World of Gymkhana NewsletterMay 2024 Published by California Gymkhana Association PO Box 410 Wilton, CA 95693 |
We are bringing back the newsletter!! Each month subscribers can expect to receive a newsletter containing important information, announcements and anything else to help our members stay informed and involved! |
~ROYAL COURT APPLICATIONS CLOSE TODAY~Are you interested in being part of the 2024/2025 Royal Court?ENTRIES MUST BE SUBMITTED OR POST MARKED BY TODAY! |
Presidents Message |
Hello CGA,
Who else is getting excited as we continue to count down the days closer to our 50th STATE SHOW (79 days)?!? Early entries are still OPEN!!!! Get signed up on the CGA website; early entries close July 1st. This past month I was super excited that my home district, D40, finally got to put on our first show. Thank you to the entire crew for pulling this one together and making the show run flawless. I also got to visit D1. What a great time it was. Thank you to Lea and your crew for being so inviting and putting on a great show. A big thank you to everyone who came to support. As we get closer to State, I will still be trying my best to visit more districts. Northern Classic, hosted by D3, is right around the corner. If you miss the cutoff date for pre entries (May 6th), don’t worry, sign ups at the show are always welcome. I cant wait to see you all there. Stay safe and ride hard.
Nathan Rowles CGA President
Upcoming Events |
CGA Northern Classic May 24th - 27th Triple Crown Equestrian Center, Lincoln CA CGA State Finals July 20th - 26th at Bolado Park, Tres Pinos CA CGA Jamboree Weekend October 11th - 13th Location TBD CGA Awards Banquet - November 16th at Wyndham Hotel, Visalia CA |
Northern Classic 2024!!PRE-ENTRIES CLOSE SOON (05/06/2024) |
CGA Northern Classic May 24th - 27th Triple Crown Equestrian Center, Lincoln CA
It is almost Classic time!! Get those entries in. Pre-entries need to be paid in full by 05/06/2024 or they will be canceled, including RV spots.
Check out the flyer below for the schedule of events.
You can also visit the CGA Website and click on the “Northern Classic” tab for updated Northern Classic information.
50th Annual State Show 2024 Entries are OPEN! |
State Show 2024 will be held from July 20th - July 26th at Bolado Park. The online pre-entry form is open and active. Your entry is confirmed once both entry and payment are received.
Standard Arrival beings Friday July 19th. This year there is a Thursday Arrival option for an additional fee of $60 per rig/horse. Thursday Arrival MUST BE PRE-PAID.
Theme Days: Theme day participation is optional and so much fun!
Saturday July 20th - Set up Day Theme: Mardi Gras/Carnival Sunday July 21st - Grand Entry Day: Growing GOLD Together Monday July 22nd - Tough Enough to Wear Pink Tuesday July 23rd - District Color Day Thursday July 25th - Viva Las Vegas/Casino Friday July 26th - Americana
For more information and full details regarding State Show, visit the State Show Tab at www.calgymkhana.com |
If you need a hard copy of the entry form you can visit the State Show tab on the CGA Website or email CGAState@aol.com and one can be mailed to you. |
Jamboree Bids are open!Bids are open through June |
The CGA Jamboree is a special two day show that is held in either Southern or Northern California the second full weekend in October. This year it will be October 11-13, 2024. Each of CGA’s 13 events is run during the course of the show. It is a wonderful opportunity to get a head start on your times in all events for Year End Awards.
If your District is interested in hosting Jamboree, submit a bid to State Office by June 30, 2024. If you have questions on what your bid should include, please reach out. |
Current CGA Officers, Directors and Board of Governors |
CGA Officers:
President Nathan Rowles exp. 2025 Past President Timmi Lemen Vice President Andy Krogh exp. 2025 Treasurer Dawn Mileham exp. 2025 Secretary Brittney Fontyn exp. 2025 Northern VP Jim Nessen exp. 2025 Central VP Margo Abatti exp. 2025 Southern VP Lorelei Lehman exp. 2025 Rules and Judges Chairman Janet Young Parliamentarian Leia Larson exp. 2025
Board of Governors
Nathan Rowles exp. 2025 Lea Legnon exp. 2024 Dianna Malley exp. 2025 Timmi Lemen (Chair) exp. 2026 Bob Cranor exp. 2027 |
| Elected Directors
Allyson Shiffrar exp. 2024 Charla Cranor exp. 2024 Matt Fredriks exp. 2024 Andrea Garcia exp. 2024 Kyra Allemand exp. 2025 Fayra Staas exp. 2025 Shannon Cannon exp. 2025 Vicky St. Martin exp. 2025
Appointed directors
Marc Hughes exp. 2025 Rachel Trani exp. 2025 Sonja Peery exp. 2025 Samantha Coelho exp. 2025
General Manager
Marnie Nessen |
District Show Dates |
Looking for a show to attend? Use the button below to access the District Show Information for each district on the CGA website. This page also contains district information, locations and contact information. |
Need to renew your membership? |
Click the button below to complete the CGA Membership Application online. |
Awards Programs |
No matter what level of ability you and your horse may have, you can ride in CGA’s programs and earn a Year End Award. Each of the award programs are described in detail in the CGA Information Book found at www.calgymkhana.com
Use this link to access the online application for Level 1, Level 2 and Top Rating Awards | |
| Use this link to access the online application for ROC and Senior Elite Awards | |
| Use this link to access the application for Family Team Awards.
| |
Judges Corner |
The judges corner contains lots of good information such as who the Master Judges are, any recent rule changes, how to become a judge and other important information. Please visit the Judges Corner now by clicking the button below. |
Below are the most recent rule changes as voted on at the November Meetings |
Change date: 11/18/2023: The following rules have been changed per the Rules and Judges and General Membership meeting at Convention November 2023.
