Dear Colleague,

2024 is a special year for CGFoE: we mark a decade of advancing global free speech. Join us on Thursday, April 25, 2024, for an all-day celebration - “Safeguarding Free Expression: The Role of Judicial Systems in Pivotal Times.” We invite you to reflect on the past together with us, analyze the challenges of the present, and discuss the future. We will gather with free speech advocates from around the globe at the Italian Academy, Columbia University, New York. We have a lot in store.

A high-level conference co-chaired by UNESCO will start with the panel titled “Breakthrough Verdicts: Legal Decisions Shaping the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals.” A networking lunch will follow. The stage will later open to the book talk with Elena Kostyuchenko, author of I Love Russia: Reporting from a Lost Country, and Paul Caruana Galizia, author of A Death in Malta: An Assassination and a Family’s Quest for Justice. The second panel, “Critical Legal Frontiers: Global Challenges to Freedom of Expression,” will conclude the conference, setting the floor for the final celebratory part of the day: We will award the 2024 Global Freedom of Expression Prizes, and Vivir Quintana, Mexican singer, songwriter, and activist, will perform. 

The event is free and open to the public. 

We look forward to seeing you on April 25, 2024!
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