
Dear <<First Name>>,

Join Hessel Museum Public Engagement Manager Casey Robertson on Wednesday, May 22, at 1 p.m. for two student-curated exhibitions, Spillover and Promenade: Flowers and Figuration in the Marieluise Hessel Collection.

A wine and cheese reception will follow the tour.

The event is limited to 50 members. Register for the event on ProClass using the link below:

Link to Proclass
Spillover is a collection of 11 curatorial thesis projects from the graduate students of the Class of 2024. Together, these projects create a sequence of distinct but converging artistic encounters. Rather than coalescing around a common theme, these projects connect through their leaking points: our shared commitment to experimental art forms, ephemeral materials, and affective atmospheres.

Two CCS Bard students, Lucas Ondak and Luke Whittaker, curated Promenade. This exhibition is designed to mimic the symmetrical architecture of large landscaped gardens, like that of Blithewood Manor, which lies just west of the museum. The layout emphasizes the pathways along which one can roam and browse a broad selection of works from the Marieluise Hessel Collection.

Although it is unlikely that there will be room for “plus ones,” you can contact Robert at to place a “plus one” on a waitlist.
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