Defence Research Network

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Monthly Members' Newsletter

For new friends, welcome! We are an interdisciplinary network of Masters, PhD and Early Career Researchers focused on defence, security and military topics concerning policy, strategy, history, culture and society. We hope you find our network interesting, exciting, informative, and supportive.

For old friends, thanks for your continued involvement. It is always worth remembering that we would be nothing without you! For our March newsletter we are talking about International Women's Day and Women's History Month. We have lots of different perspectives to share with you so we hope you enjoy the read.

Scroll down to get up to date with the news, opinions, events and opportunities from our members...
A reminder that if you have been forwarded our newsletter and are not already subscribed, you can sign up here.

Welcome to the Defence Research Network Newsletter!

Hello and welcome to our latest monthly newsletter! March marks a month of celebration and reflection as we honour the achievements and contributions of women worldwide. At the Defence Research Network, we are proud to dedicate this month's edition to International Women's Day, a time to recognize the remarkable women who inspire us and drive positive change in our lives and communities.

Thank you to Veronika and Hannah for their leadership in curating this month's theme. We hope you enjoy reading the reflections shared by some of our committee members on inspiring women who have influenced their work and lives. We invite you to take a moment to reflect on your own encounters with inspiring women and the  impact they might have had on shaping your journey.

Additionally, we are excited to present a range of events and opportunities for you to engage with throughout the month. Whether it's participating in discussions, attending seminars, or joining initiatives, there are numerous ways for you to contribute to the celebration of women's achievements and advancement as well as the wider defence community.

It was wonderful to witness the vibrant interaction during this month's Twitter Hour, where members shared their thoughts, experiences, and advice on empowering women in the field of defence research. Thank you to all who participated and contributed to the enriching dialogue.

In our research spotlight, we shine a light on a series of PhD researchers and members of an informal forum with the Female Veterans' Transformation Programme. Their research delves into the experiences of female veterans, gendered cultures, and the role of servicewomen, offering valuable insights into an often overlooked aspect of military studies. We are confident that their work will captivate and inspire you as it has us.

As always, we welcome your contributions to our newsletter. Your insights, experiences, and perspectives enrich our community and drive meaningful conversations forward. We encourage you to share your thoughts, research, and achievements with us, fostering a collaborative and supportive environment for all.

As we celebrate International Women's Day and the remarkable women who shape our world, let us continue to champion gender equality, diversity, and inclusion in defence research and beyond!

Stay cool,

Tegan Watt Harrison 
Newsletter Editor
Defence Research Network

International Women's Day: Reflections from our Committee
For this month's newsletter, in celebration of International Women's Day, we asked our committee to share their stories about inspiring women.

First up we have Lucy, our Twitter Manager and Events and Opportunities Editor. She wrote:
There were many inspiring women in my life growing up and I'm fortunate that I am still surrounded by inspiring women who support me both professionally and personally. For my inspiring woman, I have picked a fictional heroine - Anne of Green Gables (from L. M. Montgomery's books). I have always loved reading and as such, I have very early memories of being inspired by Anne. She is daring, hardworking, optimistic and imaginative; despite her challenging start in life. In the words of Anne, "Next to trying and winning, the best thing is trying and failing."
Baris, one of our Co-chairs and Teaching Lead remarked:
The research on the gendered, colonial, and (subtly) oppressive dimension of security practices - such as counterinsurgency - has transformed how I think about the role of military and civilian lines of activity. Engaging with the scholarship of scholars such as those of 
Jennnifer Greenburg and Deniz Yonucu has been particularly inspiring to see the continuance of violence by various means in counterinsurgency campaigns, not just military but also through development and public engagement strategies.
Veronika, one of our Co-chairs said:
Whilst there are many inspiring women I admire, I am choosing one whose story really resonates with me – Nadia Murad. I recently (at last!) read her book The Last Girl, which recounts her childhood in Iraq, her family life, and the harrowing experience of being abducted by ISIS. Nadia bravely acknowledges that her story is not unique, thousands of Yazidi girls and women were subjected to abduction, repeated rape, and torture by ISIS terrorists. Despite enduring unimaginable loss and suffering at the hands of ISIS, Nadia courageously shared her story to shed light on the atrocities committed against the Yazidis, ultimately founding Nadia’s Initiative. Her relentless advocacy led to her being awarded the Nobel Peace Prize, alongside another recipient, for their tireless efforts to combat sexual violence as a weapon of war and armed conflict. I find her determination and her perseverance in fighting for what's right, truly inspiring.

