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Here is your update for April 10, 2024!
 As spring continues to unfold, we're thrilled to bring you more learning opportunities, from lectures to events and discussions. We aim to keep you informed, inspired and busy. Dive in and explore all that OLLI Emory has to offer.
Additionally, we're excited to announce the launch of our new webpage, "
Latest Updates," on the OLLI website. Here, you can find our social media posts and catch up on any items you may have missed. It's an additional way to stay informed and engaged with our community and get the scoop on what's next. You can find this page under "Get Involved" or About OLLI".

Looking for what is coming up?  Check out our upcoming courses and one-day presentations or peruse our OLLI Catalog.

Atlanta Opera performance of Die Walküre
Join other OLLI members for this Atlanta Opera performance of Die Walküreon Sunday, May 5th at 2PM.

Limited tickets, first come first served.  Meet at Cobb Energy Performing Arts Centre, 2800 Cobb Galleria Pkwy, Atlanta, GA 30339

Composer & Librettist: Richard Wagner
Premiere Performance: June 26, 1870, National Theatre, Munich Germany

The Ring Cycle, Wagner’s magnum opus, continues with Die Walküre, the second epic installment in the series. The daughters of Wotan, ruler of the gods, serve as Valkyries tasked with guiding the souls of fallen warriors to Valhalla. But as scandal erupts, Wotan finds himself at odds with whom he most trusts. Greer Grimsley returns as the definitive Wotan in The Atlanta Opera’s new production of one of opera’s greatest triumphs. Click here to register.

Yip Harburg and the Rainbow: A Life in Song, Politics, And Popular Culture
Instructor: Bill Allen
Thursday, Apr 18 -  May 09, 2024, 1:15 - 2:45PM

E. Y. “Yip” Harburg (1897-1981) is not a household name, although he wrote the lyrics for many songs in what is now called “the great American songbook,” including “Brother, Can You Spare a Dime,” “It’s Only a Paper Moon,” “How are Things in Glocca Mora,” and important Broadway musical plays with a social or political bent, such as Bloomer Girl and Finian’s Rainbow.  Most notably, he helped write the screenplay and the lyrics for all the songs in the celebrated Judy Garland film The Wizard of Oz, which he said had overt social and political implications for the time. His strong beliefs got him blacklisted in Hollywood during the infamous McCarthy period in the 1950s.  But he continued engage in lively creative endeavors until his death.  Come with us as we listen to his songs and explore his life with its many triumphs, disappointments, and contradictions.  A truly American Story.
 Click here to register. 

Raymond Ahlquist: The Nobel Prize that should have been
Instructor: Flynn Warren
Tuesday, Apr 23, 2024, 9:30AM - 11:00AM 

For decades scientists had tried to understand how epinephrine could have both dilation and constriction effects in various body organs. Ahlquist, in 1948, came up with a descriptive and demonstrable explanation involving two different receptors; alpha and beta that showed how epinephrine could have both effects.  Some challenged this explanation until 1968 when propranolol became available, and the alpha and beta receptors system was widely accepted. Ahlquist died before he could receive the Nobel Prize presented to other scientists based on his work. 
His work, explained the activity of s
Alpha- and beta-adrenergic receptors: Ahlquist's landmark hypothesis of ... everal existing drugs and also laid the ground work for new drugs including the widely prescribed beta blockers
Click here to register.

Lesser Known Paris Pt 2- Continue the Journey
Instructor: Howard Cohen

Join us on this Virtual journey to uncover more of Paris's best-kept secrets, as we unveil gems that most tourists overlook due to time constraints or lack of inclination.  If you missed the first Part, no worries, you can still enjoy all the additional information Howard will be sharing.   
Wednesday, May 1, 2024, 1:00PM - 2:30PM

Click here to register. 

Pizza Free Vector - PhotosJoin us for lunch on May 1 at 12:30PM
There will be a separate pizza lunch, before class if you would like to sign-up to attend. It's another opportunity to eat and mingle with other OLLI Members. 
(registration required) $7
Wednesday, May 1, 2024, 12:30PM - 1:00PM 

Click here to register for Pizza.

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2635 Century Pkwy NE Suite 300 Atlanta, GA 30345
Phone: 404-727-5489


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OLLI at Emory · 2635 Century Pkwy NE Ste 300 · Atlanta, GA 30345-3153 · USA