Alive! with Joy: March 17 2024  Vol 8 #6
[Euphorbia in lime green...]
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First, the Promise of Spring

Spring has begun to peek purplishly in the crocus blooms, to yell yellowly from the daffodil patch, and peer pinkly from the plum trees above. How can your mood not be lifted by the signs of life returning? Plus, President Biden’s boffo State of the Union appearance cheered me immensely. Doubters had to admit he still has all his marbles. His sunny spirits, puckish humor and delight in his congressional colleagues (regardless of their partisan leanings) was a refreshing change from the vengeful dark rhetoric and cruel innuendos from the other candidate. I’m on Team Biden. 

Also, for my birthday (supposedly the first day of Spring, but it wanders), I’m spending a few days in the Bay Area to celebrate with family and old friends. It's my 84th !!! Somehow I'm still working! Not because I have to but because I love what I do, and believe it makes a lasting difference in my clients' lives. However, this will be my last year doing color analyses. I just need to find someone who’d like to take over from me. (I’m willing to mentor, but the person needs to take the formal training first. If you’re interested, get in touch.) 

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A western sword fern unfurls, glowing gold in the morning sun.

Polyvagal Paralysis (yes, P-words)

Amid all the loveliness outside, I still feel paralyzed by the bombardment of bad news on almost every other front, and powerless to do anything meaningful to help. Polyvagal theory* attempts to describe the role the autonomic nervous system plays in regulating our health and behavior. That system can be in one of three states: relaxed, mobilized for action, or immobilized by emotional overload. I'm in the immobilized, deer-in-the-headlights state much of the time. I've got so much to say, my mind just jams, hence I write nothing. 

I know I'm not alone. The past few years have brought unprecedented changes on every front, many of which challenge our understanding of reality, who we are, how to make a livelihood, what is right, who to trust... 

Just this week: test tube embryos are people? [Instagram post]

I’m waiting for some pregnant person to claim her fetus as a dependent on her tax return and see how that flies with the IRS. I mean, why not?

Progress on P-Words
It turns out I'm not the only one who enjoys playing around with the alphabet. My client Kathy Bent did a small version of the product with her kids when they were little. She sent me a photo from her scrapbook of when they explored P--with pancakes, Peralta park, popcorn etc. 

 I've been visiting with Goody Cable, who set me off on this quest back in 2007. The Sylvia Beach Hotel , where I first met her, celebrated its 37th illustrious anniversary this week. Goody is mostly immobilized from a stroke in 2019, but she's as mentally sharp as ever. She's always been unconventionally and sociably creative--her first social creation was Portland's quirky Rimsky-Korsakoffee House.  Hanging out with her sparks my very conventional soul. 

Do you have someone in your life that sparks something special in you, <<First Name>>? I'd love to hear about them.

Put yourself in the way of beauty 
I've never seen a hellebore with this dark ring of ? around the stamens. 

Inspiration from Margaret Renkl's beautiful new book, The Comfort of Crows
The world is burning, and there is no time to put down the water buckets. For just an hour, put down the water buckets anyway. Take your cue from the bluebirds, who have no faith in the future, but who build the future nevertheless, leaf by leaf and straw by straw, shaping them into the roundness of the world. Turn your face up to the sky. Listen. The world is trembling into possibility.

*My friend Debra Em Wilson recently published a book on applying polyvagal theory in the classroom--fascinating!

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If you haven't yet bought the Cherry Pie Paradox, may I humbly suggest the process and practices are the best way to fulfill your annual New Years' Weight Loss resolution, once and for all. You can eat what you love, without packing on the pounds. Really. I also have copies on hand if you want to buy direct. 

Then, request the FREE AUDIOBOOK! For owners of the Cherry Pie Paradox or the workbook. I’ve found a new home for the audiobook version, where I can set the price however I want. If you already have a copy of the book or workbook and would like the audiobook, just email me ( and I'll send you the info. If you do not yet have the book and want to buy it, Venmo me $20 @Joy-Overstreet, and I'll mail you a signed copy and the audiobook link. (Use the email link above and add your name, address, and any message you'd like when I sign it.) 

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To new subscribers- don't go away. You may not always get what you expect in a color consultant's newsletter, but I hope it makes you think.

If you're new here, you can catch up on the last 25 issues of Alive! with Joy. Or... dig into all the words I've posted over the years on my various websites:

  • 65 posts about color and style. 
  • 109 posts about color for the home, feng shui and clutter-clearing (taking this website down soon)
  • My author website. More about the Cherry Pie Paradox, plus other magazine writing, links to a bunch of podcasts and video interviews where I was a guest.
Email me: or call (360) 903-3659
Buy The Cherry Pie Paradox and/or the Workbook on Amazon or order from your local indie bookstore. Audiobook is also available at Barnes and Noble or
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