Hannah, our final Co-Chair, shares:
I have decided to share with you someone I admire from my research, Lady Peggie Templer. In researching the history of the Malaya Emergency (1948-1960) I became fascinated by the role of Lady Templer. Following a conversation with her husband, General Templer (High Commissioner of Malaya at the time) about the potential influence of women in the community on the campaign, she decided to do something about it. A former Lieutenant Colonel in the St John's Ambulance during the Second World War, she pioneered a huge women's outreach programme working with the British Red Cross and Women's Institute across the Province. She travelled out to remote villages with her husband to engage with women in the community. Through my own reflexivity I have had to grapple with both admiring Lady Templer for her tenacity whilst recognising her position within an imperial force. I have concluded that it is possible to both admire and critically reflect. And for a shameless plug, you can read more about her in my article here.

Tegan, our Newsletter Editor shares: 
In keeping with the general sentiment of the above reflections, there are so many women that I have taken inspiration from or been directly inspired by. However, having recently finished reading 'On the Front Line: The Collected Journalism of Marie Colvin' I wanted to share a very short reflection on her work. Colvin was an acclaimed war correspondent known for her fearless reporting from some of the world's most dangerous conflict zones and the compilation was published after she was killed reporting on the siege of Homs during Syrian Civil War in 2012. Colvin's reporting was characterized by an unwavering commitment to the human stories of war, her honesty and deep empathy for those affected by conflict. I think this is a responsibility that continues to hold particular poignancy today and is one that I personally am inspired by. 
Centre for Military Women's Research
In June 2021 Anglia Ruskin University’s Veterans and Families Institute for Military Social Research (VFI) published the nationally recognised ‘We Also Served’ Report, bringing together everything that was known in the UK about the health and well-being of women veterans. This report identified numerous gaps in our understanding of women’s experiences in the military community and the impact of these experiences on their civilian lives.

Subsequently, the Centre for Military Women’s Research (CMWR)’s was launched by the VFI, with a core mission to inform and improve the wellbeing of women in the military and veteran community through world-leading collaborative research and evaluation. By embedding principles of co-production with members of the military community, and collaboration with partners and stakeholders (academic, charity, third sector, policymakers) into all research projects, the centre undertakes high quality research to deepen understanding and improve provision for women in the military and veteran community.

The CMWR is led by Dr Lauren Godier-McBard and Professor Matt Fossey. You can meet the full team here. The team are conducting a variety of research projects, with funding from the National Institute for Health and Care Research (NIHR), the Office for Veterans Affairs (OVA), and third sector organisations. Our two key research streams exploring the experiences of female veterans in accessing support services, and women’s experiences of gender-discrimination and sexual violence during military service. You can find more information about our research projects here.

The theme for this year’s International Women’s Day (IWD), #Inspire Inclusion, calls on us to “break down barriers, challenge stereotypes, and create environments where all women are valued and respected”.  In recognition of this theme, the CMWR recently published a blog that puts a spotlight on our recent research project ‘I don’t feel like that’s for me’: Overcoming barriers to mental healthcare for women veterans’.  The project explored the mental healthcare support needs and experience of women veterans in England, and developed guidance for professionals supporting women veterans’ mental health. If you are interested in the findings you can read our blog, or have a look at the our project page for the report, infographics, and guidance for mental healthcare professionals working with female veterans.

We are always interested in hearing from other researchers in this area, so please get in touch if you would like to discuss a project idea or collaboration. We are also looking for guest bloggers, so if you have a project you would like featured on our website, to disseminate findings or support recruitment, we are happy to help! You can contact us at
DRN hosted "Women in Defence Research" event
On Tuesday 26 March, we were joined by two wonderful guest speakers, Tara Zammit and Dr Sophy Antrobus, at an event hosted by DRN co-chairs Dr Hannah West & Dr Veronika Poniscjakova. We discussed women's empowerment in the field of defence research and academia, and also discussed Top Flight and Women in Defence (see slide below), recognising their broader relevance beyond academia.

