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Message from the President

Dear <<First Name>>,

Springtime at LLI

We just concluded another terrific semester at Bard LLI. Since I took this position, I have regularly thanked and complimented all our volunteers who work in teams and committees to make LLI the high-caliber organization it is. We cannot do this without them, our presenters, producers, AV advisors, and managers, too. I want to thank Bard staff once again, who, in addition to taking care of college matters, make the time to work with LLI on administrative and management details and help our membership enjoy their experience on their campus.

Today, I thank all our members for being part of LLI, taking classes on Zoom and in-person. It is a pleasure to be around people who love learning, socializing, and being good company. LLI also has many members who have volunteered in the past, and I suspect more are in the wings, waiting for the right time to step up. And then there are those members who do not wish to or cannot devote time to volunteer. Regardless, everyone at LLI is important to our continued success. So, thank you folks, too.
Please complete and return the course evaluation forms you received. They are confidential. Your feedback is crucial and always offers valuable insights into our programming. The Curriculum Committee reviews each one, and the feedback is essential for debriefing the last semester and planning for future semesters.

You will also receive the annual survey shortly. The answers you provide will help us understand what the membership thinks about our programming. Your feedback helps us to create programs that reflect our membership’s preferences. All answers are confidential. 

It is that time of year again. The period to renew membership runs from June 1 through June 21. Our Program Support chair, Carmela Gersbeck, has been working on the software with representatives of ProClass, and we expect another smooth renewal process this year. Please note that if you do not renew in June, former members do not get priority if they reapply in the future.

Finally, next week on May 16th, we have our annual meeting in Olin. The invitation is being sent today. Please register by May 10th so we have a headcount for planning for brunch. You can look forward to food, live music, and business. Members will meet our new treasurer, Karen Kane, and our new chair of the Hospitality team, Betti Steel. In addition, members can vote on the minutes from last year’s annual meeting and the tentative budget for FY 2024-25. You will also be brought up to date with what has been going on at LLI this past year and what we look forward to next year. Please join us, and don’t forget to register by May 10th.

The links for registration, the agenda for the meeting, last year’s minutes and the tentative budget are included In the invitation.


Robert Beaury

Election Results

by Mary McClellan

The results are in for the election of officers for the 2024/25 term. There were no surprises, with four candidates running unopposed for second terms: Robert Beaury, president; Mary McClellan, 1st vice president; Kayla Bell, member at large; and Michael Weinstock, member at large. It is commendable that these Council members committed to an additional two years of service to LLI and an indication that LLI is a highly functioning and thriving body.

Karen Kane, an LLI member with an extensive financial resume, was voted in as our new treasurer. Please welcome her to her new post when you see her around campus.

Important to note:  If you think you’d like to be a member of the LLI Council, please talk to us. We welcome new candidates, and competition is healthy. There will be another election in 2025. In the spirit of democracy, we encourage you to step up.

The 2024 Annual Meeting

by Robert Beaury

Please join other LLI members at our annual meeting in Olin on Thursday, May 16th.  A light brunch starting at 9 a.m. in the atrium will provide a chance to socialize with other LLI members. At 10 a.m., we will proceed into Olin Hall and listen to live Latin rhythm music performed by Bard students. The business portion of the meeting will begin in Olin Hall following the music performance. Treasurer Jerry Brockett will review the state of our finances and present a tentative 2024-2025 budget for your review and ask for your vote to approve it. Our first vice president, Mary McClellan, will announce the reelection of Council officers and members at large, and members can join Mary in saying farewell to departing Council member Jerry Brockett. I will then review some of the highlights of the 2023-2024 school year and talk about what we can expect in 2024-2025. I will also give a special shout-out to Irene Esposito who is stepping aside after six years as chair of the Hospitality team, and welcome Betti Steel, who is stepping into that role.

As I wrote in January, we make annual donations to Bard, which support a variety of important programs that benefit Bard students and, by extension, the community. Here is a list of donations made and the two that are pending:  

Total contributions for FYE 6/30/24:
Center for Civic Engagement
– Sanctuary Fund
Dean’s Discretionary Fund      9,000.
Joan Tower’s Student Assistance    1,500.
Fund for Visual Learning    2,500.
Hessel Museum    1,000.
Fisher Center    1,000.
Dean Stuart Levine Sr to Sr    3,750.
Bard Early College in High School    2,000.
Indigenous Peoples’ Organizations    1,200.

