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Weaver's Wanderings
August 2008

Dear <<First Name>>,
As we travel through the summer we have a few quick updates to keep you in the loop, and ask for your prayers!  Read on to get all the details.  If you know someone who is not currently getting this newsletter and might be interested please click Forward to forward a link of this newsletter to them.  Thanks!!

In This Issue:
Duvall, WA - Sept. 6th to 14th 2008
What's Next? - Please Pray!

Check Out Our New Website!

Prayer Partners Needed   

Duvall, WA Here We Come!- Sept. 6th to 14th 2008 
2 year reunion trip:
I can barely believe it is only a few weeks away! Thanks to Jeff and Vivian Porter we have a place to stay locally - Thanks Guys! Our calendar of events for the week is rapidly starting to fill out. Below is a list of our commitments. We are still hoping to borrow a vehicle while we are there, so if you are able to loan a vehicle for a week, or even part of our stay, please contact us.  We are so excited to be headed back to Duvall and visting with all of you!

Schedule while in Duvall, WA:
9/05/08: 5pm fly out
9/06/08: 10am arrive
9/07/08: 8am - 12 noon - at Duvall Church, 4pm - ? Potluck at Mike and Liz Boone's house open to anyone who can come
9/08/08: 8am - 12 noon - at Duvall Christian School to do Chapel presentation on Nepal
9/09/08: PM - Possible Homefires potluck 
9/10/08: 11:30 - 2 Tim w/UW crew for lunch
9/11/08: 11:30 - Tim has lunch engagement
9/12/08: 6pm: Sundance potluck at Katherine's house open to all Sundance people as well as other riding friends.
9/14/08: AM - Church PM - fly home

What's Next?
Many of you may recall our last newsletter and our thoughts of going to China.  Well, our meeting with both an in country worker and the district recruiter went extremely well and we feel bathed in prayer.  However, God has brought another very interesting opportunity to us. 

As we continued to discuss with others the possibility of going to China with ELIC we had the opportunity to have lunch with Paul Borthwick (former missions pastor at Grace Chapel) in mid-July. We discussed our life journey and asked for suggestions on what made the most sense for Tim as he continued to pursue making the transition to a full-time ministry position. Paul recommended that Tim contact two missions pastors that had made the transition from marketplace to ministry. In contacting one of the missions pastors in late July and discussing Tim’s background he mentioned that World Team (missions organization – was looking for a U.S. Sending Country Director. He thought that Tim’s background was a good match, and recommended that Tim contact World Team, which is located in Warrington, PA (just north of Philadelphia). 

In an initial conversation in late July with World Team they invited him to be one of 6-8 people to submit an application packet for the position. After submitting all the requested information by August 4th, World Team contacted us in mid-August about the possibility of interviewing with World Team on Friday August 29th before we went to Lancaster for Labor Day weekend. 

Please pray for discernment and wisdom as both sides consider if this is a good match. If you would like to get prayer updates please send us an email back and we will add you to a list to get short prayer updates as things move forward.  China is not totally out of the picture, but we are being open to the opportunities that are brought our way. 

Check Out Our New Website!
We have launched a new website that will hopefully aid us as we try to keep in contact with an ever increasing number of people.  Check it out at  We have a blog there as well that we plan on updating at least weekly!  We love to hear what's going on in your lives as well. Email us any time at either or  

Prayer Partners Needed
We have at different times tried to create an ongoing group of people that would be willing to pray for us on an ongoing basis.  As we look to the future we realize that we really need to make a concerted effort to make that happen.  If you would like to receive more frequent (bi-monthly) short updates with prayer and praise items please click here to be added to our prayer partner list.
Prayer Requests & Praises!

  Praise we had a great trip to W. Massachusetts over the 4th of July!
*  Praise for a place to stay while we are visiting in Washington!
*  Praise that Candy finished her summer class in Linguistics!
*  Pray for guidance as we interview with World Team on Friday August 29th.
*  Pray for the use of a car while we are out in Duvall, WA.
*  Pray for continued guidance for our future direction.


Water Fall near Goshen MA
Water fall near Goshen, MA

New lIfe on a tree stump
New life on a tree stump.

rushing water
Rushing water

The quiet creek
The quiet creek
4th of July Camping Trip

Depth unknown
Depth unknown

Calendar of Events  
*  August 29th - Interview with World Team
Labor Day weekend in Lancaster, PA
Sept. 6th - 14th trip to Duvall, WA
*  September 15th - Candy's fall classes start
*  November 9th - 16th - Global Awareness Week at Grace Chapel
Christmas in Lancaster, PA

Grace Chapel
ELIC - English Language Institute China
Candy's Work
Tim's Work
This email is from Tim & Candy Weaver because you have been involved in our lives at some point, and we want to keep you updated about our lives. To ensure that you continue to receive emails from us, Add to your address book today.

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Our mailing address is:
Tim & Candy Weaver PO Box 550 Duvall, WA 98019 USA

Our telephone:(425)202-5665-T (781)609-7473-C

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