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I have two close friends who are teachers and a number of others with school aged children at the start of the pandemic. They all went through a lot during COVID, scrambling to deal with remote learning or home schooling — all while trying to WFH and explain this massive shift in lifestyle, the pervasive fear and anger, the political backlash and other Big Things for small brains.

Everyone would have been a lot better off if they’d taken a deep breath and said something like “well, guess what, you’re actually still in 9th grade and we’re going to slow down the curriculum on top of that to give everyone time and space to reacclimate to society and process their trauma.”

What I'm saying is you're those students, don't also be the administrator failing those students!

Reorienting your thought process

What have I lost?

Did the club that gave you the most stage time suddenly shut down or get a new booker who doesn’t seem to know you’re alive? That freaking SUCKS. Definitely acknowledge and mourn that loss. But don’t fix that past moment in your mind as some yardstick you’re now constantly failing to measure up to.

What do I have now?

Your eggs shouldn’t be all in one basket, so what do you have to work with still? Don’t let what’s gone overshadow what you still have.

What do I want next?

Used to have 11 spots a week and now you’re down to 4? Start from 4 and reach for 6, not 13.

And were your eggs all in one basket? Make sure as you move forward now, you take that lesson and diversify!

And you might be thinking, “Sure, Amy, having a different attitude seems healthy but it’s not getting me more spots!” And sure not directly. But I can assure you that a bitter/entitled attitude seeps out all around you, whether you realize it or not. And no one wants to work with that kind of negativity or the kinds of unprofessional outbursts and unreasonable requests it often leads to.

So, kind of, yeah, reorienting your train of thought can lead to more spots!

Random links

The French word for “trash can” is actually a man’s name! He introduced trash collection and even sorting/recycling to Paris in 1883.

The NYT still uses the original Wordle word list created by Josh Wardle for his girlfriend.

Well, here’s an unexpected Venn diagram of things I love - Henry VIII calling his 4th wife “proper fit” thanks to Drunk History UK - Part 1 Part 2