In the tentative budget, you will notice two significant changes from last year. Council is seeking to increase our annual membership fee by $25, raising it to $200 beginning with the renewal process in June. It is the only increase in more than seven years. If approved, we expect to raise an additional $8,750 through this increase in FYE 2025, and the entire amount will be donated to Bard, raising our overall contribution to approximately $41,000, or 60% of our annual income. We also included $10,000 from our fund balance to celebrate LLI’s 25th anniversary in 2025 on Bard’s campus. 

Bard is extremely generous to LLI in the services and accommodation they provide, and if we had to pay for what we receive, $41,000 is still far short. That said, as an organization, we recognize the value each member receives and how important it is to do our part in supporting programs at Bard. Feel free to ask questions at the annual meeting. This is an important moment for LLI. 

The Annual Survey is Coming

by Mary McClellan

Once again, it is time for our Annual Survey. Last year, the survey focused on demographics to get a more accurate picture of who we are. This year, the focus will be on programs, or on what we do.

LLI’s main purpose has been to support learning, primarily through the courses that we offer. In the last couple of years, we have also promoted socialization through the addition of many events and informal activity groups. 

This year, the survey will be formatted using SurveyMonkey. This will allow for greater confidentiality of respondents and will provide better tools to evaluate results. I have been corresponding with Michael Conte, Director of Survey Solutions at The Marist Poll. He has offered some valuable suggestions regarding question design. 

The 2024 Annual Survey will run from May 12th to May 19th. You will be asked to weigh in on the value of the courses you have taken, the events you have attended, and the groups in which you have participated. Please take a few minutes to respond, and to let us know what LLI is doing well and where we can improve.

June is Membership Month

by Cathy Reinis

Mark your calendar to renew your LLI membership between June 1 and June 21. You will get a reminder on or about June 1 with a link to the renewal application. This is also the time for nonmembers to apply to join LLI. If you have friends who are interested, tell them to go to our website,, to find directions on applying to LLI. If there are more applications than open spots, new members will be selected by lottery; occasionally, someone is admitted who brings skills that LLI needs immediately. 

The annual membership fee is now $175.00. That money allows us to fund the tools for remote learning, to continue to contribute to Bard College, and to keep LLI on a solid financial footing. However, there is a proposal to increase the fee to $200. The decision to increase the fee by $25 will be made by membership vote at the annual meeting on May 16. That additional money will allow us to increase our yearly contribution to Bard in gratitude for the services and space they provide to us.

Here Comes SummerFest 

by Deborah Lanser

The four-week SummerFest session will begin June 7, with a wonderful variety of interesting courses. Most classes will be held in person on Fridays, while one off-campus course will be held on a Monday. You can check out the schedule on May 22 when the ProClass catalog arrives. Registration will start on May 31 and end on June 14. Classes are free for all members, while nonmembers may register for a fee of $25 per course. Here’s a preview of the learning adventures that will be offered in June. 

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Tour Two Student-Created Exhibitions

by Robert Inglish

Casey Robertson, Public Engagement Manager for the Center for Curatorial Studies at Hessel Museum of Art Bard College, will again welcome LLI members for a tour of exhibitions by curatorial students on Wednesday, May 22, at 1 p.m. The tour will provide a unique opportunity to interact with the curatorial students.

The first exhibition, Spillover, was curated by 11 students. It is a collection of thesis projects from the CCS Class of 2024. Spillover creates a sequence of distinct but converging artistic encounters. Although these 11 exhibitions emerge from disparate research interests and perspectives, they build upon a series of collective debates and conversations.

The second exhibition, Promenade: Flowers and Figuration in the Marieluise Hessel Collection, was curated by two students, Lucas Ondak and Luke Whittaker. It provides a layout that emphasizes the pathways along which one can roam and wander through a broad selection of the works from the collection. Human figures appear in multiple ways, often layered with flowers or foliage.

A wine and cheese reception will follow the tour. The event is limited to 50 members. Register for the tour and reception on ProClass.

Backstage at the Fisher Center

by Gary Miller

We are fortunate to have Bard College as our home. There are bucolic gardens and pathways, gently rolling hills, and stately trees. At the north end of the campus, amidst yet more of nature’s offerings, stands a brilliant silver bird, Fisher Center. Designed by architect Frank Gehry, the 110,000-square-foot center houses two theaters, four rehearsal studios for dance, theater, and music, and professional support facilities. It opened in April 2003, and The New Yorker called it “possibly the best small concert hall in the United States.”