Guest Speakers' bios
Tara Zammit, PhD Candidate at King’s College London
Tara’s research is situated within the fields of ontological security, feminist security studies, and war studies. Tara is on the Leadership Team for Women in Defence where she represents early career researchers in particular.
Dr Sophy Antrobus, Research Fellow at the Freeman Air and Space Institute, King’s College London
Sophy researches contemporary air power in the context of the institutional, cultural and organisational barriers to innovation and effectiveness in modern air forces, in particular the Royal Air Force. Prior to her PhD, Sophy served in the Royal Air Force for twenty years including in Iraq and Afghanistan and a tour with the Royal Navy.
Female Veterans' Transformation Programme
Edited by Hannah West

New Programme seeks to shape the future for Female Veterans

53% of female veterans feel their needs are not adequately met by current veteran services
Less than 31% of women who have served identify as ‘a veteran’.
“Research over the last 5 years into the experiences of female veterans has
provided real and valuable insight into the specific, yet varied, issues these women face. The Female Veterans Transformation Project will build on that research to co-produce a Toolkit to provide targeted assistance and information to the community, and to inform and guide the statutory, commercial and charity sectors.”   
- Colonel (Retd) Alison Brown OBE, Chair of the Cobseo Female Veterans’ Cluster Group
 Female Veterans’ Transformation Programme launched on International Women's Day will produce a toolkit for use by service providers in the commercial, statutory and charitable sectors, helping transform service provision for female veterans - the 250,000 (1) strong group whose specific needs are not being addressed by current service provision (2). The toolkit could take the form of a digital resource, awareness-raising resources, or an interactive app.
The Programme will align with this Spring’s first ever Women Veterans’ Strategy from the Office for Veterans’ Affairs. The 3-year, UK-wide programme is funded by the Armed Forces Covenant Fund Trust and NHS England, in partnership with the Cobseo (3) Female Veterans Cluster and the Women’s Royal Army Corps Association. “The programme aims to build a legacy where female veterans feel confident to access the right support, at the right time, and in the right way for them,” explains Colonel (Retd) Alison Brown OBE, Chair of the Cobseo Female Veterans’ Cluster Group.

The Programme also uses the results of an Evidence Review, published today, which includes findings from research across the UK veterans sector (commercial, statutory and charity). Its Statement of Need provides a succinct and visual representation of female veterans’ needs, such as support on employment and finance, access to services, bullying and discrimination. As reported recently, only 2% of veterans research globally focuses on female veterans, who are also two-and-a-half times more likely to have suicidal thoughts than civilian women. 

The Programme is now in a co-production phase, reaching out to female veterans and stakeholders across the country via an online questionnaire, which will be followed by workshops (face-to-face and virtual). “We would love to work with everyone from female veterans to the employers of female veterans, from large national charities (whether for veterans or not) to small businesses run by female veterans, in order to help shape the toolkit into a practical and transformational resource,” shares Liza Jarvis, Programme Lead.

She adds, “We understand that many women who have served do not identify with the term ‘veteran’ so we are making a big effort to reach invisible veterans who may not realise the support they are entitled to, or feel comfortable accessing it. From sports teams to faith groups, from parents to pensioners, we would like to work with you to make sure the toolkit we produce has the widest possible applicability.  If you are interested in being involved and working with us, please email us at or follow us on Twitter and connect via LinkedIn to find out how to get involved.”
Hannah West, Communications and Engagement Officer for the Programme, a veteran herself, said, “Previously, I did not feel comfortable with the label ‘veteran’, but through my work on this Programme, I recently asked my GP to record my veteran status. I hope the Programme will encourage others to do the same, whether they see themselves as a veteran or not, to make sure they are accessing the best support for them.”  

(1) 251,400 United Kingdom (UK) Armed Forces veterans in England and Wales are women, approximately 13.6% of the total veteran population. Claire Hooks, Louise Morgan, Matt Fossey, Ellie Buxton and Lauren Godier-McBard, ‘Where are all the Women?’: Recognition and representation - UK female veterans’ experiences of support in civilian life (Chelmsford: Anglia Ruskin University, 2023),  7.
(2) 53% of female veterans do not feel their needs are being met by veteran services.  House of Commons Defence Committee, Protecting those who protect us: Women in the Armed Forces from Recruitment to Civilian Life (London: HM Government, 2021) 74.
(3)  Cobseo is a Confederation of Service Charities,

Reflections on the Aurora leadership programme for women 
Edited by Veronika Poniscjakova
I participated in the Aurora leadership programme, which is higher education's most renowned leadership development initiative for women. It is conducted in collaboration between Advance HE and higher education institutions, aiming to address the under-representation of women in leadership positions.

