
In anticipation of the upcoming The UM General Conference (April 23-May 3), the Notes for a New Day devotionals are offered by members of the Central Texas and North Texas Conference delegations.

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April 2, 2024

Today's Scripture

Then Jesus went with his disciples to a place called Gethsemane, and he said to them, “Sit here while I go over there and pray.” He took Peter and the two sons of Zebedee along with him, and he began to be sorrowful and troubled. Then he said to them, “My soul is overwhelmed with sorrow to the point of death. Stay here and keep watch with me.” 

— Matthew 26:36-38 (NIV)

Today's Devotional

Vigil is a watch kept on the night before a religious feast with prayer or other devotions; the day before a religious feast observed as a day of spiritual preparation. In many Christian traditions, communities gather for a candlelight vigil through the night from Holy Saturday into Easter morning.

In recent years I have grown to love and long for the observance of Easter Vigil. My church congregation gathers on Saturday night, after Good Friday and before Easter Sunday. We begin with Genesis and work our way through a selection of stories across the Old and New Testaments until the Resurrection; woven impeccably together upon a theme like food, water or fire. We gather as the beloved community to remember the WHOLE epic story. To watch the full spectrum of God’s love expressed across the breadth scripture.

Easter is a BIG deal, the celebrations are the finest and the joy is palpable. The poetic arc from Palm Sunday, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, up to Easter Sunday is perfection. Even still, in these years that Easter Vigil has entered my Holy Week ritual, the magnitude of the Resurrection and God’s love throughout scripture resonates even deeper.

And as a ritual does, it gives me pause to think of when there may be other times, other events in the routine of my life that I might pause – take watch, pray – spiritually prepare. Where am I so focused on the event or the exact moment which it commemorates that I miss the magnitude of all the stories that are held with it? The fullness of Jesus’ life, death, resurrection. The fullness of God’s love. It is both a moment and a million moments.

— Kelly Carpenter, Interim Director

for the Center for Leadership Development, NTC delegate

Today's Prayer For Reflection

Gracious and Loving God, Forgive us when we fall asleep on our watch. May your spirit embrace us as we seek you in prayer and fasting, in sorrow and trouble and in joy and celebration. Equip us to be your light in a watching world. Amen.

Today Please Pray For 

Join us as we pray alphabetically through the list of those serving in our conferences.

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