

An update from T.R. and Angie Knight
Serving with SIL International - Language Technology

Global Missional AI Summit Logo

April 2024 - The 3 Ms were the focus for April - Missional, Missions, and Missionary as T.R. attended the Global Missional AI Summit, the Taylor University Missions Fair, and visited with a field Missionary.

The Global Missional AI Summit brings mission workers, bible translators, and tech practitioners together around the topic of AI. You can watch public videos from the conference if you would like to learn more about the topics discussed. T.R. attended this event virtually again this year, but a large number of his team members attended in person and presented at the event. One of the primary topics discussed at the Summit this year was how to keep community a focus when using AI. It can be very tempting and very easy to engage with and solely rely on AI rather than other people. AI can help write, generate image, chat, and more…without the intervention of people if, we allow it. God calls us to community and fellowship, so how do we keep that focus when using AI?

Taylor University Logo

On April 17th, Robert Clementz and T.R. attended the Missions Fair at Taylor University. This one day event was hosted in the Boren Student Center on campus before and after chapel. Students could stop by the SIL Language Technology booth, and other booths, to learn about missions opportunities. T.R. enjoyed talking to lots of students and missionary representatives at other tables. It was also a blessing that three Taylor students who will be participating in SIL internships this summer stopped by the booth to say hello and talk about how excited they are for their internships.

We were joined during the missions fair at our SIL Language Technology booth by a field missionary doing Bible translation. I cannot mention the person or country to protect the work they are doing. Robert and T.R. had a wonderful time talking to him while he was at our booth, and the students enjoyed hearing first-hand experiences of Bible translation in the field. T.R. purchased shakes from Chick-fil-A for the missionary and he so they could have a longer time to chat outside the missions fair.

God at Work

“God's work done in God's way will never lack God's supply.” - Hudson Taylor

Here are some things He has done recently:

  • In 1934, when SIL International was founded, about 10% of all languages had some scripture. And now 90 years later in 2024, 50% of all living languages have some scripture. That is about 3,700 languages. (From

  • Did you know we have videos on Vimeo of the work that we do in Language Technology?

I hope this small glimpse encourages you to see what God is doing through all of us serving at SIL International.

Prayer and Praise

  • Please pray as SIL seeks our next Executive Director.

  • Praise that the Taylor University Mission Fair went very well. Robert and T.R. talked to lots of students and visited with our summer interns.

  • Praise that Dave’s (T.R.’s step-dad) rotator cuff surgery went well. Pray for his recovery and rehabilitation.

  • Please pray as T.R.’s parents (Dave and Connie) continue to downsize, put their home for sale, and seek a new house in or near Upland.

  • Please pray as Angie’s parents, Charles and Betty, continue their treatments for Parkinson’s Disease and Cancer. Angie’s brother, Matt, came down to visit the independent living facility with his parents and things are progressing with that move. We are working as a family to help Charles and Betty downsize.

  • Please continue to pray for an unspoken prayer request that has our hearts troubled.

  • Please let us know how we can be praying for you!

Thank you for your prayers and encouragement.

In Him,
T.R. and Angie Knight

The Knight Garden is starting to wake up

Angie in wheelchair beside our green house

Angie loves spending time in the garden thanks to the sidewalk built by the men of our church and the accessible garden beds and greenhouse that T.R. built.

How can you support the work we are doing with SIL International?

Glad you asked! T.R. is currently in a fully funded position in his role as Director of Bible Translation Software. The finances come from a funding organization devoted to innovation in Bible Translation. Because T.R.’s position is fully funded, we are not currently requesting you to partner with us financially. What we could use the most are your prayers and encouragement. If you would like to financially support the work that SIL does, you can give online or via check. If you give online, you can designate Language Technology or any of our specific projects that interest you. If you give via check, you can include in the note field a designation of Bible Translation Software - KBTD16. Thank you for your prayers and support.