As part of the programme, our cohort, consisting of over 200 women from HE institutions in the South of England, explored various areas associated with leadership success, including Identity, Impact & Voice, Core Leadership, Politics & Influence, and Adaptive Leadership Skills.

What I enjoyed most about the programme was the opportunity to meet other women, mostly virtually but also through one in-person event, where we shared our stories and learned from each other. I particularly appreciated the Action Learning Sets, as I was fortunate to be in a group of fantastic, supportive, and inspiring women. The concept behind Action Learning Sets is that adults learn best when they can engage in dialogue, reflect, and plan together. Additionally, I found the mentoring sessions very valuable, as I was fortunate to have a supportive and understanding mentor.
DRN events 2024 - we want to hear from you
Dear DRN Community,

In the past couple of years, we have organised dozens of events - various workshops, seminars, networking events, and many others. Now, we would like to hear from you, and see what kind of events you would like us to organise for you this year. 

Please fill out this
form to let us know your thoughts or email us at
Researcher Spotlights
We are delighted to be able to share with you a fantastic group of PhD researchers who are all working on research relating to female veterans, gendered cultures and servicewomen. They are all part of an informal forum with the Female Veterans' Transformation Programme. Do get in touch if this is something you would like to be a part of or if you want to connect with any of the researchers listed (note that each of the headshots is linked to the individual's profile so please click to connect or find out more).

Tara Zammit

Tara's research connects diverse literature on ontological security, feminist security studies, and war studies to explore integration, belonging, and the challenges around the implementation of diversity and inclusion policies in the British Armed Forces. She is developing a framework for better understanding the interconnectedness of these subjects through the use of an ontological security lens and an analysis of diverse service experiences with the aim of influencing policy to better support women and LGBTQ+ individuals pursuing careers in defence and security.

She is interested in speaking to currently serving personnel and veterans (women and LGBTQ+ personnel; and serving men and male veterans with experience related to D&I, welfare or similar) and individuals working in policy, NGOs, charities etc. who work with these communities. Her research has been approved by the MOD Research Ethics Committee.

Tara is in the Department of War Studies, King's College London and you can contact her by email: She would especially like to hear from anyone interested in taking part in her study (see the opportunities section of the newsletter for more information or email Tara).

Victoria Sutch

Vicky is a post-graduate researcher with Politics and International Relations at Cardiff University, focussing on Critical Military Studies. Her background is in English Literature, working with military memoirs and novels. This work led her to research within the veteran community and their lived experiences. Her primary drive is to help the stories of women veterans be heard, and to take centre stage in the research.

Vicky's research utilises a mixture of methods, ranging from unstructured interviews, semi-structured group interviews, and semi-structured clay workshop interviews. These options allow for the participants to decide what they feel comfortable doing whilst sharing their stories. This allows space for the women’s experiences to be shared and recorded, providing a dataset that can then be explored using discourse analysis. Findings will be analysed through the lens of Gender Performativity and Feminine Masculinity. These concepts from Queer Theory will hopefully shed light on what women veteran’s experience when reintegrating into western societal norms.

She can be contacted by email ( and would especially like to hear from anyone interested in participating in her research (see the opportunities section of the newsletter). 

Lucy Wray

Prior to retraining as an Occupational Therapist Lucy worked in military mental health research. During her Occupational Therapy training I became interested in combining both areas of interest to pursue her current PhD research.

Lucy's research uses photo elicitation. She invites service leavers to take photographs before, during and after their discharge from Regular or Reserve Service. The purpose is to use these photographs to discuss the things they need, want and have to do everyday. Her research aims to consider the everyday experience of military to civilian transition from an occupational perspective and work with individuals to create meaningful account of their real time transition experience.

Lucy is at Brunel University and can be contacted by email: would especially like to hear from anyone interested in taking part in her study (see the opportunities section of the newsletter for more information or email Lucy).
Patricia Price

Patricia is a Female Veteran Researcher, having left the WRAC & The Royal Engineers over 30 years ago. Patricia has an MSc in Global Veteran & Families studies, which focused on Female Veteran Health Security and Health Surveillance in the UK.

