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A graphic image with a cut out shape showing five rowers from Lancaster& Morecambe u3a rowing a boat down a river, coming through a bridge.
Lancaster & Morecambe u3a rowers have set themselves the challenge of a rowing relay covering a course of 35 miles down the River Lune. The event is just one of the many ways that Lancaster & Morecambe u3a are celebrating their 35th anniversary.
Dear <<First Name>>

Welcome to the April edition of the Friends newsletter.

We are pleased to launch our Friends Extra benefits scheme in this newsletter, in response to member requests. This exclusive new offer enables members of this newsletter community to access discounts and services, especially picked out for u3a members.

For those of you who receive our members' magazine u3a matters, I hope you enjoy the new relaunched version of the magazine, designed to put a spring in your step.

To encourage more people to benefit from being part of u3a, we are launching a new u3a matters pass it on campaign. Please pass the magazine on to someone who may be interested in finding out more about u3a and becoming part of this great movement. We would love to hear your stories about how you have shared the magazine - let us know by emailing

This month sees International Creativity and Innovation Day - which epitomises all the u3a Friends who contribute to this great newsletter. The u3a Festival in July will have many u3a creative people taking part. It will be the biggest meeting of u3a members since we began over 40 years ago. The programme is now on the u3a website, and we will be releasing tickets in a Special Festival newsletter express on Tuesday.

I hope you enjoy the month ahead and I look forward to hearing about what you have been doing.

With best wishes to all of you.

Sam Mauger
CEO of the Third Age Trust
In this issue...

u3a Friends Extra
Southport u3a spread their roots at Southport Flower Show
A musical journey, sparked by an email 
'Bitesize Newsletter Download here' with a smiley face made out of u3a shapes
Discover our new range of benefits

We're delighted to launch u3a Friends Extra - our new range of benefits, offers and services exclusively for members of our u3a Friends community. The benefits include discounts for shopping, travel, insurance and more - and we hope really add to your u3a experience.
Access the u3a Friends Extra website
If you think other members of your u3a might enjoy access to u3a Friends Extra, please do encourage them to sign up to this u3a Friends Newsletter, which they can do on the u3a website.

u3a member Val has created a tutorial for us demonstrating how to use the website. Watch the video now on our YouTube channel - and find more information on our website.
... from the members
Four women holding colourful knitted blankets and twiddle muffs
Knitting for a good cause

Chandler Ford u3a's Crafties group created six twiddle muffs and seven blankets for a local Dementia Support service - where they will provide stimulation and comfort.
An image with a circular shape cut out in which you can a picture of two women holding up jars of sauerkraut
Exploring what food means to different people

Earlier this year, Crouch End & District u3a started a Real Food group. Explaining the concept of the group, group co-leader Sally says "we are interested in great cooking, possibly from scratch, with great ingredients AND accepting that food means different things to different people but is also real. We lead busy lives - so some people may cook with frozen vegetables or ready meals - and that is okay."

The group recently made sauerkraut in a session focussed on fermentation. 
An illustration of a Japanese style garden - with a little path leading under a small decorative bridge, small rocks, bamboo growing
Southport u3a spread their roots at the Southport Flower Show

For the third year in a row, Southport u3a will have a presence at  the Southport Flower Show. Their team are working on a show garden which will explore the last 100 years of garden design to mark the centenary of the Flower Show. You can see an artist impression of the Japanese section of their design, created by Gail Whitfield and Bev Bush, above.

In previous years, u3as from across the UK have attended the flower show to support Southport u3a - and if you would like to attend the show, there is a special discount available. Find details on the discount and of the group's plans on our u3a blog, Sources.
Read more member stories on our blog, Sources
friends media
The cover of April's edition of u3a matters - showing a bluebell wood, with a headline 'Walk this way: wonderful woodlands to put a spring in your step'

Spring u3a matters - out now 

Our members' magazine landed on doorsteps earlier this month - with a new name, a new look, and content specially designed to reflect what members want to see in the magazine.

