
Hi everybody!

Two topics for today’s letter:

1) Classes starting this week

2) Embiggening our bands

April-May class session is upon us

Coming up over the next week, we have:

Sunday - Swing 4 Lindy, Swing 4 Solo, and Swing 2 Charleston

Tuesday - Swing 3 and Swing 1

Wednesday - Swing 1 and Swing 2 Lindy

If you haven’t yet signed up for the class you want to take, pop on over to our sign-up page and do the thing to let us know you’re coming!  I’ll be starting to work on class balancing over the next few days, and that’s much easier to accomplish when I have accurate data.

While we’re here, after the Apr-May session is over we’re planning to switch to summer mode, which means we drop Sundays and pick up Thursdays for late May to August.  (also Kevin switches to shorts and y’all get snow blindness from my calves)

Bigger bands :)

Coming back from the pandemic, we asked our band leaders to bring four-piece bands for us to dance to.  Quartets fit our budget and venue nicely back then.  Being in a larger space now, we’ve found that the bands sound better when they’ve brought the occasional fifth musician.  Fortunately, our attendance has also increased since we moved into Dance Victoria!

So the upshot is that we’ve officially asked our band leaders to bring quintets.  You’ll get a smoother and fuller sound, more harmonies, more voices, and new instruments.  We hope you’ll enjoy the result.

It’s probably worth mentioning that we are not raising our prices and have no plans to do so.  Our intent is to grow our band sizes in parallel with our attendance.  If we eventually have an audience large enough, the dream is to make old school big bands happen again.

See you on the dance floor!


ps - this Friday, Doug Rhodes (pictured below) is bringing the first of our new official 5-piece bands!