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April 3, 2024

Today's Scripture

The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because the Lord has anointed me. He has sent me to preach good news to the poor, to proclaim release to the prisoners and recovery of sight to the blind, to liberate the oppressed, and to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor.

“You didn’t anoint my head with oil, but she has poured perfumed oil on my feet.”

— Luke 4:18-19 and 7:46 (CEB)

Today's Devotional

She poured perfumed oil on his feet.

I wonder if she, more fully than the disciples or anyone else at this point in Luke’s Gospel, understands God’s anointing of Jesus.

She poured perfumed oil on his feet.

When Jesus declares his purpose in Luke 4, he is “sent.” And he is sent to preach good news, proclaim release, recover sight, liberate and proclaim to people who cannot come to him. Jesus must go. His feet will be vital to his purpose.

And she anointed them.

In scripture, anointing sets someone apart for service – usually kings. But Jesus, anointed by the Lord, now receives an anointing of his feet by this woman.

She got it. She understood the mission. She understood that Jesus would go, for he must seek out the ones for whom he came. There will be going and meeting and interacting.

And his feet will need to take him.

I also wonder if we sometimes miss that. We often anoint heads to set us apart, whether through ordination, sending out services for mission teams, etc., we are signifying purpose.

Perhaps, though, our heads do not need anointing. Our feet do. Jesus’ last command, after all, was “Go.” (Matthew 28:19-20).

Go implies that we, like Jesus, participate in this world in such a way that we understand ourselves as sent. Because we are.

We are to be going and meeting and interacting — building relationships. Ours is not a passive faith, but one that works itself out in our participation in the world’s hurts in ways that heal rather than cut.

And to go, we will need our feet.

Maybe in ordination, it should be a person’s feet, not their heads, that are blessed.

Now, go — because the world still needs good news, release, recovery of sight and liberation.

— Rev. Kristin Warthen, St. Andrew’s UMC (Arlington), CTC

Today's Prayer For Reflection

Sender of People, thank you for entrusting us with this world and with one another. Bless our feet that we may go into this world as those who share the good news, release, recovery and liberation we’ve experienced through your grace.

Today Please Pray For 

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