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A Testimony
from a TV Series

“I’d like to share my story after seeing your TV show. My name is *Jameel. I grew up in a respectful, modest family. To escape from friends and family I turned to the Internet and filled my mind with images I shouldn’t see. I was enslaved to my sins, which made me addicted. In high school a friend invited me to his family, and we attended a house church with an older pastor. I distinctly remember a sermon in which he presented the Gospel where I was confronted with my sin, especially the sin I committed online, it was as if he knew me and was talking about my life.

Although I deserved eternal separation from God, He sent Jesus to pay the price for my sin, by suffering a terrible death on the cross. Because of Christ’s sacrifice, I could be in a relationship with God by putting faith in Christ. I remember my tears that day, shortly after the sermon I prayed to receive Christ as my Lord and Savior; I never thought one could be sad and at peace at the same time. My struggle with loneliness continued after I became a Christian. However, I am now able to take comfort in the truth that God knows me, and I can confide in him. I know that I am not perfect and that he is the source of soul-satisfying joy. He has blessed me with the relationship of other believers with whom I pray and share by studying the Bible and witnessing.”

Prayer & Updates

Ann is working on another set design for a TV series in Arabic asking, “Who is God?” Pray that the recording goes well and the content touches many, like Jameel, who need to hear about the gospel.

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Andrew & Ann Lang

Design & Photography
Paris, France

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