RB 2.3 Special “Lead Line” Rules for Riders who need assistance. A rider may be led through the course by a parent or responsible party and an additional assistant (if needed) provided the rider is not able to complete the course without assistance. Such assistance is allowed to ensure the safety of the rider but does not extend to the assistant(s) touching the poles, flags or other obstacles. The Lead Line Team (horse, rider, leader and additional assistant) must properly complete the course. The assistant(s) must conform to the same dress code defined for judges (see section 6.1)
RB 3.1 Clothing and Tack, a. Clothing. Motion to remove the last sentence “if a helmet comes off while an adult rider is on course, a 1 second penalty will be assessed. Motion passed.
RB 3.1 Clothing shall be neat and clean. All contestants shall be fully attired in a dress shirt with a button or snap (function or non-functional) in the front from top to bottom and a collar. Long Pants, belt or ½ belt and boots. The shirt may have a front or back zipper. If the shirt has a front zipper, it must be covered by non-functional button or snaps from top to bottom. Shirts must be tucked into pants. Only the top 2 buttons of the shirt may be left unbuttoned as long as the buttons go to the collar line of the shirt. A tie or neckerchief is not required but is encouraged.
RB 3.5 Pony Size. Motion to have RB 3.5 read “Pony Size and Certification Process”. “To qualify an animal to compete in a CGA Pony Division at a State Sponsored Show or for CGA State Year End Awards the animal must measure 13.2 hands or fifty-four (54”) inches or less without shoes. An additional one-quarter (1/4”) inch is allowed when a pony is shod. The measurement is taken using a CGA provided rigid measuring stick that has a leveler built into the horizontal arm. Ponies that are fifty-two (52”) inches or less may be measured by a Master Judge and a Senior Judge. Ponies that are over fifty-two (52”) inches must be measured by two (2) Master Judges. Certification expires at the conclusion of the current season. All annual certificates must be submitted to the CGA State Office by the certifying Master Judge(s). A copy should be given to the member for their records. Certificates are supplied to the Master Judges by CGA State Office. You may ask for a measurement for informational purposes (not a pony certificate) one time per season to verify if you need trimming, shoes or a calmer time for your pony. You ask for the Information and Certificate measurement at the same measuring session, so long as the pony does not leave the measuring area or the visual range of the Master Judge(s) doing the measuring. The final decision to certify an animal as a CGA Pony lies with the Master Judges(s) measuring the animal. The Master Judges Advisory Committee reserves the right to require a pony to be remeasured if a majority feels that circumstances have changed since the certification was granted. For pony measuring procedures see Appendix D. Protesting a Pony Measurement. If you fail a pony measuring session, you may file a formal protest and have one (1) remeasuring session. The formal protest must be sent in writing to the CGA State Office with a $100 fee within 30 days of the failed session. This $100 fee will be refunded if the pony passes at the remeasure. It is the protesters’ responsibility to contact and arrange a new pony measuring session with their district Master Judge or the Master Judges Advisory Committee after the protest is filed. If the pony fails the remeasure, then the pony will not be allowed to be measured again until the following show season and will run the current season as a horse.” • The motion would include that if this passes that it starts immediately. All those ponies who received certificates at State Show 2023, be allowed to run through the completion of State Show 2024. Then all pony certificates will run with the CGA show season
RB 7.4 Barrels Fifty-five gallon unweighted plastic barrels shall be used, and they may not be structurally altered. Barrel covers may be used.
RB 7.10 Speedball Race. The speedball cone shall be made of a large pylon with the top cut down to a 5” diameter opening. The cone may be painted any color with contrasting strip or design and measure an overall height of 24” (see Appendix A). The balls used for speedball must be standard golf balls of any color. |
Member Classified Ads |
BarrelsNgymkhana Lessons by Sabrina, Contact info 707.365.6066 email barrelsngymkhana@yahoo.com Website www.barrelsNgymkhana.com Lesson Pony provided ages 4-12. Lesson Horse provided for adults or advanced kids. Mobile to you for lessons for additional fuel fee. |
ATTENTION CGA MEMBERS Personal (noncommercial) advertisements are FREE to all CGA members. 50 words or less. 3 ads maximum per member per issue. Submit your ads to CGAState@aol.com |
Want to submit an article for the newsletter?Deadline for submissions will be the 10th of the month for the next issue. |