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Meet the 2024 Recipients of the Seniors-to-Seniors Scholarship

by Susan Phillips

On the afternoon of Friday, April 5th, this year’s recipients of the Dean Stuart Stritzler-Levine Seniors-to-Seniors Scholarship shared information and answered questions about their senior  projects in front of a small, but enthusiastic audience of LLI members. The occasion was the annual Seniors-to-Seniors Scholarship Recognition Tea, held in the Lázló Z. Bitó auditorium. The scholarships, which are funded by LLI, were created to support Bard senior students with costs related to their senior projects. This year, there were originally five recipients. One student graciously returned her scholarship funds when she found she did not need the financial assistance to complete her project. We heard from the remaining four, including one via a prepared video as he was out of the country. David Shein, Dean of Studies and Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs, proudly introduced each student.

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Funny Bones: Bard LLI to Host 2024 Presidential Debate

by Alan Katz

The Republican National Committee and the Democratic National Committee have announced that Bard LLI will host one 2024 Presidential Debate on the Bard College Campus this autumn.  Tickets will be available exclusively on ProClass.

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Bard LLI Special Interest Groups

Come Play Pickleball!  Open play, all levels at the Red Hook courts, 99 Linden Avenue, Red Hook -- just show up! Tuesdays from 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m on May 14, 21, 28, and June 4, 11, 18, 25. Contact L. Walker for more information at

Open Play Bocce is every Wednesday from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. through October, at Robert Post Memorial Park. No experience or equipment is needed. Enjoy the beautiful park on the Hudson and play with a nice group of people! For more information, contact Carmela Gersbeck at

Contract Bridge for Fun and Health - Benefits of Playing Bridge - Instructor Needed!  
Bridge is a very social card game. It’s a great way to get to know people and a good excuse to get together socially with friends outside of class. As an AARP Bulletin article noted, it’s also good for your health.

Several LLI members are interested in setting up a bridge group. Some members already know how to play bridge, while others are looking for some instruction.

A good first step would be to set up an informal Bridge for Beginners group. To that end, we need to find a volunteer to teach it. We would also like to recruit more people who are interested in playing. So if you or some friends are interested in playing or teaching contract bridge, please contact Lynda at

In Memoriam

by Cathy Reinis

With sorrow, we learned of the death of James Cody. Jay was a member of LLI for several years and taught courses on kayaking. You can read more about his love of the outdoors and the water and about his life here.

Council Notes for April 2024

by Susan Simon

At the Council meeting of April 15, the following topics were discussed: 

  • The preliminary budget for FYE 6/30/25 was approved; it will be presented at the annual meeting on May 16.

  • Nonmembers will be allowed to register for SummerFest for $25 per course.

  • The annual survey will be sent to members on May 12. 

The next LLI Council meeting is scheduled for Monday, June 17, 2024, at 9:30 a.m.

Highlights of the Bard Calendar

by Felice Gelman


The academic year is coming to a close this month, and Bard graduates will be presenting their senior projects. For music lovers, this means senior dance projects are presented in the Fisher Center LUMA Theater on Thursday, May 9, Friday, May 10, and Saturday, May 11. Check the Bard calendar here for times. Music student degree recitals continue from Saturday, May 11 through Sunday, May 19. Times and other details are in the Bard calendar here.

Wednesday, May 8, from 7:00 p.m. to 11:30 p.m. at the Jim Ottaway Jr. Film Center, the Bard Center for Moving Image Arts will present two films in a series on Luchino Visconti’s legacy:  the Taiwanese film The Boys from Fengkuei and the Greek film Landscape in the Mist.

Saturday, May 11, at 7:00 p.m. at the Sosnoff Theater in the Fisher Center, the Bard Conservatory Orchestra, conducted by Tan Dun, will perform works by Stravinsky and by Tan Dun. The event is free with your Bard ID. 

Monday, May 13, from 7:00 p.m. to 11:30 p.m. at the Jim Ottaway Jr. Film Center, the Bard Center for Moving Image Arts will present two films focusing on color and structure: Taboo, the Japanese historical drama, and Red, one of three films in  Krzysztof Kieślowski’s color series. 

