Be sure all staff members are receiving the C2P,
and please share relevant information with your volunteer leaders.
Click here to sign up. Click here for archived C2Ps.
Please share your parish’s time and talent photos
Send in digital photos of your parish's volunteers in action, and they may appear in this year’s parish stewardship materials. Click here to see the types of photos we need. Click here to download required photo release form. Email photos and photo release form to by the end of May.
Webinar for Parish and School Consultative Leadership
Wednesday, May 15, or Monday, May 20, from 7-8 p.m.
Members of pastoral councils, finance councils and school commissions are invited to learn more about co-responsibility and collaborative leadership in this special Partners in the Gospel webinar. Simultaneous Spanish translation will be available. Register here.
Open enrollment ends May 15
Intercultural Competence Training
May 17 | 9:30 a.m.-2:30 p.m. | Issac Orr Conference Room, Seattle
All archdiocesan employees from parishes and schools are invited to this training. Intercultural competence has become a crucial component of our ministry in the Church. Our daily interactions with people from different cultures, languages and ethnicities call for a more intentional effort on our part to better understand and accompany each other. Questions? Email Edwin Ferrera at Click here to learn more and register.
From implementation and stabilization to customized fields
The most customized profile fields will be migrating to a ParishStaq profile field (e.g., Religion, Ethnicity, Language, etc.). Continue to check out training opportunities on our site & Pushpay University. Next training session May 9 at 10 a.m. Flyer | Webpage
Annual Catholic Appeal update
Click here to learn about these topics and more:
1. There's still time to mail the pastor support letter
2. ACA donate button
3. Difference between the ACA and parish stewardship
Mass of Ordination to the Priesthood
June 1 at 10 a.m. | St. James Cathedral, Seattle
Please share at your parish and school.
The Archdiocese of Seattle joyfully announces the Ordination to the Priesthood of Maximiliano Muñoz and Kyle Rink. For more information on priesthood in the Archdiocese of Seattle, go to Click here for more information about the Mass. Promotional assets
Corpus Christi Multicultural Mass and Procession
June 1 at 5:30 p.m. | St. James Cathedral, Seattle
Please share with your cultural communities.
• We invite all cultural communities to participate.
• Participants are encouraged to wear traditional dress/attire.
• If you plan to participate, please RSVP by Thursday, May 16, to Deacon Carl Chilo at
Learn more. Promotional assets in English, Spanish and Vietnamese. Chinese and Korean assets available next week.
Development / Crozier
Become a sponsor for the Archbishop’s Golf Tournament
Consider sponsoring the Archbishop’s Golf Tournament, hosted by the Crozier Society, on Aug. 6 to help fund seminarian education. Parish sponsorships start at $350 and include multiple sponsor benefits and name recognition. With your help, we hope to raise $200,000. Learn more at and click here for sponsorship information. Please share these promotional assets in your newsletter and bulletin.
Faith Formation May newsletter
Newsletter is available after 9 a.m. in English and Spanish.
Workers comp
Starting May 1, the Workers Compensation program will offer a new service called "Injury Counselor," which will assist injured workers with coordinating their recovery with their physicians and insurance. Learn more. For information, email
New form and process for requesting certificates of insurance
Requests for Certificates of Insurance (COIs) can now be submitted directly to our new broker, Lockton. Their request form is available here and also in the insurance section of the archdiocese’s “For Parishes” website. Questions? Contact
Interim stage of the Synod
During this interim stage between the two Synod assemblies in Rome, the Vatican invited local churches to undertake a second consultation, about the co-responsibility of the baptized. From January through March 2024, the Archdiocese of Seattle listened to several groups, including priests, youth, the Archdiocesan Pastoral Council and Chancery leadership. Parishes, schools and other groups and organizations also hosted sessions. Click here for the synthesis of the listening report.
Let us pray: May intercessions
English | Spanish
Mission Cooperative Plan
The Missions team has reinstated the Mission Cooperative Plan (MCP), which assists organizations in mission territories fund their vocations. Schedule a speaker at your parish to educate people about God’s work among the poor and raise funds for their work in mission territories.
Learn more in English and Spanish.
Faithful Citizenship toolkit and resources
This presidential election year is an ideal time to cover faithful citizenship via church bulletins, social media and other communications. Parishes and ministries are invited to use the Faithful Citizenship toolkit and resources, particularly in these months leading up to the Nov. 5 election. Toolkit available in English and Spanish.
Join Bishop Schuster on a pilgrimage to Greece
Please share at your parish and school.
October 8-18, 2024
There is still time to register! Walk in the footsteps of St. Paul and the early Christian community with Auxiliary Bishop Frank R. Schuster and Father James O. Johnson of St. Jude Parish and Holy Innocents Parish. Click here for more information. Digital assets
Feast of St. Dymphna Mental Health Ministry Virtual Open House
Please share at your parish and school.
May 15 | 6:30-7:30 p.m.
As your new parish family comes together, join us to explore the possibilities of establishing a parish-based mental health ministry of your own – and how Mental Health Ministry can support you. Click here to register and learn more. Digital assets
Intercultural Competence Training IN SPANISH
Open to all. Please share at your parish and school.
June 8 | 10 a.m.-4 p.m. | Isaac Orr Conference Room, Seattle
For more information, email Make Gallitelli. Click here to register. Flyer in Spanish.
Quo Vadis Days 2024
Open to high school men. Please share at your parish and school.
June 24-27 | Camp Hamilton, Monroe
Click here for more information and to register. Digital assets in English and Spanish.
Local Eucharistic Congress
Please share at your parish and school.
July 20 | 11:30 a.m.-3:15 p.m. | St. Charles Borromeo, Tacoma
The Archdiocese of Seattle is hosting a local version of the National Eucharistic Congress! This summer, Catholics will travel from every corner of our archdiocese to experience the real presence of Jesus Christ. This local Congress includes all of the activities that are taking place at the national event: inspirational talks, adoration, praise & worship music, prayer, a Eucharistic procession and Mass. Please share with your parish or school. Learn more | Graphics and support copy in English and Spanish.