Subscriptions to u3a matters are organised by local u3as - if you don't currently receive the magazine, please talk to your local u3a committee.
friends stories
Causeway u3a runs a monthly Table Quiz with a difference. We meet in a venue, but we have continued to host, via Zoom, some housebound members and our friends from across the sea in Ayr. We have also tried to make the event suitable for members with hearing difficulty by providing printouts of the questions and answers. It’s a very sociable way to enjoy a wet Monday afternoon, as we usually get on the North coast, and get some exercise for the brain. 

Venie, Causeway u3a
friends events
Stargazing, Sums and Spanish; discover the programme for u3a Festival 24

In July, u3a members will be meeting together at the first ever u3a festival and sharing skills as varied and dynamic as the groups in the u3a movement. Our packed programme will have something for everyone - all being led by u3a members. You can see our taster programme on the u3a website.

General ticket release is taking place on Tuesday 23 April and we will share the booking link with you in a newsletter express. We are expecting high demand so make sure you check your inbox on Tuesday morning.
Barnsley and District u3a are organising a six-a-side Walking Football Tournament for u3a Festival 24 and are looking for expressions of interest from u3a Walking Football Groups.

If you are interested, please email and you will be put in touch with the Barnsley Walking Football coordinator, John. 
A decorative image showing people dancing in bright colours
The Harlem Renaissance

Learn about this dynamic, cultural, African-American movement in our talk by Irene from London u3a on Thursday 9 May at 2pm. The Harlem Renaissance movement included poetry, novels, essays, theatre, visual art, dance and music. Artists focused on themes such as the influence of slavery, Black identity, community, and the everyday experience of Black people.

Other upcoming national learning events include Deafness and beyond: the tribulation and triumph of Ludwig van Beethoven, Yoga Group Coordinators: Subject Surgery and Gentle Yoga Practice and Turner's Timeless Treasures.
See all events
Join your local u3a to be able to come to these events, and more.

... from Chair, Liz Thackray

Liz Thackray sat at a table with four other u3a members, with a cup of tea in front of her
Chair Liz Thackray with Blyth u3a German group

I have just returned from meeting u3a members in North East England. It was great to meet so many people and to take part in a number of group activities.

During this trip, as with others I have made, I was very aware of the need to use every opportunity to make the most of publicity. Some u3as used my visit as a hook on which to organise press coverage to get the word out about the u3a. Others used social media. At present we are advertising nationally on Boom Radio. If we are serious about increasing our membership, we need to use every opportunity to spread the word about u3a.

Alongside the good news, I am concerned that many u3a members do not appear to understand we all have a part to play in keeping our u3as alive. I arrived home to find an email from a u3a that is closing as nobody is willing to step up and fill committee vacancies. I met u3a members who told me of groups with waiting lists, but nobody willing to set up a new group or split the current group into two and create vacancies.

If we are to grow, we need to be ready to welcome new members and enable them to join our groups and activities.

The u3a advertising campaign with Boom Radio is running for the next three months. There are adverts three times a day. You can listen to Boom Radio on DAB radio or on their website.

A bright image with various shapes, including a circular image cut out with a photo of Colin Luker. Text says, "Welcome to our new Trustee for Wales, Colin Luker"

Introducing the new Trustee for Wales

The Third Age Trust recently welcomed two new Trustees to the Board; Colin Luker as the new Trustee for Wales and David Blanchflower as the new Trustee for the North West.

Colin has been a u3a member for 25 years, and is currently a member of Newcastle Emlyn u3a where he runs a Science and Technology group. Colin is looking forward to "[being] a
ble to apply my experience which I have gained from my involvement as a Trustee with other organisations. In addition I have a lifetime knowledge gained in a variety of industries, both in the UK and overseas."