Current research focus is on completing her PhD project exploring and recording the “lived experience of Female Veteran Offenders in Prison Custody”. Using qualitative methods, this study will involve visiting as many FVOs in prison custody as possible to conduct semi structured interviews, with the aim of establishing the efficacy of current support systems on the journey through the CJS and capture whether existing support needs are being identified and met. Through the analysis of the data, it is hoped to better understand the intersectional challenges of gender, the military experience and prison experiences for Women Veterans.

Patricia is currently situated with the Veterans and Families Research Institute (VFI) at Anglia Ruskin University (ARU) and can be contacted by email:

Amy Hill

Having recently left the Royal Air Force and directly experienced the gender culture of the UK Armed Forces, Amy’s research will examine how gender and the other multitude of conflicting intersectional identities of military personnel impact the social construction and speciality of the RAF. By examining the experiences of female personnel with an intersectional perspective and a gendered lens, underpinned with reflexivity through her position as an RAF Veteran, her research will aim to examine how the negotiation and marginalisation of gendered and racialised impact the social construction and RAF culture.

Amy's research will use data captured from semi-structured interviews with female veterans and current serving personnel, analysed alongside information on labor distribution captured from MoD statistics.

Amy is at Newcastle University and can be contacted by email:

Lisa Barrington

Lisa is a Clinical Nurse Specialist (Alcohol) Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust (formerly at Veterans’ Mental Health Complex Treatment Service). She is working on NIHR clinical-academic doctoral fellowship (DCAF) proposal to explore factors affecting the experience of female military veterans in the context of alcohol-related harm, treatment and recovery.  This builds upon her previous research exploring military veterans experiences of self-compassion in this context.

Through her study, she plans to use a feminist ethnographic approach to collaboratively explore experiences deemed pertinent to women with a focus on gender and military identity, power and culture, alongside a survey exploring the attitudes of alcohol care providers. Her methodology will include field notes and observation, volunteering time to support relationship building, interviewing, focus groups and photo elicitation. The project objectives include a compassion-focussed intervention co-developed during a workshop to creatively explore and analyse collected data.

Lisa is at the University of Manchester and can be contacted by email:
Marcelle Wright

Marcelle is a regular serving Major in the British Army, commissioned from the Royal Military Academy Sandhurst in 2006 into the Education and Training Services. Marcelle has completed tours to Canada, Iraq, Germany, Falklands and Cyprus. Her PhD is fully funded and supported British Army Headquarters, as part of the British Army response to the House of Commons Defence Committee, following the 'Women in the Armed Forces report’ in July 2021. Marcelle's PhD was one of the 33 actions the British Army took forward to improve the lived experiences of women.

Marcelle is working with Regular and FTRS serving women in the British Army, using a mixed methods approach, to ask why serving women may choose to leave the British Army; what the British Army can do to retain more women in service; and, why women choose to join the British Army. The PhD is broken into: 
  • Phase 1: Exploratory, constructivist grounded theory, 1-2-1 interviews with serving women (and those who have signed off) in the ranks of Lt Col, Maj, Capt, Cpl, LCpl and Pte. These ranks have been identified in quantitative analysis as the ranks where most women are lost from the service.
  • Phase 2: Explanatory, census survey, Women’s Recruitment and Retention 2025 Survey, launch on 8 March 2025 - International Women’s Day. Building upon Phase 1 research findings and testing to a large audience for statistical significance and organisation benefit and application.
Marcelle is at the University of Birmingham and can be contacted by email:
Hilary Currin

Previously a social worker with Department of Veterans Affairs (USA) delivering support work for complex needs, Hilary was also a research assistant on several Veterans-based projects, prior to starting her PhD.

Her qualitative research uses Participatory Narrative Inquiry, Case study, and stakeholder focus groups. It is exploring the impact military service have on the identities of female ex-service members within the criminal justice system; how is the ex-servicewoman understood as a distinct population within the criminal justice system and how does she understand her identity within this context; and, how the ex-servicewoman understood by professionals working in the criminal justice settings? Hilary is working with criminalised ex-servicewomen in the CJS, stakeholders (practitioners, policymakers, academics) and prison staff.

Hilary is at Liverpool John Moores University and can be contacted by email:
Annie Geisow 

Annie's research examines the military imaginary (artefacts, tangible and intangible aspects of mil structure, ethos, collective identity) and how service personnel (of all demographics including the somatic norm - straight, white men) negotiate their own identity(ies) management at the intersection of military expectations of homogeneity and published commitments to support and further diversity within the organisation. Annie will be researching serving personnel across all services, including representation from minoritized groups as well as the dominant demographic.

