
Articles to Guide you

The power of forgiveness as part of our own Ascension Journey

By Fiona van Rensburg (Portal of Alchemy)

Currently the Earth and Humanity are going through major unprecedented shifts and changes. We are all on different stages of our own Ascension Journey.  Preferably we want to get to a stage as described by Ma’at where our heart is measured on a scale against a feather. One of the heaviest things we carry in our hearts are unforgiveness of self or others for past errors and judgements. So to clear that I go to the message that stands out for me from Master Jesus who came to show us how to love and forgive. So I can think of no better time than now to do a forgiveness exercise. The phrase that sticks in my mind is the time Jesus was being crucified where his words was  'Father, forgive them; for they do not know what they're doing...'

That phase says so much to me. Who are we to judge. What we do to another, we do to ourselves, because we are all connected. We are all family, we are all brothers and sisters of each other, for there is only one Creative Source, One God that we choose to call by different names. Currently there are 8 Billion People on the Earth, all at different consciousness levels, different awareness levels, different emotional intelligence levels and most are in lesson.

For the Earth is like a school we come to, to learn different levels and end off cycles to be able to return back from where we came from. For that we need to lighten our hearts. We all come to play a different role on the stage of Earth and at a soul level we chose the role players in our life to assist us with our lessons.

In the Book “The Michael Teachings” The following comments are oversimplified generalizations of how people in the different Roles make a living, but will give some idea of what they are like:

Warrior: runs a business or enterprise;
King: seeks public office, to become a leader;
Server: works at most any job in a service capacity;
Priest: raises consciousness in ministry or psychology;
Artisan: invents or manufactures something to sell;
Sage: sells his ability as entertainer or teacher;
Scholar: sells his knowledge or information.

No role is better-than nor lesser-than. All are needed.

It is our judgements of another, our condemnations, our unforgiveness that traps us in endless cycles of repeating lessons until we get it.  We all have the opportunity to lighten our hearts, end the cycles and move into peace.

To forgive, you are not making what the other person did right. You just unburden your heart from that energy. You are releasing yourself from the suffering. You are setting yourself free.

This morning a friend send me a TikTok video which had a similar message. The moral of the story was that “there is no need to discuss something insignificant, as our journey together is too short”. We must understand that our time here is so short. It’s not worth darkening our Earthly experience with useless arguments, jealousy and not forgiving others, discontentment and bad attitudes are a waist of our time and energy. If someone broke your heart, stay calm the trip is too short. Did someone betray, cheat or humiliate you, relax, don’t stress, the trip is too short. Did someone insult you without reason, shake it off, ignore it, the trip is too short. Did someone make a comment you didn’t like, take a deep breath, ignore him, forgive and forget, the trip is too short. Whatever problem someone has brought us, remember that our journey together is too short. No one knows the lenght of our trip. No one knows when our journey with others will arrive and when it will stop. Our trip together is too short.

We don’t have control over others, but we do have control over how we choose to feel for the remainder of our journey here on Earth. People come and people go. Don’t carry with you the heavy stuff, choose to forgive, choose to live in peace. Choose how you would like to feel.

What if today was the day you forgave completely? How would it change your life and your experiences from this day forward.

If I wronged you in any way

I'm so sorry

Please forgive me

I love you

Thank you

If you're wronged me in any way, know that you are forgiven. I love you for the lesson and Thank you.

Let there be peace in your heart

Let there be peace in your mind

Let there be peace in your life.

If this is something that you struggle with, know that I’m here to guide you through it, help heal those soul, and inner-child wounds that creates the triggers in our adult life, where some start taking everything personally, feel like a victim, blame others and don’t like their lives.

We cannot heal something on  the outside of us, only something that is within. When we start taking responsibility for our own lives, our lives transform and change in miraculous ways where life becomes a joyful experience.

Namaste (the Divine Spark within me sees the Divine Spark within you)

Love and light

Fiona van Rensburg

Emotional Healer, Transformational Coach,

Intuitive Empath Energy Healer and Metaphysical Teacher

Alchemist, Wayshower, Starseed,

Free Content for the month

In this video I share what if you choose to forgive today, and if you not there yet, how I can help you get there

What if you forgave today


I'm available for appointments in Randburg during the Easter weekend Fri and Sat 29 and 30 Mar and back in Pinetown Mon 1 April and onwards. For those that have been triggered by work or by family or by life and need to find your center and balance or healed from the trauma. I always try be open on the days people have off to take care of their mental emotional physical or spiritual healing needs. Just know that I'm here for you, if you've been looking for help .

Appointments available in Benoni and Randburg Fri-Mon 10-13 May 2024. Contact me for appointment suitable for you.

New clients first appointments R1,500. My Follow-up appointments have been reduced to R1,000 for 2 hours, saving you R500 per follow-up session.

Please pass on the message to those who may need what I have to offer.

Love and light


WhatsApp +27 82 788 141 3

Or kindly forward my details to friends or family that can benefit by what I have to offer. Thank you.

I’ll be doing a guided group meditation at 7pm SAST on the 4th of April 2024. Or recordings will be available afterwards for you to catch up on. It’s at fee of R120 or $12. WhatsApp me to book your seat and for me to send you the Zoom link.

In this video I share How does an online distance healing session work?

How does an online distance healing session work?

Assisting in the clearing of mental, emotional, financial or spiritual blockages, helping you heal any physical bodily ailments, facilitating enlightening counselling sessions, to help you understand yourself and this game of life better and how to get to living your best life. Transforming your life from barely existing, having lived through trauma or abuse or loss to thriving and being excited about the future again. I tailor-make each session to your needs and circumstances and have various payment plans available.

Session online via Zoom or in-person in Pinetown most of the year or in Benoni quarterly

I’m based in Pinetown, Durban, KZN for In-person sessions Google Maps link:

My On-line sessions are done either via Zoom or WhatsApp Video call.

Individual sessions on offer:

* Quantum Conversations & Spiritual Guidance

* Couple's Spiritual Counselling

* Alchemy Healing

* Chakra balancings / Reiki

* Past life regression healing

* Hypnotherapy and journey work

* Spiritual Development Program

Group work  on offer:

* Monthly On-line Portal date

Meditations via Zoom 1/1 ;2/2; 3/3; 4/4; 5/5; 6/6; 7/7; 8/8; 9/9; 10/10; 11/11; 12/12

Can pay-as-you-go  R220 pm

For enquiries



Fiona van Rensburg

#internationalintuitiveempathenergyhealer #spirituallifecoachandadvisor

#transformerofpeopleslives #alchemist #starseed #wayshower

”Energetically helping you release unwanted emotions, so you can live a joyful and fulfilled life"

"Heal your past, live in the NOW and dream your future "

"When you change the way you look at things the things you look at changes" Wayne Dyer

Kindly forward to anyone whom you think can benefit by what I have to offer.

Thanking you in advance

For more information

  Client testimonials

Testimonials. What our clients say about our services

Over the years I've helped so many clients, here are some of just a few of the comments my clients had to say.

Visit my website for more information, my services and more testimonials or WhatsApp me on +27 82 788 1413 for more information or make your booking via WhatsApp