
Craftsbury May News 2024

Craftsbury Energy Committee Upcoming Events

Three Old & New Home Weatherization Tours, Saturday, 5/4, 1 pm, 2:15 pm, and
3:30 pm! - Craftsbury  - Sponsored by the Craftsbury Energy Committee and SaveEnergyNEK and featured presenters: NETO, income-qualifying free weatherization and appliances; Mark Snyder of Vt. Energy Audits; and Matt Moody, energy efficient home contractor.

1 pm is the first presentation on the Federal Weatherization Assistance Program (WAP) by NETO at the Craftsbury Town Hall, 85 S. Craftsbury Rd, Craftsbury, and then a 1:30 follow up basement tour of their weatherization work next door at the 150 year old Silva home, 67 S. Craftsbury Rd., Craftsbury.

NETO will talk about their free weatherization approach and applications on old homes.  For the Silva home they decreased the air leakage in the home by 37% by spray foaming the upper basement walls, dense-pack cellulose in the walls, blown cellulose insulation in the attic, weather stripping on exterior doors, rebuilding and air sealing the bulkhead door and the attic hatch, repaired and installed a chimney clean out, re-vented the dryer, and installing a heat pump space heater and a heat pump water heater.

Along with their offering of other free appliances, the NETO presentation will also show you how you can income-qualify for free weatherization with their generous income limits.

NETO Income Eligibility Guidelines:  Number of People in the Household:

1: $55,050    2: $62,900    3: $70,750   4: $78,600   5: $84,900

Below is a link to the NETO application:  An involved application, but you can set up an appointment with an Energy Committee member who can come to your home and help with the application.  Just let us know!

The scope of NETO’s work on the Silva house can be viewed at this link:

Note, this NETO weatherization offering is for all homes: homes with foundations, Trailer Homes and renters.

2:15 pm is the start of the second tour at the Hanson home, 95 S. Craftsbury Rd., Craftsbury.  This is an Efficiency Vt. incentive-qualifying home.  Eff. Vt.’s weatherization incentives are the best they have ever been, $4,000 minimum to $9,500 maximum.

Mark Snyder, Efficiency Vt.-Certified Auditor, will show the benefits of a blower door test (air is pulled out of the home and quantified with a big fan placed in a doorway).  Mark and the owners will also talk about the insulation and air sealing applications and benefits in the house, ventilation and moisture concerns, and the priority of the work done.

3:30 pm is the start of the third tour at Matt Moody and Paula Davidson’s new, energy efficient, 1200 sq. ft., timber frame home and accompanying timber frame tiny home at 251 Mountain Hill Rd., Craftsbury Common.  Matt is a contractor and built the houses himself.  Some of the applications of the two houses are: double wall construction, modified timber frame, ICF (Insulated Concrete Forms), recycled 3” foam board, Zip R6 plywood, Rockwool insulation, Lunos fans for heat recovery ventilation, both homes are off-grid, LP gas heat for the tiny house, heat for the main house has a wood stove using less than 1 cord of firewood per year.

Their full house specifications can be found at this link:

NETO contact info:  Website:    Email:

Mark Snyder can be found at

Matt Moody’s contact is  802-696-2147

Information about SaveEnergyNEK is here:

Quick links to NETO, Eff. Vt. incentives, and weatherization are here:

Follow our events on the Craftsbury Energy Committee Facebook page:

If you have any questions please contact: