MAHC Bill Tracker - A Round Up of Housing Bills - Celebrating Approval of $10M for Rural Rental, $10M for LIHTC - Still Working on State Historic Tax Credit
A new round of funding was added in the budget for Rural Rental and LIHTC. Each program will receive $10M to increase the affordable housing supply.
MAHC's historic tax credit bill was left on the Appropriations table. Legislative leaders will work out plans for the path ahead for those bills in the coming weeks.
Housing advocates count legislative wins, but say they're still not enough - Maine Public
Shelter and emergency housing relief included in the budget
Maine Housing's Emergency Housing Relief Fund Program will receive $13.5M to supplement or establish programs addressing the needs of persons experiencing homelessness or facing other immediate housing needs and support other uses that address housing emergencies in the State, such as through winter warming shelters, legal services and other wraparound settlement supports intended to help individuals integrate into the State's workforce and communities. Section HH-2 of the budget was a transfer of $7.5M for low-barrier shelters, but the language in the fiscal note appears that there may have only been $2.5M actually allocated for the program. MAHC will follow up with more details.
Maine Equal Justice Celebrates Approval of $18M for Rent Relief in Budget
Send Your QAP Input by 4/26 - New QAP out for Public Comment
Maine’s 2025-2026 Qualified Allocation Plan draft from Maine Housing has been released. The redlined version is here. Comments must be received by April 26. The DRAFT can also be found on the “Rules” page: