of symbols and abbreviations as well as effective use of Cornell notes.
Emotional Toolbox
Year 10 have been taught practical grounding strategies involving visualisation and deep breathing-highly effective judging by the yawns! They then got cracking with Lego, puzzles and colouring to experience the joys of simple everyday activities. This session focussed on sharing tools that we already have that help us manage our anxieties, worries and stresses and learning new skills and tools to add to our own toolbox!
Year 11: A collection of challenging issues to promote personal wellbeing, and how students can safeguard themselves and those around them in the future
Revision session
Students had a 50-minute session to work and revise silently on independent revision topics, coursework or home learning. Students showed a range of techniques and completed myriad different tasks including Technology coursework, BTEC Sport and GCSE PE assignments, writing and practising for language speaking tests, practise Maths GCSE papers, annotating English poetry anthologies, Educake revision and just reading/learning flashcards. The independent skills shown should hold them in good stead for continuing this over Easter as they continue to prepare for their upcoming GCSEs.
Unifrog – What makes you employable?
In today’s session Year 11 students were given their Unifrog login. Unifrog is a whole-school platform which allows students to track and keep a record of their research and careers interactions.  Students used this platform to look at why it’s important to record experiences, learning and achievements. They looked at strategies to manage their CV, resumé or online presence and its impact on career opportunities. They also started to think about their employability skills and started to add these skills to their Unifrog account.
CPR Refresher
Since their last CPR session (way back in Year 7!), Year 11 students were given a refresher of this invaluable skill to increase their confidence in performing emergency first aid and life-saving assistance, including cardio-pulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and the use of defibrillators.
Football’s Coming Out
This session centred around watching a documentary that is powerful and relevant in its explorations of the perceptions of homosexuality in modern football, the struggles around coming out especially in an environment of, oftentimes, toxic masculinity. This led students into a structured discussion on how we can all make people around us feel comfortable and accepted.
Students took part in several different challenges ranging from Rowing Challenge to Leg Press. With GCSE Exam season imminent, it is really important for our students to be aware of how regular exercise can increase self-confidence, improve your mood, help you relax, and lower symptoms of low mood and stress. Exercise can also improve your sleep, which is often disrupted by stress.
The Year 11s participated in an introduction to Yoga session whilst finding out the benefits to this type of exercise; improved respiration, energy and vitality; relaxation and better sleep; and improved cardio and circulatory health.

Next week, we will enjoy the Easter Book Giveaway in the LRC. On Wednesday 27th March, at break, lunchtime and after school until 4pm our students will be able to choose from a variety of books that have been donated to the school. As always, there is a wealth of wonderful reading material in the LRC that can be borrowed, initially for three weeks and then renewed if required. If students can’t find the book they’re looking for they can also make a request using the online LRC Suggestions and Requests form, the actual Suggestions Box in the LRC, or by speaking to Mrs Bailey our LRC Manager.
Students are also reminded to enter our latest poetry competition. Book prizes will be awarded to the top three and the winning entries will be displayed on our ‘Poetree’ in the Reading Room. Students may like to get some tips and inspiration by writing their entries at Creative Writing Club, every Wednesday after school with Miss Cook in M15.

The Importance of Promoting Cultural Celebrations at JHCS!


Promoting these religious celebrations within our school community is crucial. These events are not only observed by diverse communities worldwide but also carry profound cultural and spiritual significance.

By being mindful and supportive of students and families,  we can foster a sense of belonging, promotes  inclusivity, respect and appreciation for the diverse beliefs and practices  within our school community.

Here are some notable celebrations around the world throughout March.

The Wellbeing Hub
Physical Education / Sports - Winter Newsletter

You can view our WinterNewsletter featuring all the sporting activities by following this link:
PE Extra Curricular Programme
Careers Newsletter Autumn Term 1 2023
Newsletter 1

Newsletter 2

Equality, Diversity and Inclusion

At John Hanson Community School we are committed to providing equality of opportunity for all students and staff, and to providing a working environment free from discrimination, prejudice and harassment. 

We encourage respect and consideration for others, and recognise and value the school as a safe place for learning. The staff at John Hanson recognise that inequalities exist in all levels of society and believe, that as educators, we have a crucial role to play in eliminating all forms of discrimination, in particular against anyone with any of the protected characteristic. We promote equality by dealing with bullying and incidents of discrimination immediately and by educating the young people in our care through assemblies, tutor time, PSHE day sessions and group work where appropriate.

This is part of our responsibility in preparing our students for life after school.
Important EDI events over the next week:  

25th Int. Day of Remembrance of the victims of slavery and the transatlantic slave trade.

Ramadan 22nd March - 21st April

Words you might not know:

The Transatlantic slave trade: or Euro-American slave trade involved the transportation by slave traders of enslaved African people, mainly to the Americas. The slave trade existed from the 16th to the 19th centuries. Ramadan: The ninth month of the Islamic calendar, observed by Muslims worldwide as a month of fasting, prayer, reflection and community.

Useful websites:

Diversity, Equality and Inclusion at John Hanson.

Please find attached the latest DEI newsletter:

What is International Women’s Day (IWD)?

It is when the world comes together on the 8th of March to celebrate women's achievements and reinforce a commitment to women's equality  The DEI team will be producing one of these every term for you and your parents to read through – if you have any ideas for content please see Mrs Curtis, Mrs Ferris or Mrs Grinstead. 

Click here to download the newsletter
College Open Events.

Please do check the individual websites for any changes to the schedule before setting off to visit them  
Vacancies at John Hanson - Join Our Team

Would you like to come and work for us?

Please see our Latest Vacancies here........
Please encourage your son/daughter to use their SCHOOL EMAIL for work rather than their own private email. This is important for safeguarding and also some of our messages for students are being sent to school email addresses.

If you are having problems logging into

Satchel:one you can request a password reset

Further problems   contact

who can send you a new login PIN

For help with Satchel one visit:
Microsoft Office for Students

Links to documents for Microsoft Office
Please see the other useful links.

Think you know – Activity Packs relating to online safety
Who’s watching yours? – 17% increase in children livestreaming since lockdown (Advice to help parents/carers minimise risk to children online)
Mental health – How to look after your family’s mental health when stuck indoors
Houseparty – Everything you need to know.
John Hanson Computing Department
Want to know more about what’s going on in school? Why not follow us on:

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EMTAS – Ethnic Minority and Traveller Achievement Service

Community News
We are pleased to announce that we are working alongside Andover Radio to promote success and achievement in Andover.

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