Tuesday, May 14, at 8:00 p.m. in Olin Hall, James Bagwell will conduct the Bard Symphonic Chorus and the Bard Chamber Singers in a performance of Haydn's Te Deum, Mendelssohn's Verleih uns Frieden, and the Agnus Dei from Mozart's Coronation Mass K 317. The symphonic chorus includes singers from the Bard student body and wider Hudson Valley, including several Bard LLI members. 

Wednesday, May 15, from 3:00 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. in Olin Hall, the Graduate Vocal Arts Program and Collaborative Piano Fellowship will present Just Between Us: The Audience as Confidant in a program of arias and ensembles from operas of Handel and Mozart. Treating the audience members as intimates, each vocalist will include an original monologue revealing a new world of insight into each character.

Wednesday, May 15, from 7:00 p.m. to 11:30 p.m. at the Jim Ottaway Jr. Film Center, the Bard Center for Moving Image Arts will present two films by Martin Scorsese as the second part of the Center’s focus on Visconti’s legacy: Raging Bull and The Age of Innocence

Saturday, May 18, from 8:00 p.m. to 9:30 p.m, at Center for Photography at Woodstock, 25 Dederick Street, Kingston, Bard community partner La Voz magazine collaborates with Radio Kingston to present a musical play in Spanish: ¡Arsenio! This tribute to the life and music of Afro-Cuban composer Arsenio Rodríguez, "the wonderful blind man," was written by Toby Campion. Refreshments will be served at the end of this free performance. To attend, register here (the registration form is in Spanish).

Tuesday, May 21, from 12:30 p.m. to 1:30 p.m. at the Bitó Conservatory Performance Space, the Bard Conservatory presents a lunchtime concert with noted cellist Anmari van der Westhuizen, performing works by contemporary South African composers.

Upcoming Meetings and Important Dates
for Members

by Carmela Gersbeck

Wednesday, May 8: Membership Development Committee meeting at 9:00 a.m. on Zoom. Any member interested in joining a Membership Development meeting should email Robert Inglish at

Tuesday, May 14: Curriculum Committee meeting at 10:00 a.m. on Zoom. Anyone interested in joining a meeting should email Anne Brueckner at

Thursday, May 16: This year’s LLI Annual Meeting will be held in person in Olin Hall. Please arrive early to enjoy a light brunch beginning at 9:00 a.m. in the Olin Atrium. We will also enjoy Latin rhythm music performed by Bard students in the Olin Auditorium starting at 10:00 a.m. The business meeting will be called to order following the music performance.

Friday, May 24: SummerFest catalog released.

Tuesday, May 28: The Communications team meets at 9:00 a.m. on Zoom. Any member interested in observing a Communications meeting should email Deborah Lanser at

Friday, May 31: Registration for SummerFest starts at 9:00 a.m. in ProClass.

Thursday, June 6: DEI/Social Justice team meeting at 4:00 p.m. on Zoom. Any member interested in joining a DEI/Social Justice meeting should email Laura Brown at

Fridays, June 7, 14, 21, 28: SummerFest takes place every Friday in June.

Tuesday, June 11: Curriculum Committee meeting at 10:00 a.m. on Zoom. Anyone interested in joining a meeting should email Anne Brueckner at

Wednesday, June 12: Membership Development Committee meeting at 9:00 a.m. on Zoom. Any member interested in joining a Membership Development meeting should email Robert Inglish at

Monday, June 17: Council meeting at 9:30 a.m. on Zoom. Any member interested in observing a Council meeting should email Mary McClellan at

Monday, July 1: The Communications team meets at 9:30 a.m. on Zoom. Any member interested in observing a Communications meeting should email Deborah Lanser at

This newsletter is a publication of Bard LLI Council. Communications Team Chair: Cathy Reinis. Writers and editors: Susan Christoffersen, Kathryn Clark, Felice Gelman, Carmela Gersbeck, Ann Green, Emilie Hauser, Alan Katz, Deborah Lanser, Jill Lundquist, Gretchen Lytle, Cristina Ochagavia, Susan Phillips, Margaret Shuhala. Photographers: Gary Miller, Chair, Carol DeBartolis, Carmela Gersbeck, Gretchen Lytle.

The opinions and views expressed in the LLI Newsletter are those of the author(s). They do not purport to reflect the opinions or views of LLI or its members. In addition, any link to a website or content belonging to or originating from third parties are not investigated, monitored or checked for accuracy, adequacy, validity, reliability or completeness by LLI, nor does LLI accept any responsibility for such content.

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