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MAHC Events
MAHC Bill Tracker - Legislative Update
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Maine Housing Releases Draft 2025-2026 QAP - Public Hearing 4/16, comments by 4/26

Please review and share feedback with Maine Housing and MAHC on the draft QAP: Click here 
Redline version: Click here
DRAFT can also be found on the “Rules” page on our website -
Public hearing on April 16, 9:30 am at Maine Housing. Written comments must be received at Maine Housing at by April 26 by 5 pm.

Increased the amount of credit per unit to $30,000 from $20,000, and changed the maximum amount of credit per project to $1,200,000.

Total Development Caps have been increased
Type of Project TDC Index Cap
Adaptive Reuse $395,000 per unit
New construction $370,000 per unit
Acquisition and rehabilitation of existing housing $340,000 per unit

BABA and Maine Housing energy efficiency rules are included in Building Compliance
Applicable projects must complay with the Build America, Buy America Act (BABA), enacted as part of the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, Pub. L. 117-58 and 2 CFR 184. BABA established a domestic content procurement preference for all Federal financial assistance obligated for infrastructure projects after May 14, 2022.  The domestic content procurement preference requires that all iron, steel, manufactured products, and construction materials used in covered infrastructure projects are produced in the United States. This requirement is known as the "Buy America Preference" (BAP). Click for more on BABA.
Acquisition Caps have been increased
Type of Project Average Acquisition Cost
Acquisition and rehabilitation of existing housing  $60,500 per unit
New construction  $7,500 per unit
Adaptive Reuse  $10,500 per unit

NLIHC Releases The Gap: A Shortage of Affordable Homes

Download "The Gap"
NLIHC released today its annual report The Gap: A Shortage of Affordable Homes. This year’s report finds that the lowest-income renters in the U.S. face a shortage of 7.3 million affordable and available rental homes. As a result, nearly three-quarters of renters with extremely low incomes are severely cost-burdened, spending more than half their income on rent and accounting for nearly 70% of all severely cost-burdened renters in the U.S. The report calls for greater federal investments in the preservation and expansion of the affordable housing stock, more Housing Choice Vouchers to bridge the gap between renters’ incomes and rent, and emergency assistance for renters who experience unexpected short-term financial shocks.

Local votes show that Maine needs a statewide housing appeals board and more.
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Expanding Homeownership with Manufactured Housing
Report on research examining whether the uneven geography of rental housing bolsters patterns of socioeconomic and racial segregation in the nation’s largest metro areas.
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Expanding Homeownership with Manufactured Housing
Discuss whether continued suburban expansion can alleviate rising housing costs in urban areas, or whether urban centers will have to grow denser to become more affordable.
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SAVE THE DATE: MAHC Housing Policy Conference – Nov 13, 2024, Portland

This all day conference held every other year delves into housing and policy issues impacting addressing the need for housing in Maine and nationally. Hear from business and municipal leaders working on housing, statewide elected officials, housing policy leaders, development professionals and more. Attend to network with who’s who in Maine’s housing development world and understand the opportunities and challenges we face in the policy realm to meet Maine’s need of 80,000 new homes by 2030. With a presidential election, and a new Maine legislature starting,  this is the event to understand what’s ahead for housing and how to get involved in advocacy so all Maine people have a home.

8 am – 4 pm, DoubleTree, Portland, ME

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Rural Affordable Rental Housing Awards Announced &
MAHC Board Member Jeff Levine Speaks at the GPCOG Housing Summit on 3/26

Governor Mills spoke at the event and shared that, 105 new units of housing have received funding in the towns of Hallowell, Newcastle, Rockport, Rumford, Sanford, and Waterville.

GPCOG shared their new GreatMENeighborhoods website and their housing toolkit for communities.

Jeff Levine shared a history of zoning and how that has impacted Maine's housing crisis. Visit the GPCOG's website to find presenter slides.
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