We are keeping you up to date on happenings in your Clackamas watershed. Read on for updates on upcoming events, highlights from restoration projects, webinar recordings, new blogs posts, and more!
CRBC’s Project Updates
Beebe Island Side Channel Reconnection Project
Introducing the Beebe Island Side Channel Reconnection Project! This large-scale project will increase and improve habitat for threatened and endangered native fish species. Learn the specifics and how we plan to enhance habitat for turtles and more by clicking the link below:
If you’re headed out on the river, make sure to grab a handy Stash the Trash bag before you launch! You can find the bags at Milo McIver, Barton Park, Barton Convenience Store, Carver Park, Riverside Park, High Rocks, and Cross Park.
Wish List
Help us grow our programs! Please consider an in-kind gift to CRBC. Gifts include a wheelbarrow, wildlife trail cameras, pop up tent and more. Your gift makes a HUGE difference!
Mary Logalbo is our new Executive Director. Mary has a Masters in Public Administration (EMPA) from Portland State University and a Bachelor of Science in Environmental Science from Plattsburgh State University. Mary has over 20 years of experience working in the natural resources field. Her skills include program development, fiscal management, strategic planning, volunteer coordination, equitable engagement, and cultural competency.
Eva Perez is our new Accounting and Office Administration Specialist. She has a Bachelor of Business Administration from Warner Pacific University
and eight years of experience with non-profit organizations. Her background includes finance and human resource management.
Support Our Mission
CRBC has planted hundreds of thousands of trees and shrubs in the watershed. We continue to work for clean water, healthy habitats, and improved water quality.
But we can’t do this without support from our partners, and people like you! Your support helps us make a lasting difference right here in the Clackamas Basin. Thank you for all that you do.