
Week of March 21, 2024                                                        PRAYER LIST 

Sunday, March 24: The Sunday of the Passion: Palm Sunday
9:15 a.m.      Nursery Opens
10:30 a.m.    Holy Eucharist: BULLETIN
4:00 p.m.      Music and Meditation for Passiontide

Wednesday, March 27
12:00 p.m.    Holy Eucharist with Prayers for Healing

Livestreamed services can be found on the on the Christ Church YouTube channel


Since I announced that I will retire from Christ Church this summer, I have been surprised (and not surprised) by the strong emotions I have experienced. Having lived through this last week and a half, I find myself longing for the “normalcy” of Holy Week and Easter. I am excited to walk with you through the these holy days as we take the path that fellow pilgrims have walked for generations.  

On Easter morning, March 31, we will join Christians from age to age and around the world in celebration of the new life found in Christ’s resurrection. However, to enhance our experience of this sacred mystery, the Church first gives us Holy Week. Each year, we gather as pilgrims to re-enter the journey from Palm Sunday through Easter morning. By re-living the account of Jesus' last days, we allow his story to become our story. As we walk with Jesus through the events of Holy Week, we embrace the power of resurrection life—the same life given to us in our own baptism into Christ's life, death, and resurrection.  

When we experience the fullness of Holy Week, we journey through suffering, death, and new beginnings. The liturgical flow of this season can equip us for the cycle of loss, struggle, and new life. When we are walking through the valley of the shadow of death in our own lives, we can rely on our memories of Holy Week, and we can do this anytime of year. We can recall from Holy Week, that even in times of great struggle, God is with us and resurrection life in near.   

I encourage all of us to be present as we encounter Christ anew this Sunday, Palm Sunday: The Sunday of the Passion. We will then journey through Maundy Thursday’s mandate to love one another and Good Friday’s gift of finding life in the midst of suffering. We will move from darkness into light at Saturday’s Easter Vigil. Having experienced these services makes the grand celebration of Easter Day all the more lifegiving.   

As we journey together through this sacred experience of renewal, my prayer is that our souls will be truly revived and burst forth into song, Welcome, happy morning!

May the peace of the risen Christ be always with you,



Music and Meditation for Passiontide

Palm Sunday, March 24, 4:00 p.m.

Begin your journey through Holy Week with this contemplative program featuring Marcel Dupré's Passion Symphony. This exquisite work for solo organ will be paired with readings and meditations by the Rev. Canon Todd Smelser. 

In the Spirit: Monday, March 25 at the Sandfly 5-Spot

Second and Fourth Mondays, 5:30 p.m.

"In the Spirit" is a discussion group for those who seek to deepen their faith through meaningful conversations. Join us this Monday at The 5-Spot in Sandfly (7360 Skidaway Rd), where you can grab a drink or a bite as we spend time together. We'll gather at 5:30 p.m. and begin our discussion at 6:00.

This week's topic: The Mandate to Love

During Holy Week, we walk with Christ and his disciples through the final moments of Jesus' life. On Maundy Thursday we will join them in the upper room, when Christ will wash his disciples' feet and give this final mandate: "I give you a new commandment, that you love one another. Just as I have loved you, you also should love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another."

Questions to Ponder:
  • What does love look like? What does Jesus' foot-washing tell us about what it means to love?
  • When was a time that you felt truly loved? How did this love change you?
  • How do you think Christ Church is called to love? What ministries take on this purpose? Do you see any needs that could be met in new ways?

If you have questions or would like to receive emails about upcoming In the Spirit topics, please contact the Rev. Samantha McKean.

Seeking Donations for "Lift High the Egg" Easter Egg Hunt

We need donations of plastic eggs filled with candy or stickers for the egg hunt on Easter morning. They can be dropped off in the narthex during Holy Week. Please contact the Rev. Helen White with any questions or if you would like to help with the egg hunt.

Easter Flowers for the Altar

Remember and celebrate loved ones by donating toward the flowers that will cover the altar this Easter. The gifts can be given in memoriam or in thanksgiving, and the names will be printed in the Easter bulletin. You can make your donation of at least $30 at the Christ Church website, or fill out the form in Sunday's bulletin and place it in the alms basin. Donations must be received by March 24.

Would you Like to Help Polish the Pulpit?

The Building and Grounds Committee lovingly cares for our historic building, managing a number of projects to ensure that we are good stewards of this beautiful space. The committee is seeking a volunteer to assist with polishing the brass pulpit on Tuesday, March 26 from either 9:00–10:00 a.m. or 3:00–4:00 p.m. No expertise is necessary! If you are interested in helping make sure our church shines on Easter morning, please contact Stephen Smith.

Reflections on Easter: Theme and Variations

9:30 a.m. Adult Forum in the Chapel
April 7–May 12

Join us in the Chapel during the Easter season as we discover the wonderful variations found in the life-changing theme of Easter. Borrowing a concept from musical compositions, we will begin with one theme: Easter. Different Easter stories from Scripture will be shared, and we will listen each week as a new variation flows forth and transforms us. Variations include forgiveness, reconciliation, joy, and peace.


Thanks to Mills Fleming for the photographs
Centered in Worship
All are Welcome
Joyful Living

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Church Location: Johnson Square | 28 Bull Street
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28 Bull Street
Savannah, GA 31401

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