Recently retired from a 20 year career in the RAF, Annie is studying at Oxford Brookes University and can be contacted by email:
News from our committee & community
Edited by Tegan Harrison 
Thank you for all your contributions to this edition! It is wonderful to hear from you and we do enjoy sharing your work with our members. Please enjoy reading said contributions below!
This month, a trio of our committee, old and new, presented their work and research at the Armed Forces Community Research International Webinar series.

Dr Hannah West began the webinar with an introduction about the DRN before sharing her own research and work as the Communications and Engagement Officer for the Female Veterans' Transformation Programme. Lucy Robinson and Lucy Wray followed, providing great overviews of their ongoing doctoral research. 

If you missed this and want to catch up you can watch the recording here.
Lucy Robinson's blog post on 'Presenting at an e-festival: Experiences of an early career researcher' was published by BERA this month! If you're interested in presenting your work remotely at an online conference or festival, have a read about Lucy's experience and reflections by clicking the image below.
Also this month Dr Hannah West gave a talk at the National Army Museum in their Friday lunchtime seminar series......

There is an often-held misconception that the integration of women into the UK Armed Forces is a linear story of incremental progression. In this talk, Hannah charted this staggered progression and highlighted some of the overlooked nuances of women’s role in counterinsurgency.

Starting with women’s outreach programmes during the Malaya Emergency, Hannah went on to examine British servicewomen as covert and conventional operators during the Troubles in Northern Ireland and Female Engagement Teams in Afghanistan.

She utilised women’s testimonies to illuminate their presence on the ‘front line’ - a traditionally male domain - and expose how they navigated their identities in this space. She also revealed the ways in which the UK Armed Forces reconciled women’s presence on the ‘front line’, for example, by sustaining the narrative of the non-combatant.

If you missed this talk you can watch the replay
As part of Women's History Month, Dr Hannah West, an Early Career Fellow with the Women's History Network, has written the following blogpost about a current research project exploring the oral testimonies of policewomen in the Royal Ulster Constabulary during the Troubles in Northern Ireland. You can read the blogpost here
Dr Veronika Poniscjakova continues her work with the media. She has offered commentary for France 24 and TVP World.
Dr Elizabeth Pearson, Lecturer in Criminology with the Conflict, Violence and Terrorism Research Centre at Royal Holloway, University of London has recently published her work  Extreme Britain: Gender, Masculinity and Radicalisation. Drawing on interviews with extremists, this timely study explores the relationship between gendered culture and political radicalism in a polarised Britain.

Find out more by clicking the book cover or following this link:
 Extreme Britain | Hurst Publishers
What we have been listening to
Edited by Veronika Poniscjakova