We will be talking to the Trustee for the North West, David Blanchflower, in the next newsletter. In the meantime, you can read about both new Trustees on our website.

friends learning
An apple pudding
A new u3a air fryer community 

Members are sharing their hints, tips and recipes - like this apple pudding, pictured above - in our new air fryer community. If you have an air fryer and want to know how to make the most of it, or would like to share your ideas, join our community.
This month's podcast

The April edition of the u3a radio podcast is jam-packed. Ilkley u3a member Peter Higginbothom talks about his research into workhouses, while Margaret Fiddes talks about what to expect from u3a Festival 24. Listen to the episode on the u3a website or on your favourite podcasting platforms.
See more learning opportunities on our website
Future Lives Open Space event 

The u3a Future Lives group is hosting an interactive event where members can share their views and experiences about important issues, to shape our future discussions and events. Numbers are limited. You can register for the event, taking place on Tuesday 14 May at 2pm, on the u3a Future Lives page.
A bright green image with a semi circle shape cut out in which two u3a members are sat at a table. The woman in the centre is pointing at something - in front of them are sheets of paper. The other woman is looking at her contemplatively. There is a logo in the right hand corner of the image which says friends impact
Help develop a stronger u3a voice

Over the next two months, we are hosting focus groups to develop a process to select issues on which the u3a movement can take national action. As we develop our movement's voice, we have the potential to make a difference whilst also raising awareness of the u3a movement. If you are interested in being part of one of these focus groups, please express your interest.
friends stories
East Renfrewshire u3a recently held a ‘Hatwalk’. The idea was conceived by one of our members, Sylvia, a talented milliner herself and a member of our Fashion through the Ages Group. Our u3a worked with students from Glasgow Clyde College’s Millinery course who modelled hats they had created.

Many of our groups got involved to make the event a success. Our Sewing group worked on the tablecloths, our Ukulele group performed and members volunteered to make sandwiches, scones and cakes. Many members joined in the occasion by donning their favourite hat.

It was a huge amount of work, but it all came together on the day and was greatly enjoyed by everyone who attended.

Allison, East Renfrewshire u3a
friends advice

Managing complaints and disciplinary processes

Whilst we hope that u3as won’t need to deal with complaints or disciplinary procedures, we know that issues do arise. This workshop is designed so you and your u3a can feel prepared to deal with these issues and will be taking place on Wednesday 22 May at 10am. 

Find our workshops and other support for u3as in the members area
friends features
A group of nine members sat in a semi circle inside a classroom, playing ukuleles

A musical journey, sparked by an email 

We love hearing from members of our Friends newsletter community and sharing your stories. This month, Ken from West Cheshire Rural u3a talks about how skill sharing has resulted in a flurry of ukulele learning in the North West.

I discovered the ukulele with the u3a and it changed my life. 

Five years ago, my 7 year old granddaughter was learning ukulele at school and I thought it might be something I could try. I have always been musical but have never mastered playing anything I tried except singing. My wife secretly bought me a cheap ukulele for Christmas and I was really pleased, until I tried and failed to tune it. I was getting nowhere and gave up.

Several months later, our u3a received a letter from Dave, the Ukulele leader from Wallasey u3a on the Wirral. He was offering help to any one who wanted to get started but didn't know how. That was what I needed and I took up the offer.

I went up to see Dave and after tuning me up, he gave me some basic instructions, a couple of easy starter songs and a plan to go forward. I was hooked.

I went back to our u3a and put out an advert. Our group was born. None of us could play, so as leader I just made sure I was two weeks ahead of the group. We progressed slowly but surely and really enjoyed our sessions together.

When a burst of beginners wanted to join, we threw out an invite to u3as in our NorthWest network. A group from Tarporley responded and came to my beginners introduction day. Two years, on their group is still going. In November 2023 we had a repeat situation leading to the formation of two new ukulele groups in Northwich and Macclesfield.

So that initial invite has resulted in four new groups and 50+ people learning a new skill. All under the banner of u3a.

Share your u3a story with us by emailing
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