Dateline: Papara, Tahiti
Dear Praying Friends,
Our trips back to the USA are always a whirlwind.  We go with good intentions and somehow forget to buy this needed item or visit that precious friend.  Despite the whirlwind, our recent trip was a joy for us.  We spent time with many family members and friends, made reports to several key churches, and informed hundreds of people of the need for sound Bible teaching in Tahiti and her islands.  Although we cannot see all our friends and visit every church, we appreciate everyone who is with us. This trip we made many new acquaintances and discovered more people who are interested in what we are doing and who desire to pray for our chosen mission field. We are indeed grateful for you all.  We are aware of your prayers every day as we face the unique challenges here.

Whenever we depart for a lengthy time, we are cognizant that in our absence, the enemy continues to work. This trip was no exception.  We saw a significant drop-off in attendance at our Tuesday Bible study and other ministries that have lost some steam due to our absence.  Naturally it is our goal to prepare our students for our absence, but we are not quite there just yet.  Please pray that our studies would regain their former momentum soon!

Rene' and some friends here are launching a Women of the Word Bible study, beginning Monday, April 8th.  Please pray that more and more women would have interest in this wonderful study and that it would be a good beginning for many to go deeper into the context of the Bible and come away with a compelling sense of the need for following God.

Our English Club in Papara will meet tomorrow, March 27th, then immediately break for two more weeks because of Easter vacation here. That means we will have missed 5 out of 6 weeks.  Pray that we reconnect well and create anticipation for growth in English and Bible.

Please pray for our Tahitian Bible translation project to get rolling once more.  It has been more than two years since we made any progress.  This is a vital project that needs the Lord's intervention and motivation.  We know He has the right people and the right timing in mind.

Our Institut Biblique de Polynesie has two key speakers coming from the USA later this year: Jim Myers in August and Moses Onwubiko in October. We truly need your prayers so that many will attend these events.  Our local church, L'eglise La Bonne Nouvelle has indicated they will host our speakers, which is a key breakthrough.  We are grateful for their kindness and eagerness to partner with us, and we want this trust to grow between us.  

Rachel and Amber, Nick and Theresa both plan on visiting us again this year for ministry.  Titus and his wife may also line up.  Pray for the Lord to clear a path for them.

Other Bible study ministries need to resume as well, like our nice little group on Moorea and the group on the Roadless Coast.

Please also pray for Pasteur Nicholas and Punari'i.  We want to continue training them to study their Bibles and to teach others to do so.  These two men have so much potential to impact their nation.

If you are willing, pray that we grow in our relationship with Christian Surfers Tahiti.  We share the same ministry goals and we would like to help them share their faith to the many surfers here, including those who travel from around the world to surf our famous spots.  With the Paris Olympics holding the surf competition here, we anticipate many more people coming from all over.

Another point for prayer is our Bookmobile ministry. We are gathering children's books, and we expect to purchase a new vehicle in the next month or two. Please pray that the mayors of Tahiti will be receptive to this chance for their children to improve their reading and practice English, even as we incorporate some Bible reading.

Finally, pray for partners for us, both from the USA and from here, who are willing to share the load.  You can see from our prayer list that we have much to do!
Please check out our updated website!  It has pictures, videos of worship, and literary quotes about the islands where we serve!  There will be regular updates as the Lord unfolds our work here, as well as videos of teaching and ministry events, and interviews with the islanders we work with.
Our Local Mailing Address:
BP 121403
98712 Papara
Polynesie Francaise
As always we are grateful for our amazing support organization, Village Ministries International.  If you want to support us beyond prayer, click below:

 FPolynesia - Village Ministries International

Likewise, we have a private charitable foundation to support education for Tahitians.  You can give to that fund at
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