War on the Rocks

Chatham House  
Ukraine World
Do get in touch if you have heard a fascinating podcast or you have been involved in one, we'd love to include it in a future newsletter.
March Twitter Hour: International Women's Day
Edited by Lucy Robinson
To coincide with International Women's Day, March's #TwitterHour was on the same theme. Thank you very much to all those who engaged with the four questions. Below, we share the highlights! #DefResChat
Q1: What does International Women's Day mean to you?
Q2: Who is a woman in academia or defence that inspires you, and why?
  • Laleh Khalili’s work on gendered aspects of counterinsurgency has been very inspiring especially when I was delivering seminars on gender and security. Reading Khalili also led me to so many other scholars who were essential in my reading lists.
  • I'm inspired by @DrHelenKara and @dawnmannay for the plethora of outstanding works they've produced on all things creative research methods! Throughout my doctoral research, their work has really shaped and developed my thinking. As a collection, it is accessible, engaging and thoughtful, as well as striking the perfect balance between theory and practice. @DrHelenKara also founded the #ICRMC and this year, @dawnmannay will be one of the keynotes! 
  • Martha Crenshaw - when I first got into my field of study, it was Crenshaw’s works that inspired me, her groundbreaking research (from decades ago) is still being read now, which shows how much impact she has had.
  • I know I'm not alone in being in awe of @REWacad for her energy, enthusiasm and determination to champion early career researchers. She and @AliceCree have given me such wise counsel as the most fantastic and inspiring mentors, thanks both.
  • I continue to be inspired by my conversations with the brilliant @DrSophyAntrobus
    too and feel so lucky that our paths crossed during our PhDs.
  • @ingajkennedy Watching her operate in Afghanistan in her staff role with so many different pressures from different agencies all wanting something else from her. Cool under pressure, balanced in her decision making. Learned an awful lot from her.
  • Well: @LMG12237@Cookie2148@Dragoon433@DHirdLWC@CSM_UKSTRATCOM@NatashaMDay@DawnieC_RAF@ASN_CoChair@Inspectorate_SM@AliBooker_RD to name a few!
  • Yes, both @DrSophyAntrobus & @hannah_r_west as fellow ex servicewoman and academics, in all lectures, papers I have read, I am in agreement with their arguments, much material to plug into my research @DrAEFox too, can’t describe in tweets, but all 3 are influential to me.
  • Janet Nelson - Wikipedia Brilliant tutor! Dame Janet Laughland Nelson DBE FRHistS FBA (born 1942), also known as Jinty Nelson, is a British historian. She is Emerita Professor of Medieval History at King's College London.
  • I think you deserve a mention here @J_White692 as a US veteran turned academic with @Rusi_Terrorism.. lots of energy despite the many time zones, expertise in different fields of terrorism & also gender, and able to talk about it all in an accessible way!
  • Dr Jacqueline Reiter - without her I wouldn't be a writer and I wouldn't be doing a PhD.
Q3: What are the challenges for women in academia, and what tips do you have for overcoming them?
  • I’ll focus on one challenge - that sometimes, (some - I should add, as I don’t want to generalise) women tend to underestimate themselves (imposter syndrome), and then lose out on opportunities. My advice is: believe in yourself, and promote and advocate for yourself. Also, surround yourself with supportive people (I consider myself v. lucky as there are several people in my prof. life whom I consider my mentors who guide and support me).
  • I have learnt that reaching out and building networks and friendships, is a great way to feel more confident and to support each other in developing and sharing your work. Co-authoring and co-convening is more fun too in my book!
Q4: What advice would you give to the next generation of female leaders in academia and defence?
  • Ah, I touched upon that in my previous answer - don’t be afraid, be confident, believe in yourselves and promote yourselves (e.g. on social media).
  • If you have a conference/event coming up, reach out to someone you don't know that is attending (whether senior and you've read/cited their work or a peer you haven't met). Even if it feels uncomfortable to click send, it could be the start of something or just a nice chat!
  • Remain focused on YOUR goals. Don’t be deterred. Remember you ARE capable and you have a seat at the table - regardless of gender. Be respectful but do not be walked over. Focus on the positives. Remember - you don’t have to attend every argument you’re invited to
Thanks again to all those who contributed! #DefResChat
What we're reading
Edited by Veronika Poniscjakova
The Russia-Ukraine War: Towards Resilient Fighting Power
Viktoriya Fedorchak

The book analyses the Russian-Ukraine war, using the concept of resilient fighting power to assess the operational performance of both sides during the first year of the full-scale invasion. First, the book discusses the conceptual component, followed by an evaluation of warfighting in the land, air, maritime and cyber domains. The book also examines international aid, sanctions, and weapon supply impacts on Ukrainian resilience, concluding with reflections on inter-state warfare's role in present and future strategic scenarios.
You can get a copy
Putinism – Post-Soviet Russian Regime Ideology
Mikhail Suslov

The book examines "Putinism," analysing its roots in conservative thought in Russia, history, Russian Orthodox religion, and Russia’s sense of itself as a unique civilisation. Despite lacking the coherence and universalism of Soviet-era Marxism-Leninism, it effectively aligns the population with the regime, being adaptable to various contexts. The book suggests that "Putinism" transcends Putin himself, indicating it is likely to outlive him and possibly resonate beyond Russia.
You can get a copy
Edited by Lucy Robinson
Click on the images below, or follow the links, to find out more about these upcoming events.
Precision by James Patton Rogers, is now available worldwide.
The book provides new insights into the history of American warfare, as well as an analysis of contemporary warfare. Tracing the desire for precision within American strategic thought back through the last century, it covers both American experience of war during the 20th century, as well as contemporary hi-tech and drone warfare.
James Patton Rogers is the Executive Director of the Cornell Brooks Tech Policy Institute at Cornell University. He has been an expert advisor to the United Nations Security Council, UK Parliament and is the NATO Country Director of the Full Spectrum Drone Warfare project supported by NATO SPS. He was also the host of the Warfare podcast by History Hit.

