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Dear <<First Name>>,
April 2, 2024
Join the Civitas Team at WUMUNS this Fall!
Are you interested in more Model UN experiences? As was true last fall, Civitas will sponsor a team of students at the weekend-long Washington University Model United Nations Symposium October 18th to October 20th, 2024.  WUMUNS offers several different committees for students, including a General Assembly opportunity. Except for the opening ceremony on Friday and closing ceremony on Sunday, delegates spend most of the weekend in their committee. Saturday evening usually offers a social opportunity when all delegates come together. Many school groups travel from all over the country to participate in WUMUNS and several other delegations are from local schools. Civitas prides itself in being a delegation of students from many schools throughout the St. Louis area. We will cover all group and delegate fees, but students must provide their own transportation to and from the Wash U campus and meals for the weekend. Typically the conference begins late Friday afternoon and ends early afternoon on Sunday. Click here to read more about the program.

If you would like to be a part of the Civitas delegation, limited to 12 students, please email Stephanie at We will add you to the delegate list and notify you in the fall when we have more details about the committee choices and schedule times.

Delegates from last year's Civitas group at WUMUNS.
Join Civitas for a private bus tour of St. Louis!
Saturday, April 20, 10:00 am-noon
Civitas has booked the "More than an Arch" tour through the Missouri History Museum for 32 students to experience together for free on Saturday, April 20 from 10:00 am until noon. The iconic Gateway Arch is an internationally recognized symbol of St. Louis, Missouri; but there is so much more to this vibrant city on the Mississippi River. According to the MO History website, our tour will be "a whirlwind but surprising in-depth trip through as much St. Louis history as we can cram into 2 hours. Route includes historical highlights as well as visits to hidden gems throughout both north and south St. Louis. See off-the-beaten-path neighborhoods such as Carondelet, Dutchtown, Kosciusko, Hyde Park, the Ville, and more!"

We will depart promptly at 10:00 am (so arrive early) from the MO History Museum (map) and return at noon.

Click here to sign up for this fun opportunity!
First Middle School Model UN General Assembly is Today!
It's a lot of work counting this many placards. Thankfully, our chair people are professionals.

The first middle school session was last week and it was a treat! Delegates from Holman Middle, Pattonville Heights Middle, and the St. Louis Homeschool Network worked to together as a dynamic General Assembly. Some resolutions were passed, some were defeated, but the conversation that students had was top notch. To see the resolutions & photos for this session along with information on all of the other middle school MUN sessions, please click here.

Tuesday, April 2: Election Day! Don't forget to vote.
Tuesday, April 16: Middle School General Assembly #2
Wednesday, April 17: Middle School General Assembly #3

Saturday, April 20, 10:00 am until noon, Bus Tour of St. Louis with MO History Museum. (MAP)
A bus field trip to explore St. Louis beyond the arch.
Sign up here.
Picture of the Week
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