The DRN community can also get 30% off the book if they order directly from the publisher's website, and use the discount code WARFARE30 at checkout:

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Edited by Lucy Robinson
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Project: The Changing Nature of Gender and Warfare: Conflict-related Sexual Violence by Semi-state Armed Groups (GSS-24004)

Lead supervisor: Dr Jasmine Westendorf

Other supervisors: Dr Maria Elander (LTU), Dr Matthew Hurley (SHU), Dr Mitxy Mabel Meneses Gutierrez (SHU)

This PhD explores the changing nature of gender and warfare/militarism by investigating the use of sexual violence by semi-sate actors in contemporary military conflict, and the capacity of existing legal/policy frameworks and accountability mechanisms to address the commission and consequences of such violence. Although there are well-established scholarly literatures and policy frameworks responding to the forms and functions of sexual violence in contemporary conflict and the challenges to pursuing accountability or reparations (both legal and otherwise) for it, the emergence of semi-state military actors such as the Wagner Group presents a challenge, both conceptually and practically, to these scholarly, legal and policy efforts. Wagner Group, for instance, differs markedly from other security actors: neither a state or a non-state/private actor, it is a semi-state military group active in Syria, several countries in Africa and more recently, Ukraine, as a vehicle of Russian state interests but also operating in ways that pursue independent wealth and influence generation for members of the group. It has been found to have engaged extensively in sexual violence as both a practice and strategy of war, against opponent militaries, civilians, and – at least in Ukraine - their own recruits. Moreover, Wagner’s role in a range of contemporary conflicts has intersected with increasingly coordinated mis/disinformation campaigns by Russia and aligned actors globally, many of which rely on specific constructions of gender and sexualities and further challenge the established strategies of dealing with and resolving such conflicts, and which have challenged the established strategies of dealing with and resolving such conflicts. This PhD will make a critical contribution to understanding the scale, form and effects of semi-state armed groups' use of sexual violence, engaging in a mix of open-source data collection and field research with relevant policymakers. The exact focus of the thesis will be determined in collaboration between supervisors and successful candidate, we welcome your ideas in your project proposal. Applicants with a background in politics and international relations, gender studies, international law or cognate field are preferred.

Further information:
 La Trobe University – Sheffield Hallam University Global Security and Society Institute Joint PhD Scholarships, Study with us, Scholarships, Other Scholarship opportunities, La Trobe University

Imagining Future War Exploratory Workshop – Call for Expressions of Interest

This workshop aims to bring scholars and experts together to think about how future war is presented, narrated, and imagined in the current political, cultural and security landscape. It seeks to broaden the parameters of mainstream future war discourse and problematise imaginaries of future war at different sites. Recognising the importance of future gazing in academia and in policy practice, the workshop will explore how different futures of warfare are depicted and considered, and critically interrogate practices orientated toward the future of conflict such as technological innovation. The workshop is particularly interested in more critical approaches to future war, such as those that draw in issues of race, gender, intersectionality, and the impact of war on civilian lives and/or engage in diverse methodological approaches.Questions and areas of interest include:

• How is future war represented or narrated at different sites?
• What are the implications of technological shifts, such as automation, on the concept and category of the civilian or non-combatant in conflict? On soldiers? On militaries?
• What are the effects of ongoing (actual or perceived) changes in the nature of warfare on the category of the civilian or non-combatant?
• How is the future of soldiering understood?
• How might future war be gendered and/or racialised?
• How do ideas about bodies, spatial practices and material objects relate to imaginaries of future war?
• What insights can be gained from different branches of future studies or futurology?
• How have recent events and geopolitical shifts shaped conceptions of future war at different sites?
• How do understandings of and preparations for future war differ around the world or at different sites?
• What role does culture play in narrating future war?
• How should future war be regulated?

The workshop will be held at Queen’s University Belfast on the 5th September 2024. Short expressions of interest (max 200 words) outlining relevant research area/interest or experience, should be sent to Dr Hannah Partis-Jennings,, deadline 30th May 2024. There is some funding available, please indicate if you would need funding to attend. With thanks to the British Academy/Leverhulme for their support of this project.
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April: The Military Body and Mind
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